Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 342 2650 12.9

line true false branch
50 1 28 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
53 22 7 if (@_) { }
0 7 elsif (defined $hash) { }
56 1 21 if (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' or UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Math::Matrix')) { }
21 0 elsif (not ref $_[0]) { }
74 0 21 if (@{$files;} == 0) { }
19 2 elsif (@{$files;} == 1) { }
83 0 19 if $result = _readChart($self, $files->[0], $hash)
95 1 1 if ($self->[0]{'folder_handling'} eq 'AVG') { }
1 0 elsif ($self->[0]{'folder_handling'} eq 'APPEND') { }
0 0 elsif ($self->[0]{'folder_handling'} eq 'MERGE') { }
98 0 1 unless _readChartAvg($self, $files, $hash)
104 0 1 unless _readChartAppend($self, $files, $hash)
110 0 0 unless _readChartMerge($self, $files, $hash)
135 0 0 if $result = _makePatchSet($self, $hash)
146 0 29 wantarray ? :
159 1 1 if (@_)
162 1 0 if (@_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
192 1 1 if (@_)
195 1 0 if (@_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') { }
204 1 0 if (@{$array;})
247 0 0 if ($flag and defined $self->[0]{'initial_size'}) { }
250 0 0 wantarray ? :
255 0 0 wantarray ? :
276 0 0 wantarray ? :
301 1 2 grep({not defined $_;} @rows) ? :
324 8930 0 defined $self->[1][0][$_] ? :
330 206 99 if (grep {not defined $_;} @cols)
333 6276 0 defined $self->[1][0][$_] && $self->[1][0][$_] =~ /^(.*?)\|?([^\|\n]*)$/ ? :
341 176 129 grep({not defined $_;} @cols) ? :
356 1 5 if (@_ == 0 or @_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' and @{$_[0];} == 0) { }
384 0 7 if @_ == 0
390 0 7 if @{$cols;} == 0
393 4 3 if (@_ == 0) { }
396 8 8 $self->[1][0][$_] =~ /^(.*)\|/ ? :
399 2 2 if wantarray
402 4 4 unless not defined $cx[0] || defined $_
0 2 unless @cx == grep({$cx[0] eq $_ unless not defined $cx[0] || defined $_;} @cx)
416 8 4 if (defined $context) { }
478 0 255 if ref $string
481 0 0 wantarray ? :
0 255 if not defined $string or $string eq ''
487 0 255 unless @w
490 0 255 if substr($string, -1, 1) eq '|'
496 0 255 unless not ref $class and exists $regex->{$class}
499 120 135 if (@w == 1) { }
135 0 elsif (@w == 2) { }
508 0 135 if ($w[0] eq '') { }
511 0 0 if $self->[1][0][$_] =~ /$regex->{$class}/
516 258 3762 if $self->[1][0][$_] =~ /$regex->{$class}/ and defined $1
528 0 255 wantarray ? :
550 0 66 unless defined $key
562 0 66 if ($del)
575 0 66 if $key eq 'KEYWORD'
578 0 66 if (@values)
584 0 0 unless (/^([\d.-]+|".*")$/)
615 9 57 wantarray ? :
637 0 0 if @ix > 1
640 0 0 if (defined $t) { }
643 0 0 unless ref $t
646 0 0 if (ref $t ne 'Time::Piece')
660 0 0 if (@ix) { }
668 0 0 if (@{$self->[3];}) { }
686 0 0 if (@ix) { }
721 1 4 unless defined $rows
724 2 3 unless defined $cols
744 0 0 defined $rows ? :
747 0 0 if @{$rows;} == 0
750 0 0 defined $cols ? :
753 0 0 if @{$cols;} == 0
774 9 14 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
780 0 11 defined $1 ? :
11 596 $self->[1][0][$_] =~ /^(.*\|)?(?:SAMPLE_ID|SampleID|ID)$/ ? :
783 9 14 if (defined $hash->{'context'}) { }
794 4 10 unless (defined $cols)
797 0 128 $self->[1][0][$_] =~ /^(?:.*\|)?(?:SAMPLE_ID|SampleID|ID)$/ ? :
825 9 14 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
831 9 14 defined $hash->{'context'} ? :
852 31 36 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
858 93 108 defined $hash->{'context'} ? :
879 31 36 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
885 124 144 defined $hash->{'context'} ? :
906 12 21 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
912 72 126 defined $hash->{'context'} ? :
913 48 36 defined $hash->{'context'} ? :
933 21 17 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
942 120 1213 $self->[1][0][$_] =~ /^(?:.*\|)?([2-9A-F]CLR_[1-9A-F]|PC[2-9A-F]_[1-9A-F])$/ ? :
945 66 54 defined $1 ? :
120 1213 $self->[1][0][$_] =~ /^(.*\|)?([2-9A-F]CLR_[1-9A-F]|PC[2-9A-F]_[1-9A-F])$/ ? :
948 21 17 if (defined $context) { }
951 14 7 unless $chan = $fmt2{"$context|"}
962 8 9 if (not defined($chan = $fmt2{'||'})) { }
965 12 253 $self->[1][0][$_] =~ /^(?:.*\|)?([2-9A-F]CLR_[1-9A-F]|PC[2-9A-F]_[1-9A-F])$/ ? :
968 12 253 $self->[1][0][$_] =~ /^(?:.*\|)?([2-9A-F]CLR_[1-9A-F]|PC[2-9A-F]_[1-9A-F])$/ ? :
971 6 2 unless $chan = $fmt2{'||'}
998 0 18 unless CORE::hex $1 == @cols and CORE::hex $2 == @cols
1019 6 0 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
1025 6 0 if (defined($context = $hash->{'context'})) { }
1033 0 0 if (@cols = grep({$self->[1][0][$_] =~ /SPOT_[1-9A-F]$/;} 0 .. $#{$$self[1][0];}))
1039 0 0 defined $1 ? :
1049 0 6 @cols ? :
1069 19 17 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
1078 9 21 $self->[1][0][$cols->[0]] =~ /RGB_R$/ ? :
1081 338 0 defined $_ ? :
78 0 defined $_ ? :
1099 9 8 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
1105 9 8 defined $hash->{'context'} ? :
1126 12 17 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
1132 36 51 defined $hash->{'context'} ? :
1153 9 14 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
1159 27 42 defined $hash->{'context'} ? :
1180 9 8 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
1186 36 32 defined $hash->{'context'} ? :
1207 0 0 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
1213 0 0 defined $hash->{'context'} ? :
1234 18 27 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
1243 37 8 defined $fields ? :
1286 0 0 unless $inc > 0 and abs $#{$fields;} * $inc - $fields->[-1][1] + $fields->[0][1] < 1e-12
1308 0 0 unless $cols = xyz($self, $hash) || lab($self, $hash)
1336 0 0 unless $cols = xyz($self, $hash) || lab($self, $hash)
1339 0 0 unless (defined $self->[2][3][$cols->[0]])
1342 0 0 unless _mediaWP($self, $cols, $hash)
1369 0 0 unless $cols = xyz($self, $hash) || lab($self, $hash)
1372 0 0 unless (defined $self->[2][4][$cols->[0]])
1375 0 0 unless _mediaBP($self, $cols, $hash)
1403 0 0 if (defined $hash->{'sample'}) { }
1409 0 0 if (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($sample) and $sample == int $sample and $sample > 0 and $sample <= $#{$$self[1];}) { }
1427 0 0 if ($dev = device($self, {'context', $hash->{'device'}})) { }
1430 0 0 $self->[1][0][$dev->[0]] =~ /RGB_R$/ ? :
1436 0 0 if (@{$wps;}) { }
1467 0 0 if (defined $hash->{'context'}) { }
1470 0 0 if (ref $hash->{'context'} eq 'ARRAY' and not ref $hash->{'context'}[0] and not ref $hash->{'context'}[1]) { }
1499 0 0 if ($m1 = spectral($self, {'context', $context1}) and $m2 = spectral($self, {'context', $context2})) { }
0 0 elsif ($m1 = xyz($self, {'context', $context1}) and $m2 = xyz($self, {'context', $context2})) { }
0 0 elsif ($m1 = lab($self, {'context', $context1}) and $m2 = lab($self, {'context', $context2})) { }
1505 0 0 if ($nm->[2] == 10 or $nm->[2] == 20) { }
1546 0 0 wantarray ? :
1564 0 0 defined $hash->{'context'} ? :
1567 0 0 unless defined $cols
1573 0 0 defined $cat && UNIVERSAL::isa($cat, 'ICC::Profile::matf') ? :
1591 0 0 defined $hash->{'context'} ? :
1594 0 0 unless defined $cols
1600 0 0 defined $color && UNIVERSAL::isa($color, 'ICC::Support::Color') ? :
1615 0 0 if ($#{$$self[1];} or @{$self->[1][0];}) { }
1650 0 1 unless ref $matrix eq 'ARRAY' and ref $matrix->[0] eq 'ARRAY' or UNIVERSAL::isa($matrix, 'Math::Matrix')
1653 0 1 if (defined $format)
1656 0 0 unless ref $format eq 'ARRAY' and @{$format;} == grep({not ref $_;} @{$format;})
1659 0 0 unless @{$format;} == @{$matrix->[0];}
1667 0 1 if ($#{$$self[1];} or @{$self->[1][0];}) { }
1670 0 0 unless @{$matrix;} == @{$self->[1];}
1714 0 0 if @{$rows;} == 0
1723 0 0 if $self->[1][0][$i] =~ /^(?:.*\|)?(?:SAMPLE_ID|SampleID)$/
1726 0 0 if $self->[1][0][$i] =~ /^(?:.*\|)?SAMPLE_NAME$/
1759 0 16 if grep {exists $fmt{$_};} @keys
1789 0 0 defined $hash->{'added'} ? :
1795 0 0 defined $added ? :
0 0 if not $cf and $cols = _cols($self, map({defined $added ? "$added|$_" : $_;} 'CTV'))
1798 0 0 if ($Lab = _cols($self, map({defined $context ? "$context|$_" : $_;} 'LAB_L', 'LAB_A', 'LAB_B')) || add_lab($self, $hash)) { }
1807 0 0 if (defined $hash->{$key})
1810 0 0 if (YAML::Tiny::Dump($hash->{$key}) ne YAML::Tiny::Dump($color->{$key}))
1822 0 0 if (not defined $added and $self->[1][0][$Lab->[0]] =~ /^(.*)\|/)
1830 0 0 defined $added ? :
1836 0 0 if defined $_ and not ref $_
0 0 if (defined $iwtpt and 3 == grep({$_ > 0 if defined $_ and not ref $_;} @{$iwtpt;})) { }
0 0 elsif (3 == grep({$_ > 0 if defined $_ and not ref $_;} @{$$self[2][2];}[@{$Lab;}])) { }
1842 0 0 if defined $_ and not ref $_
1855 0 0 unless (defined $self->[2][3][$Lab->[0]])
1858 0 0 unless _mediaWP($self, $Lab, $hash)
1869 0 0 $self->[1][0][$dev->[0]] =~ /RGB_R$/ ? :
1881 0 0 defined $hash->{'coef'} ? :
1908 0 0 if (@{$dev;} == grep({$_ == $mwv;} @{$$self[1][$i];}[@{$dev;}])) { }
1958 0 0 defined $hash->{'added'} ? :
1964 0 0 defined $added ? :
0 0 if not $cf and $cols = _cols($self, map({defined $added ? "$added|$_" : $_;} 'LAB_L', 'LAB_A', 'LAB_B'))
1967 0 0 if ($xyz = _cols($self, map({defined $context ? "$context|$_" : $_;} 'XYZ_X', 'XYZ_Y', 'XYZ_Z')) || add_xyz($self, $hash)) { }
1976 0 0 if (defined $hash->{$key})
1979 0 0 if (YAML::Tiny::Dump($hash->{$key}) ne YAML::Tiny::Dump($color->{$key}))
1991 0 0 if (not defined $added and $self->[1][0][$xyz->[0]] =~ /^(.*)\|/)
1999 0 0 defined $added ? :
2005 0 0 if defined $_ and not ref $_
0 0 if (defined $iwtpt and 3 == grep({$_ > 0 if defined $_ and not ref $_;} @{$iwtpt;})) { }
0 0 elsif (3 == grep({$_ > 0 if defined $_ and not ref $_;} @{$$self[2][2];}[@{$xyz;}])) { }
2011 0 0 if defined $_ and not ref $_
2072 0 0 if (defined $hash->{'oba'}) { }
2078 0 0 if (defined $hash->{'context'}) { }
2081 0 0 if (ref $hash->{'context'} eq 'ARRAY' and not ref $hash->{'context'}[0] and not ref $hash->{'context'}[1]) { }
2116 0 0 if (not $spec1 && $spec2 or $#{$spec1;} != $#{$spec2;})
2127 0 0 defined $hash->{'added'} ? :
2135 0 0 defined $hash->{'added'} ? :
2143 0 0 defined $added ? :
0 0 if not $cf and $cols = _cols($self, map({defined $added ? "$added|$_" : $_;} 'XYZ_X', 'XYZ_Y', 'XYZ_Z'))
2146 0 0 if (test($self, 'SPECTRAL', $context)) { }
0 0 elsif (test($self, 'LAB', $context)) { }
2158 0 0 if (defined $hash->{'illuminant'} and ref $hash->{'illuminant'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
2161 0 0 if (defined $hash->{'illuminant'}[0] and $hash->{'illuminant'}[0] eq 'DATA')
2164 0 0 unless defined $self->[0]{'illuminant'} and ref $self->[0]{'illuminant'} eq 'ARRAY'
2170 0 0 unless $specv = $illum->spectral([1])->[0]
2191 0 0 if (not defined $added and $self->[1][0][$spec->[0]] =~ /^(.*)\|/)
2199 0 0 defined $added ? :
2208 0 0 if (defined $hash->{'cat'})
2211 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($hash->{'cat'}, 'ICC::Profile::matf')) { }
0 0 elsif ($hash->{'cat'} eq 'bradford') { }
0 0 elsif ($hash->{'cat'} eq 'cat02') { }
0 0 elsif ($hash->{'cat'} eq 'quasi') { }
2244 0 0 if (defined $cat) { }
2257 0 0 defined $hash->{$_} ? :
2271 0 0 if $oba
2277 0 0 if (defined $cat) { }
2295 0 0 if defined $hash->{'illuminant'}
2298 0 0 defined $context ? :
2301 0 0 if (not defined $added and $self->[1][0][$Lab->[0]] =~ /^(.*)\|/)
2312 0 0 if defined $_ and not ref $_
0 0 3 == grep({$_ > 0 if defined $_ and not ref $_;} @WPlab) ? :
2315 0 0 defined $added ? :
2363 0 0 if (defined $hash->{'oba'}) { }
2369 0 0 if (defined $hash->{'context'}) { }
2372 0 0 if (ref $hash->{'context'} eq 'ARRAY' and not ref $hash->{'context'}[0] and not ref $hash->{'context'}[1]) { }
2407 0 0 if (not $spec1 && $spec2 or $#{$spec1;} != $#{$spec2;})
2418 0 0 defined $hash->{'added'} ? :
2426 0 0 defined $hash->{'added'} ? :
2434 0 0 if ($encode ne 'density' and $encode ne 'linear')
2445 0 0 $encode eq 'density' ? :
2448 0 0 defined $added ? :
0 0 if $cols = cols($self, map({defined $added ? "$added|$fp$_" : "$fp$_";} '_RED', '_GREEN', '_BLUE', '_VIS'))
2451 0 0 if (test($self, 'SPECTRAL', $context)) { }
2469 0 0 if (not defined $added and $self->[1][0][$spec->[0]] =~ /^(.*)\|/)
2477 0 0 defined $added ? :
2486 0 0 defined $temp->{$_} ? :
2492 0 0 if (defined $oba) { }
2568 0 0 unless ref $hash eq 'HASH'
2571 0 0 unless @cs = @_
2574 0 0 defined $hash->{'rows'} ? :
2577 0 0 if (ref $rows eq 'ARRAY' and @{$rows;} == 0) { }
2588 0 0 if &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) and int $_ == $_ and $_ > 0
0 0 unless @{$rows;} == grep({$_ <= $#{$$self[1];} if &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) and int $_ == $_ and $_ > 0;} @{$rows;})
2593 0 0 defined $hash->{'start'} ? :
2596 0 0 if ref $n eq 'ARRAY'
2599 0 0 unless &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($n) and int $n eq $n and $n >= 0
2602 0 0 if ($hash->{'device'})
2608 0 0 if $self->[1][0][$i] =~ /RGB_[RGB]$/
2611 0 0 if $self->[1][0][$i] =~ /CMYK_[CMYK]$/
2614 0 0 if $self->[1][0][$i] =~ /(?:[2-9A-F]CLR_[1-9A-F]|PC[2-9A-F]_[1-9A-F])$/
2624 0 0 if (defined $udfe and defined $udfs) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $udfe) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $udfs) { }
2633 0 0 unless ref $udfe eq 'CODE'
2639 0 0 if (ref $cs[$i] eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (not ref $cs[$i]) { }
2642 0 0 if (not defined $m) { }
2653 0 0 unless $#{$cs[$i];} == $m
2658 0 0 if &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) and int $_ == $_ and $_ >= 0
0 0 unless ref $cs[$i] eq 'ARRAY' or @{$cs[$i];} == grep({$_ <= $#{$$self[1][0];} if &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) and int $_ == $_ and $_ >= 0;} @{$cs[$i];})
2664 0 0 unless &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($cs[$i]) and int $cs[$i] == $cs[$i] and $cs[$i] >= 0 and $cs[$i] <= $#{$$self[1][0];}
2676 0 0 unless defined $m
2688 0 0 ref $cs[$k] eq 'ARRAY' ? :
2694 0 0 if defined $div[$cx]
2709 0 0 unless ref $udfs eq 'CODE'
2715 0 0 if &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) and int $_ == $_ and $_ >= 0
0 0 unless ref $cs[$i] eq 'ARRAY' or @{$cs[$i];} == grep({$_ <= $#{$$self[1][0];} if &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) and int $_ == $_ and $_ >= 0;} @{$cs[$i];})
2720 0 0 unless @cs
2738 0 0 if defined $div[$cx]
2745 0 0 if (not defined $m) { }
2776 0 0 exists $hash->{'added'} ? :
2779 0 0 if (not defined $added) { }
0 0 elsif (not ref $added) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $added eq 'ARRAY' and @{$added;} == @s) { }
2782 0 0 if (defined $udfe or @{$cs[0];} == @s) { }
2798 0 0 if (defined $udfe or @{$cs[0];} == @s) { }
2845 0 0 defined $added ? :
0 0 if $cols = _cols($self, defined $added ? "$added|CREATED" : 'CREATED')
2848 0 0 defined $added ? :
2851 0 0 if (defined($date = $hash->{'date'})) { }
2854 0 0 if (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($date)) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $date ne 'Time::Piece') { }
2874 0 0 defined($fmt = $hash->{'format'}) ? :
2904 1 0 if (defined $offset)
2907 0 1 unless not ref $offset and int $offset == $offset
2912 1 0 if (defined $length)
2915 0 1 unless not ref $length and int $length == $length
2920 1 0 if (defined $matrix)
2923 0 1 unless ref $matrix eq 'ARRAY' and ref $matrix->[0] eq 'ARRAY' or UNIVERSAL::isa($matrix, 'Math::Matrix')
2928 0 1 if (defined $cols) { }
2931 0 0 unless ref $cols eq 'ARRAY'
2934 0 0 unless defined $length and defined $offset and defined $matrix
2948 1 0 if (defined $matrix) { }
2951 0 1 unless defined $length and defined $offset
2962 0 0 if (defined $length) { }
2965 0 0 unless defined $offset
2973 0 0 if (defined $offset) { }
3020 0 0 if (defined $offset)
3023 0 0 unless not ref $offset and int $offset == $offset
3028 0 0 if (defined $length)
3031 0 0 unless not ref $length and int $length == $length
3036 0 0 if (defined $matrix)
3039 0 0 unless ref $matrix eq 'ARRAY' and ref $matrix->[0] eq 'ARRAY' or UNIVERSAL::isa($matrix, 'Math::Matrix')
3044 0 0 if (defined $rows) { }
3047 0 0 unless ref $rows eq 'ARRAY'
3050 0 0 unless defined $length and defined $offset and defined $matrix
3065 0 0 if (defined $s[$i]) { }
3083 0 0 if defined $self->[2][$i][$offset]
3090 0 0 if (defined $matrix) { }
3093 0 0 unless defined $length and defined $offset
3102 0 0 if (defined $matrix->[$i]) { }
3120 0 0 if defined $self->[2][$i][$offset]
3127 0 0 if (defined $length) { }
3130 0 0 unless defined $offset
3144 0 0 if defined $self->[2][$i][$offset]
3151 0 0 if (defined $offset) { }
3165 0 0 if defined $self->[2][$i][$offset]
3189 0 0 if 0 == test($self, 'ID')
3208 0 0 unless defined $rows
3214 0 0 unless (defined $f->[0])
3231 0 0 unless $_ != int $_ or $_ < 1
0 0 if grep {$_ > $up unless $_ != int $_ or $_ < 1;} @{$f;}
3240 0 0 if (grep {$i == $_;} @{$f;}) { }
3255 0 0 if (@r) { }
3290 0 0 unless defined $cols
3296 0 0 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) ? :
3299 0 0 unless (defined $f->[0])
3322 0 0 unless $_ != int $_ or $_ < 0
0 0 if grep {$_ > $up unless $_ != int $_ or $_ < 0;} @{$f;}
3328 0 0 if (grep {$i == $_;} @{$f;}) { }
3343 0 0 if (@r) { }
3371 0 0 if 0 == test($self, 'ID')
3405 0 0 defined $hash->{'context'} ? :
3408 0 0 unless $n = test($self, $ctx . 'DEVICE')
3411 0 0 test($self, $ctx . 'RGB') ? :
3430 0 0 if (defined($map = $hash->{'ink_map'})) { }
3433 0 0 unless $n == @{$map;}
3436 0 0 if $map->[$_] =~ /^(\d+)$/
3452 0 0 if (@nr = grep({$sel->[$_] eq 'nr';} 0 .. $#{$sel;}))
3458 0 0 if @nr > 1
3472 0 0 ref $$sel[$i + 1] eq 'ARRAY' ? :
3475 0 0 if ($token eq 'all') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'sort') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'rows') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'cols') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'rect') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'nr') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'iso') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'g7') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'it8') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'cmy') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'c+m+y') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'tac') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'gray') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'rt') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'c') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'm') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'y') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'k') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'cmyk') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'ramps') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'inks') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'binary') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'solid') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'sub') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'acro') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'gamut') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'plus') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'minus') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'max') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'nok') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'nosub') { }
0 0 elsif ($token eq 'nobin') { }
3484 0 0 if (@p) { }
3500 0 0 if (@p) { }
3503 0 0 if (defined $row_length) { }
3531 0 0 if (@p) { }
3534 0 0 if (defined $row_length) { }
3562 0 0 if (@p == 4) { }
3565 0 0 if (defined $row_length) { }
3591 0 0 if (@p) { }
3607 0 0 if (3 == grep({defined $m[$_];} 0..2)) { }
3613 0 0 if $cmy[0] == $cmy[1] and $cmy[1] == $cmy[2] and $cmy[0] <= $lim
3626 0 0 if (3 == grep({defined $m[$_];} 0..2)) { }
3632 0 0 if $cmy[0] <= $lim and abs $cmy[1] - $my <= 0.002 and $cmy[2] == $cmy[1]
3645 0 0 if (3 == grep({defined $m[$_];} 0..2)) { }
3654 0 0 if $cmy[0] <= $lim and exists $it8{$c} and abs $it8{$c} / 100 - $cmy[1] < 0.002 and $cmy[1] == $cmy[2]
3667 0 0 if (3 == grep({defined $m[$_];} 0..2)) { }
3673 0 0 if 1 >= grep({$_;} @cmy) and !$lim || 1 == grep({$_ >= $lim;} @cmy)
3686 0 0 if (3 == grep({defined $m[$_];} 0..2)) { }
3689 0 0 if (@p) { }
3712 0 0 if (@p) { }
3728 0 0 if (3 == grep({defined $m[$_];} 0..2)) { }
3731 0 0 if (defined($A2B = $hash->{'A2B'})) { }
3737 0 0 if defined $map
3740 0 0 if (@p == 1) { }
0 0 elsif (@p) { }
3743 0 0 if sqrt $Lab[1] ** 2 + $Lab[2] ** 2 <= $p[0]
3749 0 0 if sqrt $Lab[1] ** 2 + $Lab[2] ** 2 <= $p[0] and $Lab[0] >= $p[1]
3776 0 0 if (4 == grep({defined $m[$_];} 0..3)) { }
3779 0 0 if (defined($A2B = $hash->{'A2B'}) and defined($B2A = $hash->{'B2A'})) { }
3782 0 0 if defined $map
3785 0 0 if (@p) { }
3815 0 0 if (defined $m[0]) { }
3831 0 0 if (defined $m[1]) { }
3847 0 0 if (defined $m[2]) { }
3863 0 0 if (defined $m[3]) { }
3879 0 0 if (4 == grep({defined $m[$_];} 0..3)) { }
3882 0 0 if 1 >= grep({$_;} @_[@m[0..3]])
3895 0 0 if (@p) { }
3901 0 0 if ($p[$i] == int $p[$i] and $p[$i] > 0 and $p[$i] <= $n) { }
3926 0 0 if (@p) { }
3929 0 0 if $_ == int $_ and $_ > 0
0 0 if (@p == grep({$_ <= $n if $_ == int $_ and $_ > 0;} @p)) { }
3955 0 0 unless abs $_ < 1e-09
3961 0 0 if 1 == grep({$_ == 1;} @_)
3973 0 0 if (4 == grep({defined $m[$_];} 0..3)) { }
3976 0 0 if 1 <= grep({$_ == 0;} @_[@m[0..2]])
3989 0 0 if (4 == grep({defined $m[$_];} 0..3)) { }
3992 0 0 if $_[$m[3]] == 0
3995 0 0 if $_[$m[3]] == 1
3998 0 0 if $_[$m[3]] > 0 and $_[$m[3]] < 1 and 0 < grep({$_ == 0;} @cmy)
4011 0 0 if (@p) { }
4014 0 0 if $_ == int $_ and $_ >= 1
4017 0 0 if @sn != @p
4033 0 0 if (@p) { }
4036 0 0 if $_ == int $_ and $_ >= 1 and $_ <= $sz
4039 0 0 if @sn != @p
4052 0 0 if (@p) { }
4055 0 0 if &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) and $_ >= 0
4058 0 0 if (@max != @p) { }
0 0 elsif (@max != $n) { }
4109 0 0 if $_ >= 1 and $_ <= $sz
4115 0 0 if @samples and $fnk and defined $m[3]
4118 0 0 if @samples and $fns
4121 0 0 if abs $_ >= 1e-09
0 0 if @samples and $fnb
4124 0 0 if @samples and @max
4127 0 0 if @samples and $sort
4154 0 0 if (@_ == 0 or @_ == 4) { }
0 0 elsif (@_ == 1 or @_ == 5) { }
4166 0 0 unless &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($row_length) and $row_length == int $row_length and $row_length > 0
4176 0 0 if (@_) { }
4182 0 0 unless not ref $upper and $upper == int $upper and $upper > 0 and $upper <= $row_length
4183 0 0 unless not ref $lower and $lower == int $lower and $lower > 0 and $lower <= $row_length
4186 0 0 $sn % $row_length ? :
4189 0 0 unless not ref $left and $left == int $left and $left > 0 and $left <= $cmax
4190 0 0 unless not ref $right and $right == int $right and $right > 0 and $right <= $cmax
4193 0 0 if ($upper < $lower) { }
4206 0 0 if ($left < $right) { }
4225 0 0 if ($sn % $row_length == 0) { }
4279 0 0 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($template, 'ICC::Support::Chart')
4285 0 0 defined $hash->{'dups'} ? :
4288 0 0 if (defined $hash->{'copy'})
4299 0 0 unless not ref $row_length and $row_length == int $row_length and $row_length > 0
4300 0 0 unless $dups == int $dups and $dups >= 0 and $dups <= 4
4309 0 0 unless defined $devcs
4310 0 0 unless defined $devct
4311 0 0 unless $#{$devcs;} == $#{$devct;}
4323 0 0 if $dups == 0
4335 0 0 if ($n == grep({defined $_;} @{$$devs[$i];}))
4351 0 0 if $cmp = $ICC::Support::Chart::a->[$i] <=> $ICC::Support::Chart::b->[$i]
4381 0 0 if (@m == 0)
4387 0 0 if (abs $target - $src[$m[0][0]][$j] > 0.00201)
4419 0 0 if ($nomatch)
4431 0 0 if ($low == $high) { }
4440 0 0 if ($dups == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($dups == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($dups == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($dups == 3) { }
0 0 elsif ($dups == 4) { }
4455 0 0 if $devp->[0][$k] != $devt->[$i][$k]
4460 0 0 if $avg
4465 0 0 if ($avg) { }
4487 0 0 if ($src[$j][-1] > 0)
4503 0 0 unless (defined $$matrix[$i / $row_length][$i % $row_length])
4521 0 0 if ($src[$j][-1] > 0)
4537 0 0 unless (defined $$matrix[$i / $row_length][$i % $row_length])
4570 0 0 if (defined $copys)
4579 0 0 if ($nomatch)
4591 0 0 if (wantarray and $sidt = id($template, [], {'context', $hash->{'sid_context'}})) { }
4626 0 0 unless ref $code eq 'CODE'
4629 0 0 if (not defined $rows or ref $rows eq 'ARRAY' and @{$rows;} == 0) { }
4642 0 0 if (not defined $cols or ref $cols eq 'ARRAY' and @{$cols;} == 0) { }
4672 0 0 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
4678 0 0 unless ref $code eq 'CODE'
4681 0 0 if (not defined $rows or ref $rows eq 'ARRAY' and @{$rows;} == 0) { }
4694 0 0 unless defined($cols = device($self, $hash))
4697 0 0 $self->[1][0][$cols->[0]] =~ /RGB_R$/ ? :
4700 0 0 if ($mult == 255 and $hash->{'invert_rgb'}) { }
4727 0 0 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
4733 0 0 unless ref $code eq 'CODE'
4736 0 0 if (not defined $rows or ref $rows eq 'ARRAY' and @{$rows;} == 0) { }
4749 0 0 unless defined($cols = lab($self, $hash))
4765 0 0 if (not defined $rows or ref $rows eq 'ARRAY' and @{$rows;} == 0) { }
4776 0 0 if not ref $_ and $_ == int $_
0 0 unless @{$rows;} == grep({$_ >= 0 if not ref $_ and $_ == int $_;} @{$rows;})
4799 0 0 if (not defined $rows or ref $rows eq 'ARRAY' and @{$rows;} == 0) { }
4810 0 0 if not ref $_ and $_ == int $_
0 0 unless @{$rows;} == grep({$_ >= 0 if not ref $_ and $_ == int $_;} @{$rows;})
4815 0 0 unless ($dev = device($self, $rows))
4829 0 0 unless defined $sort
4832 0 0 if $_ and $_ == int $_
0 0 if (ICC::Shared::is_num_vector($sort) and @{$sort;} == grep({abs $_ <= $n if $_ and $_ == int $_;} @{$sort;})) { }
4843 0 0 $dir ? :
4864 0 0 wantarray ? :
4891 0 0 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
4894 0 0 unless $dev = device($self, $hash)
4897 0 0 if ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY'
4900 0 0 $rows ? :
4903 0 0 if @{$rows;} == 0
4906 0 0 defined $hash->{'dups'} ? :
4909 0 0 defined $hash->{'ramp'} ? :
4918 0 0 if $self->[1][0][$i] =~ /^(?:.*\|)?(?:SAMPLE_ID|SampleID)$/
4921 0 0 if $self->[1][0][$i] =~ /^(?:.*\|)?SAMPLE_NAME$/
4926 0 0 $self->[1][0][$dev->[0]] =~ /^(?:.*\|)?RGB_[RGB]$/ ? :
4935 0 0 $_ == 0 ? :
4941 0 0 if (exists $dev_hash{$key}) { }
4956 0 0 unless ($dup)
4962 0 0 if (@{$dev_hash{$key};} > 1)
4965 0 0 if (@{$c1;} or @{$c2;} or @{$c3;}) { }
5002 0 0 if @{$value;} == 1
5008 0 0 if (exists $struct->[$i][0]{$d[$i]}) { }
5024 0 0 unless $_ == $i
0 0 if (@d == grep({$d[$_] == $ramp unless $_ == $i;} 0 .. $#d))
5042 0 0 !ref($a) ? :
0 0 !ref($b) ? :
5065 0 0 if ($dev = device($self))
5071 0 0 unless defined $rows
5083 0 0 if ($val =~ /^99\.9/) { }
5122 0 0 unless test($self, 'DEVICE')
5183 0 0 /^99.9/ ? :
5191 0 0 if ($dev->[1][0][0] =~ /RGB_R$/) { }
5220 0 0 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
5226 0 0 if (defined $rows) { }
5229 0 0 if (ref $rows eq 'ARRAY' and @{$rows;} == 0) { }
5237 0 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($rows, 'Math::Matrix')
5255 0 0 if $_ == int $_ and $_ != 0
0 0 unless @{$rows;} == grep({defined $self->[1][$_] if $_ == int $_ and $_ != 0;} @{$rows;})
5258 0 0 if (defined $cols) { }
5261 0 0 if (ref $cols eq 'ARRAY' and @{$cols;} == 0) { }
5281 0 0 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) ? :
5287 0 0 if $_ == int $_
5290 0 0 unless $n == @{$cols;}
5293 0 0 if (defined($sid = $hash->{'sid'}))
5296 0 0 if (ref $sid eq 'ARRAY' or UNIVERSAL::isa($sid, 'Math::Matrix')) { }
0 0 elsif ($sid eq 'row') { }
5302 0 0 unless $m == @{$sid;}
5322 0 0 unless open $fh, '>', $path
5331 0 0 if defined $hash->{'standard'}
5334 0 0 if defined $row_length
5341 0 0 if defined $_
5353 0 0 if (defined $keyword and length $keyword) { }
5359 0 0 if $keyword =~ /NUMBER_OF_FIELDS|NUMBER_OF_SETS/
5360 0 0 if $keyword =~ /LGOROWLENGTH/ and defined $row_length
5361 0 0 if $keyword eq 'KEYWORD' and not exists $keys{$value}
5364 0 0 if (not defined $source or $cspec{$source})
5367 0 0 if (defined $value and length $value) { }
5405 0 0 unless (/$std_key/)
5415 0 0 if (defined $sid)
5418 0 0 if (@s = grep({uc $fields[$_] eq 'SAMPLE_ID';} 0 .. $#fields)) { }
5439 0 0 if @fields
5460 0 0 length $_ ? :
0 0 defined $_ ? :
5466 0 0 if (defined $sid)
5469 0 0 if (defined $sidx) { }
5491 0 0 if (defined($append = $hash->{'append'}))
5520 0 0 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
5526 0 0 if (defined $rows) { }
5529 0 0 if (ref $rows eq 'ARRAY' and @{$rows;} == 0) { }
5537 0 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($rows, 'Math::Matrix')
5555 0 0 if $_ == int $_ and $_ != 0
5558 0 0 unless $n == @{$rows;}
5561 0 0 unless eval { do { $dom = 'XML::LibXML'->load_xml('location', ICC::Shared::getICCPath('Templates/CxF3_template.xml')) } }
5632 0 0 defined $xpath ? :
5635 0 0 if (exists $lookup{$xpath}) { }
5647 0 0 if $_ ne "${ns}:Tag"
5657 0 0 ref $ops->[$i][$k][5]{$_} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
5665 0 0 unless @data == grep({defined $_;} @data)
5668 0 0 if (@{$ops->[$i][$k][3];}) { }
0 0 elsif (@data == 1) { }
0 0 elsif (@data > 1) { }
5676 0 0 $ops->[$i][$k][0] eq 'RGB' ? :
5682 0 0 if ($ops->[$i][$k][0] eq 'NCLR')
5711 0 0 if ($ops->[$i][$k][0] eq 'DENSITY') { }
5727 0 0 if exists $lookup{"${ns}:TagCollection"}
5730 0 0 if ($node->isSameNode($obj)) { }
5750 0 0 if defined $hash->{'validate'} and $hash->{'validate'}
5771 0 0 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
5777 0 0 if (defined $rows) { }
5780 0 0 if (ref $rows eq 'ARRAY' and @{$rows;} == 0) { }
5788 0 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($rows, 'Math::Matrix')
5806 0 0 if $_ == int $_ and $_ != 0
5809 0 0 unless $n == @{$rows;}
5812 0 0 if (defined $cols) { }
5815 0 0 if (ref $cols eq 'ARRAY' and @{$cols;} == 0) { }
5835 0 0 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) ? :
5841 0 0 if $_ == int $_
5844 0 0 unless $n == @{$cols;}
5850 0 0 unless open $fh, '>', $path
5868 0 0 if ($hdr)
5871 0 0 defined $_ ? :
0 0 if (@fields = map({defined $_ ? $_ : $undef;} @{$$self[1][0];}[@{$cols;}]))
5874 0 0 if ($hdr == 2)
5890 0 0 defined $_ ? :
5922 0 0 if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
5928 0 0 if (defined $rows) { }
5931 0 0 if (ref $rows eq 'ARRAY' and @{$rows;} == 0) { }
5939 0 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($rows, 'Math::Matrix')
5957 0 0 if $_ == int $_ and $_ != 0
5960 0 0 unless $n == @{$rows;}
5963 0 0 unless defined $trows
5966 0 0 $trows > $n ? :
5969 0 0 unless $trows == int $trows and $trows > 0
5972 0 0 $n % $trows ? :
5975 0 0 if (defined $cols) { }
5978 0 0 if (ref $cols eq 'ARRAY' and @{$cols;} == 0) { }
5998 0 0 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) ? :
6004 0 0 if $_ == int $_
6007 0 0 unless $n == @{$cols;}
6013 0 0 if (/^((?:.*\|)?(RGB|CMYK|[4-9A-F]CLR|LAB)_)/)
6027 0 0 unless defined $cs
6030 0 0 defined $hash->{'bits'} ? :
6031 0 0 unless $bits == 8 or $bits == 16 or $bits == 32
6037 0 0 if (defined $hash->{'endian'})
6040 0 0 if ($hash->{'endian'} eq 'little') { }
0 0 elsif ($hash->{'endian'} eq 'big') { }
6061 0 0 if ($le) { }
6078 0 0 defined $self->[1][0][$_] ? :
6081 0 0 if ($cs eq 'RGB') { }
0 0 elsif ($cs eq 'CMYK' and $bits != 32) { }
0 0 elsif ($cs =~ /^([4-9A-F])CLR$/ and $bits != 32) { }
0 0 elsif ($cs eq 'LAB' and $bits != 32) { }
6087 0 0 defined $fields{"$base$_"} ? :
6093 0 0 $bits == 16 ? :
0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
6096 0 0 $bits == 16 ? :
0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
6108 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
6111 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
6123 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
6126 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
6138 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
6141 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
6142 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
6152 0 0 unless @{$rcols;} == grep({defined $_;} @{$rcols;})
6158 0 0 defined $hash->{'width'} ? :
6159 0 0 unless $width == int $width and $width > 0
6162 0 0 defined $hash->{'height'} ? :
6163 0 0 unless $height == int $height and $height > 0
6166 0 0 defined $hash->{'gap'} ? :
6167 0 0 unless $gap == int $gap and $gap >= 0
6170 0 0 defined $hash->{'left'} ? :
6171 0 0 unless $left =~ /^([0-9]+)(?:\.([0-9]+))?$/ and !defined($2) || $1 >= $2
6172 0 0 defined $2 ? :
6175 0 0 defined $hash->{'right'} ? :
6176 0 0 unless $right =~ /^([0-9]+)(?:\.([0-9]+))?$/ and !defined($2) || $1 >= $2
6177 0 0 defined $2 ? :
6180 0 0 defined $hash->{'xres'} ? :
6181 0 0 unless $xres > 0 and $xres <= 40000
6184 0 0 defined $hash->{'yres'} ? :
6185 0 0 unless $yres > 0 and $yres <= 40000
6188 0 0 defined $hash->{'unit'} ? :
6189 0 0 unless $unit == 1 or $unit == 2 or $unit == 3
6213 0 0 if $bits == 32
6219 0 0 unless open $fh, '>', $path
6225 0 0 $le ? :
6228 0 0 $bits == 16 ? :
0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
6229 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
6230 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
6239 0 0 if (defined $$rows[$trows * $j + $i]) { }
6242 0 0 if ($pi == 8) { }
0 0 elsif ($pi == 5 and @{$rcols;} > 4) { }
6250 0 0 $data->[$j][0] > $max ? :
0 0 $data->[$j][0] < 0 ? :
6251 0 0 $data->[$j][1] > $maxab ? :
0 0 $data->[$j][1] < $minab ? :
6252 0 0 $data->[$j][2] > $maxab ? :
0 0 $data->[$j][2] < $minab ? :
6267 0 0 $_ > $max ? :
0 0 $_ < 0 ? :
6276 0 0 $_ > $max ? :
0 0 $_ < 0 ? :
0 0 if $bits != 32
6284 0 0 if ($pi == 8) { }
0 0 elsif ($pi == 5) { }
6287 0 0 if ($i == $trows - 1 and $j == $tcols - 1) { }
6303 0 0 if ($i == $trows - 1 and $j == $tcols - 1) { }
6319 0 0 if ($i == $trows - 1 and $j == $tcols - 1) { }
6365 0 0 unless defined $rows and defined $cols
6368 0 0 if (ref $rows eq 'ARRAY' and @{$rows;} == 0) { }
6384 0 0 if $_ == int $_ and $_ != 0
6387 0 0 unless $n == @{$rows;}
6390 0 0 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) ? :
6396 0 0 if (4 == @fmt and 4 == grep({/^(?:.*\|)?CMYK_[CMYK]$/;} @fmt)) { }
0 0 elsif (3 == @fmt and 3 == grep({/^(?:.*\|)?RGB_[RGB]$/;} @fmt)) { }
0 0 elsif (3 == @fmt and 3 == grep({/^(?:.*\|)?LAB_[LAB]$/;} @fmt)) { }
6421 0 0 unless defined $type
6424 0 0 unless $type == int $type and $type >= 0 and $type <= 2
6436 0 0 unless open $fh, '>', $path
6448 0 0 if ($cs eq 'CMYK') { }
0 0 elsif ($cs eq 'RGB ') { }
0 0 elsif ($cs eq 'LAB ') { }
6454 0 0 if (defined $sn) { }
6487 0 0 if $le
6504 0 0 if (defined $sn) { }
6537 0 0 if $le
6554 0 0 if (defined $sn) { }
6590 0 0 if $le
6622 0 0 ref $p eq 'ARRAY' ? :
0 0 defined $p ? :
6625 0 0 defined $p->[0] && !ref($p->[0]) ? :
6650 0 0 defined $self->[1][0][$_] ? :
6656 0 0 grep({not defined $_;} @cols) ? :
6674 972 468 defined $1 ? :
1440 239 $self->[1][0][$_] =~ /^(.*\|)?(?:nm|SPECTRAL_NM_|SPECTRAL_NM|SPECTRAL_|NM_|R_)(\d{3})$/ ? :
6677 18 27 if (defined $context) { }
6680 432 108 /^$context\|(\d{3})$/ ? :
6685 468 432 /^(\d{3})$/ ? :
6688 14 13 if (@fields == 0)
6691 432 71 $self->[1][0][$_] =~ /^(?:.*\|)?(?:nm|SPECTRAL_NM_|SPECTRAL_NM|SPECTRAL_|NM_|R_)(\d{3})$/ ? :
6701 8 37 if @fields == 0
6726 0 19 if (@s)
6732 0 0 if (&List::Util::sum(@{$$self[1][$i];}[@s]) / @s > 2)
6744 0 0 if ($pct)
6767 13 6 if (@s)
6773 13 0 if (&List::Util::sum(@{$$self[1][$i];}[@s]) / @s > 2)
6785 0 13 if (not $cie)
6830 0 0 if ($source->[$k][$channel] >= $target) { }
6855 0 0 if ($source->[$k][$channel] > $target) { }
6902 0 0 if $i > 0
6907 0 0 if ($d1 < $d0)
6918 0 0 if ($d0 == $d1 and $d2 == 0)
7037 0 0 if (defined $sid) { }
7058 0 0 if (defined $sn) { }
7093 3 9 if $self->[1][0][$i] =~ /^(?:.*\|)?(?:XYZ_[XYZ]|(?:nm|SPECTRAL_NM_|SPECTRAL_NM|SPECTRAL_|NM_|R_)\d{3})$/
7096 3 9 if $self->[1][0][$i] =~ /^(?:.*\|)?LAB_[LAB]$/
7099 0 12 if $self->[1][0][$i] =~ /^(?:.*\|)?D_(?:RED|GREEN|BLUE|VIS)$/
7104 1 0 if (not defined $hash->{'method'} or $hash->{'method'} eq 'LINEAR') { }
0 0 elsif (defined $hash->{'method'} and $hash->{'method'} eq 'SIMPLE') { }
7107 0 1 unless @c2 % 3 == 0
7116 0 1 unless join('', map({substr $_, -1, 1;} @{$$self[1][0];}[@cs])) eq 'ABL'
7159 0 0 if (defined $hash->{'illuminant'} and ref $hash->{'illuminant'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
7228 186 217 unless defined $cols
7231 2 215 if (ref $cols eq 'ARRAY' and @{$cols;} == 0) { }
7242 2017 0 if not ref $_ and $_ == int $_
0 215 unless @{$cols;} == grep({$_ >= 0 if not ref $_ and $_ == int $_;} @{$cols;})
7247 121 96 unless defined $rows
7250 35 61 if (ref $rows eq 'ARRAY' and @{$rows;} == 0) { }
7261 201 0 if not ref $_ and $_ == int $_
0 61 unless @{$rows;} == grep({$_ >= 0 if not ref $_ and $_ == int $_;} @{$rows;})
7266 71 25 if (not defined $data) { }
7269 21 50 defined $get && ref $get eq 'CODE' ? :
7286 0 25 unless ref $data eq 'ARRAY' || UNIVERSAL::isa($data, 'Math::Matrix') and ref $data->[0] eq 'ARRAY'
7289 0 25 unless $#{$data;} == $#{$rows;} and $#{$$data[0];} == $#{$cols;}
7292 9 16 defined $set && ref $set eq 'CODE' ? :
7370 0 0 if $hash->{'except'} and defined($rows = $$exc{signature($self)})
7373 0 0 if (defined($rows = $hash->{'rows'}))
7376 0 0 if (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($rows) and $rows > 0 and $rows == int $rows) { }
7391 0 0 if (defined($rows = keyword($self, 'LGOROWLENGTH')))
7394 0 0 if (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($rows) and $rows > 0 and $rows == int $rows) { }
7409 0 0 if (defined($rows = keyword($self, 'NUMBER_OF_STRIPS')))
7412 0 0 if (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($rows) and $rows > 0 and $rows == int $rows) { }
7427 0 0 if (defined($rows = $self->[0]{'xrp:CustomAttributes'}{'NumberPatchRows'}))
7433 0 0 if (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($rows) and $rows > 0 and $rows == int $rows) { }
7448 0 0 if $hash->{'undef'}
7454 0 0 if $n == 0
7457 0 0 if $n < 3
7463 0 0 if $n == $square ** 2
7472 0 0 $rows > $square / 2 ? :
7498 0 0 !($map->[$i] =~ /^\d+$/) && grep({$_ == $i;} @ms) ? :
7504 0 0 !/^\d+$/ ? :
0 0 if @ms
7510 0 0 wantarray ? :
7524 0 0 unless defined $size
7548 0 0 if defined $_ and not ref $_
0 0 if (3 == grep({$_ > 0 if defined $_ and not ref $_;} @{$$self[2][2];}[@{$cols;}])) { }
7576 0 0 if (3 == grep({$self->[1][0][$_] =~ /LAB_[LAB]$/;} @{$cols;})) { }
0 0 elsif (3 != grep({$self->[1][0][$_] =~ /XYZ_[XYZ]$/;} @{$cols;})) { }
7579 0 0 defined $self->[2][2][$cols->[0]] ? :
7593 0 0 unless ($dev = device($self, {'context', $hash->{'device'}}))
7604 0 0 $self->[1][0][$dev->[0]] =~ /RGB_R$/ ? :
7610 0 0 if (@{$dev;} == grep({$_ == $mwv;} @{$$self[1][$i];}[@{$dev;}]))
7613 0 0 if ($WPxyz) { }
7641 0 0 if ($n) { }
7672 0 0 if (3 == grep({$self->[1][0][$_] =~ /LAB_[LAB]$/;} @{$cols;})) { }
0 0 elsif (3 != grep({$self->[1][0][$_] =~ /XYZ_[XYZ]$/;} @{$cols;})) { }
7675 0 0 defined $self->[2][2][$cols->[0]] ? :
7689 0 0 unless ($dev = device($self, {'context', $hash->{'device'}}))
7700 0 0 $self->[1][0][$dev->[0]] =~ /RGB_R$/ ? :
7706 0 0 if (@{$dev;} == grep({$_ == $mbv;} @{$$self[1][$i];}[@{$dev;}]))
7712 0 0 if ($WPxyz) { }
7737 0 0 if ($n) { }
7763 16 8 if (my(@id) = grep({$self->[1][0][$_] =~ /^(?:.*\|)?(?:SAMPLE_ID|SampleID)$/;} 0 .. $#{$$self[1][0];})) { }
7766 169 0 defined $self->[1][$_][$id[0]] ? :
7789 9 13 if (@cols = grep({$self->[1][0][$_] =~ /^(?:(.*)\|)?(?:LAB_[LAB]|XYZ_[XYZ]|STDEV_[LABXYZ]|MEAN_DE|STDEV_DE|CHI_SQD_PAR)$/;} 0 .. $#{$$self[1][0];}))
7795 0 9 if (defined $self->[0]{'CxF3_dom'} and 0) { }
7 2 elsif (@values = keyword($self, 'WEIGHTING_FUNCTION')) { }
7806 0 7 if $str =~ /ILLUMINANT\s*,\s*(\w+)"/
7809 0 7 if $str =~ /OBSERVER\s*,\s*(\d+).*"/
7814 0 9 if ($hash->{'illuminant'} ne 'D50' or $hash->{'observer'} ne '2') { }
7820 0 0 if (ref $hash->{'illuminant'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
7846 16 32 if ($self->[1][0][$i] =~ /[LX]$/) { }
16 16 elsif ($self->[1][0][$i] =~ /[AY]$/) { }
16 0 elsif ($self->[1][0][$i] =~ /[BZ]$/) { }
7889 1 0 if (defined $hash)
7895 0 0 if (/^STDEV_XYZ$/) { }
0 0 elsif (/^(MEAN_DE|STDEV_LAB|CHI_SQD_PAR)$/) { }
7898 0 0 if (not ref $hash->{$_}) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $hash->{$_} eq 'ARRAY') { }
7917 0 0 if (not ref $hash->{$_}) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $hash->{$_} eq 'ARRAY') { }
7942 1 3 if ($n == 0) { }
7945 1 0 if (not $result = _readChart($self, $file, $hash)) { }
7951 12 0 defined $_ ? :
7960 0 0 defined $ctx && length $ctx ? :
7977 0 0 defined $ctx && length $ctx ? :
7988 0 1 if $fstat
7994 1 0 if (@{$c2;} or @{$c3;})
8035 3 0 if (not $result = _readChart($temp, $file, $hash)) { }
8038 36 0 defined $_ ? :
3 0 if ($#{$$self[1];} == $#{$$temp[1];} and $keys eq join(':', map({defined $_ ? $_ : '-';} @{$$temp[1][0];}))) { }
8047 0 0 defined $ctx && length $ctx ? :
8064 0 0 defined $ctx && length $ctx ? :
8075 0 3 if $fstat
8133 1 0 if ($n)
8136 0 0 if (@{$c1;} or @{$c2;} or @{$c3;})
8170 0 1 if $fstat
8201 0 0 if (not ref $hash->{$_}) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $hash->{$_} eq 'ARRAY') { }
8214 0 0 if (/^STDEV_XYZ$/) { }
0 0 elsif (/^(STDEV_LAB|CHI_SQD_PAR)$/) { }
0 0 elsif (/^MEAN_DE$/) { }
8220 0 0 defined $context && length $context ? :
8223 0 0 unless (test($self, 'STDEVXYZ', $context))
8226 0 0 defined $context ? :
8229 0 0 defined $context ? :
8256 0 0 defined $context && length $context ? :
8259 0 0 unless (test($self, 'STDEVLAB', $context))
8262 0 0 defined $context ? :
8265 0 0 defined $context ? :
8284 0 0 if ($1 eq 'CHI_SQD_PAR')
8287 0 0 defined $context ? :
8290 0 0 defined $context ? :
8314 0 0 defined $context && length $context ? :
8317 0 0 unless (test($self, 'MEAN_DE', $context))
8320 0 0 defined $context ? :
8323 0 0 defined $context ? :
8363 0 0 if ($n) { }
8409 0 0 if ($n) { }
8464 1 3 if ($n == 0) { }
8467 1 0 if (not $result = _readChart($self, $file, $hash)) { }
8473 12 0 defined $_ ? :
8491 3 0 if (not $result = _readChart($temp, $file, $hash)) { }
8494 36 0 defined $_ ? :
3 0 if ($keys eq join(':', map({defined $_ ? $_ : '-';} @{$$temp[1][0];}))) { }
8521 1 0 if $n
8552 0 0 if ($n == 0) { }
8555 0 0 if (not $result = _readChart($self, $file, $hash)) { }
8561 0 0 if defined $_
0 0 defined $_ ? :
8567 0 0 if defined $self->[1][0][$_]
8570 0 0 unless ($self->[1][0][$cols[0]] =~ /^M[0-3]_Measurement\|/)
8573 0 0 if ($file =~ /.*(M[0-3])/) { }
8614 0 0 if (not $result = _readChart($temp, $file, $hash)) { }
8617 0 0 if defined $_
0 0 defined $_ ? :
0 0 if (defined $sig && $sig eq signature($temp) || $#{$$self[1];} == $#{$$temp[1];} and $keys eq join(':', map({s/^.*\|// if defined $_; defined $_ ? $_ : '-';} @{$$temp[1][0];}))) { }
8620 0 0 unless ($temp->[1][0][$cols[0]] =~ /^M[0-3]_Measurement\|/)
8623 0 0 if ($file =~ /.*(M[0-3])/) { }
8678 0 0 if $n
8700 0 27 unless open $fh, '<', $path
8706 0 27 unless read $fh, $buf, 1024
8712 0 27 if ($buf =~ /^ASEF/) { }
0 27 elsif ($buf =~ /^(II\*\x00|MM\x00\*)/) { }
0 27 elsif (substr($buf, 36, 4) eq 'acsp') { }
8 19 elsif ($buf =~ m[]) { }
0 19 elsif (substr($buf, 0, 4) eq "\000 \000\000" or substr($buf, 0, 4) eq "\0002\000\000") { }
8788 0 19 unless read $fh, $buf, 1024
8794 1 18 if ($buf =~ /\015\012/) { }
17 1 elsif ($buf =~ /\012/) { }
1 0 elsif ($buf =~ /\015/) { }
8839 0 497 if $state == 4
8845 32 465 if (s/#\s*(.*)// and $state == 0)
8848 26 6 if (length $_ == 0) { }
8864 26 471 if length $_ == 0
8867 19 452 if (/^BEGIN_DATA_FORMAT$/) { }
19 433 elsif (/^END_DATA_FORMAT$/) { }
19 414 elsif (/^BEGIN_DATA$/) { }
19 395 elsif (/^END_DATA$/) { }
0 395 elsif (/^BEGIN_DATA_EMISSION$/) { }
0 395 elsif (/^END_DATA_EMISSION$/) { }
8912 19 376 if ($iflag == 0 and $state == 1) { }
190 186 elsif ($iflag == 0 and $state == 3) { }
0 186 elsif ($iflag == 1 and $state == 1) { }
0 186 elsif ($iflag == 1 and $state == 3) { }
186 0 elsif ($iflag == 0 and $state == 0 || $state == 2) { }
8925 19 171 unless (defined $eflag)
8936 0 190 if $eflag
8956 0 0 if $eflag
8968 186 0 if length $1
8977 0 19 if defined $illum->[1]
8980 0 19 if defined $append
8989 19 0 $state == 4 ? :
9009 0 19 if (keyword($self, 'LGOROWLENGTH') and $rot || $flip)
9047 0 0 if defined $hash->{'colorspace'}
9059 0 0 unless $header[0] eq 'ASEF'
9077 0 0 if ($type == 1)
9095 0 0 if ($space eq 'CMYK' and not defined $cs or $cs eq 'CMYK') { }
0 0 elsif ($space eq 'RGB ' and not defined $cs or $cs eq 'RGB ') { }
0 0 elsif ($space eq 'LAB ' and not defined $cs or $cs eq 'LAB ') { }
0 0 elsif ($space eq 'Gray' and not defined $cs or $cs eq 'Gray') { }
9110 0 0 if $le
9118 0 0 unless (defined $cmyk)
9144 0 0 if $le
9152 0 0 unless (defined $rgb)
9178 0 0 if $le
9186 0 0 unless (defined $Lab)
9206 0 0 if $le
9212 0 0 unless (defined $cmyk)
9256 0 0 unless ICC::Profile::_readICCheader($fh, \@header)
9259 0 0 unless ICC::Profile::_readICCtagtable($fh, \@tagtab)
9265 0 0 if ($tag->[0] =~ /^(?:CxF |DevD|CIED|DEVD|targ)$/)
9268 0 0 if (exists $offset{$tag->[1]}) { }
9288 0 0 if ($class->can('new_fh')) { }
9310 0 0 if ($header[23] eq 'XRCM' and exists $tags{'CxF '}) { }
0 0 elsif ($header[23] eq 'LOGO' and exists $tags{'DevD'} and exists $tags{'CIED'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($header[23] eq 'MONS' || $header[1] eq 'mnco' and exists $tags{'DEVD'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $tags{'targ'}) { }
9331 0 0 if $result = _readChartASCII($self, $fh, $hash)
9343 0 0 if $result = _readChartASCII($temp, $fh, $hash)
9355 0 0 if (0 == grep({$key->[0] eq $_->[0];} @{$$self[3];}))
9380 0 0 if (ref $targ eq 'ICC::Profile::text') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $targ eq 'ICC::Profile::Generic') { }
9398 0 0 if ($text =~ /^ICCHDAT (.*)$/) { }
9463 0 0 unless $ix >= 0
9466 0 0 $big ? :
9469 0 0 if ($cs eq 'RGB ') { }
0 0 elsif ($cs eq 'CMYK') { }
9509 0 0 unless $ix >= 0
9521 0 0 unless substr($data, $ix, 4) eq "\000\000\000("
9527 0 0 unless $sec == $s
9533 0 0 unless substr($data, $ix, 4) eq "\000\000\000*"
9536 0 0 if ($fix)
9539 0 0 $big ? :
9542 0 0 unless $big
9553 0 0 unless substr($data, $ix, 4) eq "\000\000\000+"
9565 0 0 unless substr($data, $ix, 4) eq "\000\000\000,"
9568 0 0 $big ? :
9571 0 0 unless $big
9585 0 0 if ($cs eq 'RGB ') { }
9636 0 0 if $_ > $tac and $_ < $limit
9645 0 0 if ($sum[$i] <= $limit or 0 < grep({$_ == 0;} @cmy) and 0 < grep({$_ == 100;} @cmy))
9657 0 0 unless substr($data, $ix, 4) eq "\000\000\0002"
9663 0 0 $big ? :
9666 0 0 unless $big
9672 0 0 unless scalar @dev == scalar @dat
9683 0 0 unless substr($data, $ix, 4) eq "\000\000\000)"
9691 0 0 unless substr($data, $ix, 4) eq "\000\000\0000"
9781 0 0 if ($fmt{$data[0]}[$j][2] eq 'P') { }
0 0 elsif ($fmt{$data[0]}[$j][2] eq 'n') { }
9822 0 0 if length $notes
9842 0 0 if (@keys == 1) { }
9845 0 0 if (length $keys[0])
9848 0 0 if ($fmt{$data[0]}[$j][2] eq 'P') { }
9856 0 0 if (defined $fmt{$data[0]}[$j][3]) { }
9884 0 0 if (defined $fmt{$data[0]}[$j][3]) { }
9923 0 0 unless @keys == 1
9981 0 0 if (substr($buf, 0, 2) eq 'MM') { }
0 0 elsif (substr($buf, 0, 2) eq 'II') { }
10007 0 0 unless $header[1] == 42
10013 0 0 unless $tags->{'259'}[0] == 1
10016 0 0 unless not exists $tags->{'274'} or $tags->{'274'}[0] == 1
10019 0 0 unless not exists $tags->{'284'} or $tags->{'284'}[0] == 1
10022 0 0 if exists $tags->{'322'}
10034 0 0 unless $bits == 8 or $bits == 16 or $bits == 32
10040 0 0 if ($bits == 32)
10043 0 0 unless $tags->{'339'}[0] == 3 and $pi == 2
10051 0 0 unless $samples == grep({$_ == $bits;} @{$$tags{'258'};})
10060 0 0 if defined $udf
10063 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
10066 0 0 defined $context ? :
0 0 if defined $hash->{'format'}
10069 0 0 if ($pi == 2 and $samples < 13) { }
0 0 elsif ($pi == 5 and $samples == 4) { }
0 0 elsif ($pi == 5 and $samples > 4 and $samples < 16) { }
0 0 elsif ($pi == 8 and $samples == 3) { }
10072 0 0 defined $context ? :
0 0 unless defined $fmt
10075 0 0 $bits == 16 ? :
0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
10078 0 0 $bits == 16 ? :
0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
10084 0 0 defined $context ? :
0 0 unless defined $fmt
10087 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
10090 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
10096 0 0 defined $context ? :
0 0 unless defined $fmt
10099 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
10102 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
10108 0 0 defined $context ? :
0 0 unless defined $fmt
10111 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
10114 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
10115 0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
10131 0 0 if (defined $hash->{'crop'}) { }
10137 0 0 unless ref $crop eq 'ARRAY'
10140 0 0 if $_ == int $_
0 0 unless 4 == @{$crop;} and 4 == grep({$_ >= 0 if $_ == int $_;} @{$crop;})
10147 0 0 unless $rows > 0 and $cols > 0
10162 0 0 if (defined $hash->{'aperture'}) { }
10168 0 0 if $tags->{'296'}[0] == 2
10171 0 0 if $tags->{'296'}[0] == 3
10174 0 0 if (defined $trows or defined $tcols) { }
10177 0 0 unless defined $trows
10180 0 0 unless defined $tcols
10186 0 0 if ($frac < 0.25) { }
0 0 elsif ($frac < 0.75) { }
10208 0 0 unless $rxo <= $rows / $trows and $cxo <= $cols / $tcols
10229 0 0 unless defined $trows
10232 0 0 unless defined $tcols
10235 0 0 defined $hash->{'ratio'} ? :
10238 0 0 unless $ratio >= 0 and $ratio <= 1
10249 0 0 unless $trows * $tcols <= 10000
10291 0 0 if ($pi == 8 and $bits == 16)
10294 0 0 if $pix[1] > 32767
10295 0 0 if $pix[2] > 32767
10300 0 0 if (defined $udf)
10303 0 0 if ($pi == 8) { }
10316 0 0 if ($pi == 5)
10348 0 0 if (defined $udf) { }
0 0 elsif ($pi == 8) { }
10368 0 0 if ($pi == 5)
10433 0 0 $type == 2 ? :
10436 0 0 if ($size > 4) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 1 or $type == 7) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 3) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 4) { }
10448 0 0 if ($type == 1 or $type == 7) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 3) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 4) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 5) { }
10607 0 0 if ($type == 1 or $type == 7) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 5) { }
10632 0 0 if (($size = $count * $ts[$type]) > 4) { }
10646 0 0 if ($type == 1 or $type == 7) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 3) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 4) { }
10661 0 0 $count == 1 ? :
10693 0 0 if ($type == 1 or $type == 7) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 5) { }
10718 0 0 if (($size = $count * $ts[$type]) > 4)
10721 0 0 if ($type == 1 or $type == 7) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 3) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 4) { }
0 0 elsif ($type == 5) { }
10794 0 0 $bits == 16 ? :
0 0 $bits == 8 ? :
10803 0 0 if ($pi == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($pi == 5) { }
10829 0 0 if ($i > 0)
10832 0 0 if ($pi == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($pi == 5) { }
10835 0 0 $$diff[$i - 1][0] > $diff->[$i][0] ? :
0 0 $$diff[$i - 1][1] > $diff->[$i][1] ? :
0 0 if (($$diff[$i - 1][0] > $diff->[$i][0] ? $$diff[$i - 1][0] : $diff->[$i][0]) > ($$diff[$i - 1][1] > $diff->[$i][1] ? $$diff[$i - 1][1] : $diff->[$i][1])) { }
10851 0 0 $$diff[$i - 1][0] > $diff->[$i][0] ? :
0 0 $$diff[$i - 1][1] > $diff->[$i][1] ? :
0 0 if (($$diff[$i - 1][0] > $diff->[$i][0] ? $$diff[$i - 1][0] : $diff->[$i][0]) > ($$diff[$i - 1][1] > $diff->[$i][1] ? $$diff[$i - 1][1] : $diff->[$i][1])) { }
10867 0 0 $$diff[$i - 1][0] > $diff->[$i][0] ? :
0 0 $$diff[$i - 1][1] > $diff->[$i][1] ? :
0 0 if (($$diff[$i - 1][0] > $diff->[$i][0] ? $$diff[$i - 1][0] : $diff->[$i][0]) > ($$diff[$i - 1][1] > $diff->[$i][1] ? $$diff[$i - 1][1] : $diff->[$i][1])) { }
10886 0 0 $pi == 5 ? :
10892 0 0 if ($i == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($i == $#{$data;}) { }
10915 0 0 if (defined $dither or $bits == 32) { }
10923 0 0 $_ < 0 ? :
10928 0 0 if ($i == $#{$data;}) { }
10946 0 0 if (defined $dither and $bits == 8) { }
10952 0 0 $_ < 0 ? :
10983 0 8 unless eval { do { $dom = 'XML::LibXML'->load_xml('IO', $fh) } }
10992 0 8 unless ($core) = grep({$_->value eq '';} @rns)
10995 0 0 if defined $hash->{'validate'} and $hash->{'validate'}
10998 8 0 if ($ns = $core->declaredPrefix) { }
11055 160 0 if ($mode) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $name_ix->{$name}) { }
11058 160 0 if ($name =~ /^$type(\d+)/) { }
11096 100 60 if (@{$ops->[$i][2];}) { }
0 60 elsif (@{$ops->[$i][3];} == 1) { }
60 0 elsif (@{$ops->[$i][3];} > 1) { }
11099 20 80 if ($ops->[$i][0] eq 'NCLR') { }
11172 0 8 if (defined $hash->{'cc:Object'} and ref $hash->{'cc:Object'} eq 'ARRAY')
11184 0 0 if ($2 =~ /^(?:|ObjectType|Name|Id|GUID|\*)$/) { }
11201 0 8 if (defined $hash->{'cc:Tag'} and ref $hash->{'cc:Tag'} eq 'ARRAY')
11252 16 144 unless (defined $ops_hash->{$type})
11258 0 16 if (@attr) { }
11264 0 0 if $_->[0] eq $type or $_->[0] =~ /^\*?$/
0 0 if ($xpc->exists("\@$t", $s) and grep {$_->[1] eq $t or $_->[1] =~ /^\*?$/ if $_->[0] eq $type or $_->[0] =~ /^\*?$/;} @attr)
11267 0 0 defined $keys{$t} ? :
11282 0 16 if (not $name =~ /^$type(\d+)/ and $type ne 'Measurement')
11301 16 208 if ($xpc->exists($t->[1], $s))
11313 2 14 if ($entry->[0] eq 'NCLR') { }
6 8 elsif ($entry->[0] eq 'SPECTRAL') { }
11349 0 16 if (@tags)
11358 0 0 if $_->[0] eq $type or $_->[0] =~ /^\*?$/
0 0 if (grep {$_->[1] eq $name or $_->[1] =~ /^\*?$/ if $_->[0] eq $type or $_->[0] =~ /^\*?$/;} @tags)
11361 0 0 defined $keys{$name} ? :
11389 16 0 if (defined $fmt->[6])
11423 16 24 if ($s->localname eq 'Tag') { }
11437 24 0 defined $keys{$name} ? :
11481 8 8 if ($id = $s->getAttribute('Id')) eq 'Unknown'
11487 24 48 if (($node) = $xpc->findnodes($keys[$i][0], $s))
11490 24 0 if (($child) = $node->nonBlankChildNodes)
11493 8 16 if ($child->nodeType == 1) { }
16 0 elsif ($child->nodeType == 3) { }
11550 8 0 if (defined $cr) { }
11553 24 0 if defined $_->declaredPrefix
11569 8 0 unless $xpc->lookupNs($cr)
11575 0 8 if ($uri eq '') { }
0 8 elsif ($uri eq '') { }
8 0 elsif ($uri = '') { }
11584 0 0 if (@nodes = $xpc->findnodes("${cr}MeasurementSet", $s))
11628 8 0 if (@nodes = $xpc->findnodes("${cr}CustomAttributes", $s))
11664 0 256 if ($self->[1][0][$i] =~ /^Measurement\|/)
11670 0 0 if $_->[0] eq 'MEASUREMENT_SOURCE'
0 0 if (($ms) = grep({$_->[2] eq $id if $_->[0] eq 'MEASUREMENT_SOURCE';} @{$$self[3];})) { }
11673 0 0 if ($ms->[1] =~ /(M[0-3])/) { }
11713 0 0 if (defined $cols) { }
11716 0 0 if (ref $cols eq 'ARRAY' and @{$cols;} == 0) { }
11736 0 0 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) ? :
11745 0 0 unless $n == @{$cols;}
11754 0 0 unless $n == @{$cols;}
11786 0 0 defined $prefix ? :
0 0 defined $1 ? :
0 0 if (defined $class and $self->[1][0][$i] =~ /$table->[$class][3]/ and (defined $prefix ? $prefix : "\n") eq (defined $1 ? $1 : "\n")) { }
11797 0 0 if ($self->[1][0][$i] =~ /$table->[$j][3]/) { }
0 0 elsif ($j == $#{$table;}) { }
11825 0 0 if (defined $prefix and not $prefix =~ /^Target$|Measurement$/ and $key =~ /^SAMPLE_NAME$|^SampleName$/) { }
11854 0 0 if (defined $$table[$t->[6]][4])
11862 0 0 if ($t->[0] eq 'SPECTRAL') { }
0 0 elsif ($t->[0] eq 'DENSITY') { }
0 0 elsif ($t->[0] eq 'NCLR') { }
11865 0 0 unless @{$t->[4];} == @{_spectral($self, $t->[1]);}
11879 0 0 unless @{$t->[4];} == CORE::hex $1
11885 0 0 unless @{$t->[4];} == @{$t->[3];} or @{$t->[4];} == 1 and @{$t->[3];} == 0
11890 0 0 unless (defined $t->[1])
11893 0 0 if ($t->[2] =~ m[^$ns:(?:ColorValues|ColorDifferenceValues)/]) { }
0 0 elsif ($t->[2] =~ m[^$ns:DeviceColorValues/]) { }
11915 0 0 if ($t->[2] =~ m[^$ns:(ColorValues|DeviceColorValues)/])
11918 0 0 if $keys{"$1/$t->[1]"}++ == 1
11927 0 0 unless $ICC::Support::Chart::a->[1] cmp $ICC::Support::Chart::b->[1]
11936 0 0 if (defined $prefix and $prefix eq $t->[1]) { }
0 0 elsif ($t->[0] eq 'TAG' and $t->[1] eq '~~') { }
11987 0 0 if defined $hash->{'cc:FileInformation'}
12008 0 0 if ($keyword eq 'CREATED') { }
0 0 elsif (defined $source and $source eq 'FileInformation' or grep {$_ eq $keyword;} @filter) { }
12017 0 0 if (exists $keys{$keyword}) { }
12020 0 0 if (($node) = $xpc->findnodes($keys{$keyword}, $info))
12023 0 0 if (($child) = $node->nonBlankChildNodes and $child->nodeType == 3)
12036 0 0 if (($node) = $xpc->findnodes("${ns}:Tag[\@Name='${keyword}']", $info)) { }
12064 0 0 if (($child) = $node->nonBlankChildNodes and $child->nodeType == 3)
12125 0 0 if ($t->[2] =~ m[^$ns:ColorValues/]) { }
0 0 elsif ($t->[2] =~ m[^$ns:DeviceColorValues/]) { }
12129 0 0 defined $self->[2][5][$t->[4][0]] ? :
12135 0 0 unless ($cspec{$Id}++)
12149 0 0 if ($t->[2] =~ /(Reflectance|Transmittance|Emissive)Spectrum$/) { }
12155 0 0 if (($child) = $node->nonBlankChildNodes and $child->nodeType == 3)
12205 0 0 if (defined $source and $source eq $Id)
12211 0 0 if (exists $table{$keyword})
12214 0 0 unless (($node) = $xpc->findnodes($table{$keyword}, $cs))
12226 0 0 defined $xpath ? :
12229 0 0 if (($node2) = $xpc->findnodes($xpath, $cs)) { }
12253 0 0 if ($value =~ /parse_balanced_chunk($value) } }) { }
0 0 elsif (not defined $child) { }
0 0 elsif ($child->nodeType == 3) { }
12285 0 0 $t->[1] =~ /^M([0-3])/ ? :
12288 0 0 if (not exists $hash{'FILTER'} and $std == 0 || $std == 2)
12303 0 0 unless (exists $hash{'MEASUREMENT_SOURCE'})
12338 0 0 if not $cspec{'Unknown'}
12357 0 0 if (defined($sic = $self->[0]{'sic:SpotInkCharacterisation'}))
12366 0 0 if (defined($ms = $self->[0]{'sic:MeasurementSet'}))
12389 0 0 if (defined($xrp = $self->[0]{'xrp:Prism'}))
12398 0 0 if (defined($ca = $self->[0]{'xrp:CustomAttributes'}))
12424 0 0 if (defined $nsURI and defined $ns) { }
12447 0 0 if (not $node or $i == $#seg)
12463 0 0 if defined $text
12466 0 0 if (defined $attr)
12495 0 0 if (not defined eval { do { $xmlschema->validate($doc) } })
12518 0 0 unless defined($cs = $hash->{'colorspace'})
12521 0 0 unless defined($template = $hash->{'template'})
12536 0 0 unless $n == @{$template->[$i];}
12539 0 0 unless $n == grep({ref $_ eq 'ARRAY';} @{$$template[$i];})
12545 0 0 if not ref $_
0 0 unless @{$template->[$i][$j];} > 0 and @{$template->[$i][$j];} == grep({&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) if not ref $_;} @{$$template[$i][$j];})
12552 0 0 if ($cs eq 'RGB') { }
0 0 elsif ($cs eq 'CMYK') { }
0 0 elsif ($cs eq 'nCLR') { }
0 0 elsif ($cs eq 'Lab') { }
12555 0 0 unless $n == 3
12564 0 0 unless $n == 4
12573 0 0 unless $n > 0 and $n < 16
12582 0 0 unless $n == 3
12623 0 0 if (defined $tac and $cs eq 'CMYK' || $cs eq 'nCLR')
12629 0 0 if (not ref $tac and &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($tac)) { }
12649 0 0 $i ? :
0 0 if grep {$data->[$i][$_] != $$data[$i ? $i - 1 : 0][$_];} 3 .. $n - 1
12652 0 0 if not defined $limit or $data->[$i][-1] - $limit <= $eps or grep {$data->[$i][$_] == 0;} 0..2 and grep {$data->[$i][$_] == 100;} 0..2
12655 0 0 if not defined $limit and $data->[$i][-1] - $tac > $eps
12672 0 0 if (defined $sort)
12675 0 0 if $_ and $_ == int $_
0 0 if (ICC::Shared::is_num_vector($sort) and @{$sort;} == grep({abs $_ <= @{$data->[0];} if $_ and $_ == int $_;} @{$sort;})) { }
12678 0 0 $dir ? :
12717 0 0 if (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($str)) { }
12725 0 0 if ($str =~ s/(T[\d:]+)([+-]\d{2}):?(\d{2})?/$1/) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ s/(T[\d:]+)Z/$1/) { }
12728 0 0 defined $3 ? :
12750 0 0 if ($str =~ s/(\d{1,2})(:\d{1,2})(:\d{1,2})?\s*(AM|PM)?//)
12753 0 0 if (defined $4 and $4 eq 'AM' and $1 == 12) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $4 and $4 eq 'PM' and $1 > 0 and $1 < 12) { }
12772 0 0 defined $3 ? :
12783 0 0 if ($str =~ m[(\d{1,4})[/-](\d{1,2})[/-](\d{1,4})]) { }
0 0 elsif (uc($str) =~ /(JAN|FEB|MAR|APR|MAY|JUN|JUL|AUG|SEP|OCT|NOV|DEC)/) { }
12786 0 0 if ($1 > 99) { }
0 0 elsif ($3 > 99) { }
12801 0 0 $3 > 68 ? :
12815 0 0 if ($str =~ /(\d{1,4})[^\d]+(\d{1,4})/) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /(\d{1,4})/) { }
12818 0 0 if ($1 > 99) { }
0 0 elsif ($2 > 99) { }
12833 0 0 $2 > 68 ? :
12841 0 0 if ($1 > 99) { }
12849 0 0 $1 > 68 ? :
12861 0 0 if length $parse
12883 2 19 if (@files == 1 and -d $files[0]) { }
12944 29 0 if (not defined $encode) { }
0 0 elsif ($encode == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($encode == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($encode == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($encode == 3) { }
0 0 elsif ($encode == 4) { }
0 0 elsif ($encode == 5) { }
12953 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
0 0 defined $_[1] ? :
0 0 defined $_[2] ? :
12954 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
0 0 defined $_[1] ? :
0 0 defined $_[2] ? :
12960 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
0 0 defined $_[1] ? :
0 0 defined $_[2] ? :
12961 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
0 0 defined $_[1] ? :
0 0 defined $_[2] ? :
12967 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
0 0 defined $_[1] ? :
0 0 defined $_[2] ? :
12968 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
0 0 defined $_[1] ? :
0 0 defined $_[2] ? :
12980 0 0 if (defined $_[0] and defined $_[1] and defined $_[2]) { }
12981 0 0 if (defined $_[0] and defined $_[1] and defined $_[2]) { }
12987 0 0 if (defined $_[0] and defined $_[1] and defined $_[2]) { }
12988 0 0 if (defined $_[0] and defined $_[1] and defined $_[2]) { }
13015 23 0 if (not defined $encode) { }
0 0 elsif ($encode eq 'L*' or $encode == 4) { }
0 0 elsif ($encode == 7) { }
0 0 elsif ($encode == 8) { }
0 0 elsif ($encode == 9) { }
0 0 elsif ($encode == 10) { }
0 0 elsif ($encode == 11) { }
13024 0 0 unless $wtpt = _illumWP($self, $cols, $hash)
13027 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
0 0 defined $_[1] ? :
0 0 defined $_[2] ? :
13028 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
0 0 defined $_[1] ? :
0 0 defined $_[2] ? :
13034 0 0 defined $_ ? :
0 0 defined $_ ? :
13040 0 0 defined $_ ? :
0 0 defined $_ ? :
13046 0 0 unless $wtpt = _illumWP($self, $cols, $hash)
13049 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
0 0 defined $_[1] ? :
0 0 defined $_[2] ? :
13050 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
0 0 defined $_[1] ? :
0 0 defined $_[2] ? :
13062 0 0 unless $wtpt = _mediaWP($self, $cols, $hash)
13065 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
0 0 defined $_[1] ? :
0 0 defined $_[2] ? :
13066 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
0 0 defined $_[1] ? :
0 0 defined $_[2] ? :
13089 17 0 if (not defined $encode or $encode eq 'density') { }
0 0 elsif ($encode eq 'linear') { }
0 0 elsif ($encode eq 'unit') { }
0 0 elsif ($encode eq 'L*') { }
13098 0 0 defined $_ ? :
0 0 if ($_ > 0) { }
0 0 if (defined $_) { }
13104 0 0 defined $_ ? :
0 0 if ($_ > 0) { }
0 0 if (defined $_) { }
13110 0 0 defined $_ ? :
0 0 if ($_ > 0) { }
0 0 if (defined $_) { }
13133 0 0 if (not defined $encode or $encode eq 'linear' or $encode eq 'RGBV') { }
0 0 elsif ($encode eq 'unit') { }
0 0 elsif ($encode eq 'density') { }
0 0 elsif ($encode eq 'L*') { }
13148 0 0 if ($_ > 0) { }
0 0 if (defined $_) { }
0 0 defined $_ ? :
13183 0 0 unless defined $rot
13195 0 0 if ($rot == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($rot == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($rot == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($rot == 3) { }
13279 0 0 unless defined $flip
13291 0 0 if ($flip == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($flip == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($flip == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($flip == 3) { }