Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 20 85.0

line true false branch
18 11 1 if (blessed $self and $self->isa('Hash::Dispatch')) { }
28 0 1 if 1 == @_ and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
40 2 14 unless defined $value
41 7 7 if ref $value eq 'CODE'
42 2 5 if ($seen{$value})
58 83 11 if (ref $key eq '') { }
11 0 elsif (ref $key eq 'Regexp') { }
59 12 71 if ($key eq $query)
64 3 8 if (my(@captured) = $query =~ /$key/)
94 0 3 unless $self->_captured