Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 57 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
300 0 0 0 defined $self->gpio and $self->gpio->isa('HiPi::GPIO')
418 0 0 0 $line >= 0 and $line < $self->buffer_rows
457 0 0 0 $self->buffer_rows == 32 and $self->rows == 32

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
160 0 0 $inparams{'type'} //= 45
207 0 0 $params{'chunk_data'} //= 0
209 0 0 $params{'chunk_data'} //= 1
483 0 0 $flipped ||= 0
497 0 0 $x ||= 0
498 0 0 $y ||= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
112 0 0 0 defined $self->dc_pin or defined $self->reset_pin
200 0 0 0 $params{$key} //= $spiparams{$key}
204 0 0 0 $params{$key} //= $i2cparams{$key}
436 0 0 0 $x1 < 0 or $x1 >= $self->cols
0 0 0 $x1 < 0 or $x1 >= $self->cols or $x2 < 0
0 0 0 $x1 < 0 or $x1 >= $self->cols or $x2 < 0 or $x2 >= $self->cols
0 0 0 $x1 < 0 or $x1 >= $self->cols or $x2 < 0 or $x2 >= $self->cols or $y1 < 0
0 0 0 $x1 < 0 or $x1 >= $self->cols or $x2 < 0 or $x2 >= $self->cols or $y1 < 0 or $y1 >= $self->buffer_rows
0 0 0 $x1 < 0 or $x1 >= $self->cols or $x2 < 0 or $x2 >= $self->cols or $y1 < 0 or $y1 >= $self->buffer_rows or $y2 < 0
0 0 0 $x1 < 0 or $x1 >= $self->cols or $x2 < 0 or $x2 >= $self->cols or $y1 < 0 or $y1 >= $self->buffer_rows or $y2 < 0 or $y2 >= $self->buffer_rows
0 0 0 $x1 < 0 or $x1 >= $self->cols or $x2 < 0 or $x2 >= $self->cols or $y1 < 0 or $y1 >= $self->buffer_rows or $y2 < 0 or $y2 >= $self->buffer_rows or $y1 > $y2
0 0 0 $x1 < 0 or $x1 >= $self->cols or $x2 < 0 or $x2 >= $self->cols or $y1 < 0 or $y1 >= $self->buffer_rows or $y2 < 0 or $y2 >= $self->buffer_rows or $y1 > $y2 or $x1 > $x2