Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 24 100.0

line true false branch
10 6 60 unless $res
13 52 8 unless $res->protocol
16 52 7 if ($res->body) { }
18 8 44 if (ref $res->body eq 'GLOB' or &Scalar::Util::blessed($res->body) and $res->body->can('getline') || $res->body->can('read')) { }
24 5 3 if (defined $size) { }
2 1 elsif (not $interface->can_has_streaming) { }
38 1 56 if ($res->status =~ /^(1\d\d|[23]04)$/)
43 54 3 unless $res->content_type
49 8 15 if ($res->protocol and $res->protocol =~ /1\.1/ and not !!$res->header('Connection'))
53 1 56 if defined $req->method and $req->method eq 'HEAD'
61 2 55 if (@keys)
64 2 3 &Scalar::Util::blessed($val) ? :