Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 324 0.0

line true false branch
42 0 0 if ($hash{'small'})
58 0 0 $align ? :
59 0 0 $valign ? :
60 0 0 $color ? :
61 0 0 $size ? :
62 0 0 $face ? :
63 0 0 $colspan ? :
64 0 0 $rowspan ? :
65 0 0 $bgcolor ? :
66 0 0 $background ? :
67 0 0 $width ? :
68 0 0 if ($header eq 'yes') { }
75 0 0 if ($bolds eq 'yes') { }
82 0 0 if ($color ne '' or $size ne '' or $face ne '') { }
90 0 0 if ($format eq '')
100 0 0 if (@_)
102 0 0 if ($$O{'emty_format'} == 1)
103 0 0 if (ref $print_string eq 'CODE') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $print_string) { }
108 0 0 if (ref $print_string eq 'HTML::STable') { }
109 0 0 if ($$print_string{'no_table'}) { }
144 0 0 if (@_)
156 0 0 if ($temp = $hash{'align'})
157 0 0 if ($temp = $hash{'valign'})
158 0 0 if ($temp = $hash{'width'})
159 0 0 if ($temp = $hash{'bgcolor'})
160 0 0 if ($temp = $hash{'background'})
161 0 0 if ($temp = $hash{'colspan'})
162 0 0 if ($temp = $hash{'rowspan'})
163 0 0 if ($temp = $hash{'size'})
164 0 0 if ($temp = $hash{'face'})
165 0 0 if ($temp = $hash{'color'})
166 0 0 if ($color_size == 1)
170 0 0 if ($temp = $hash{'bolds'})
171 0 0 if ($temp eq 'yes') { }
179 0 0 if ($temp = $hash{'header'})
180 0 0 if ($temp eq 'yes') { }
206 0 0 if (ref $print_string eq 'CODE') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $print_string) { }
222 0 0 if (@_)
237 0 0 if (ref $print_string) { }
268 0 0 if $attr eq 'DESTROY'
275 0 0 if ($argm != '') { }
283 0 0 if ($argm != '') { }
296 0 0 if ($header eq 'yes') { }
355 0 0 if ($date) { }
356 0 0 if ($date =~ m[/]) { }
0 0 elsif ($date =~ /-/) { }
0 0 elsif ($date =~ / /) { }
361 0 0 if ($y > 50) { }
403 0 0 if ($date != 0 or $date ne '') { }
428 0 0 if ($d < 10)
434 0 0 if ($format eq 'mon dd yyyy') { }
0 0 elsif ($format eq 'dd-mon-yyyy') { }
0 0 elsif ($format eq 'yyyy/mm/dd') { }
0 0 elsif ($format eq '' or $format eq 'mm/dd/yyyy') { }
0 0 elsif ($format eq 'yyyymmdd') { }
439 0 0 if ($m < 10)
445 0 0 if ($m < 10)
451 0 0 if ($m < 10)
497 0 0 if (ref $this ne 'SDate')
501 0 0 if (ref $that ne 'SDate')
522 0 0 if ($number == 0)
523 0 0 if ($number == 6)
542 0 0 if (@_) { }
572 0 0 if ($$O{'table_tag'})
576 0 0 if ($$format{'delimiter'} eq '')
590 0 0 if ($$format{'filename'}) { }
591 0 0 unless open FH, ">>$$format{'filename'}"
608 0 0 if ($$O{'sort_flag'}) { }
645 0 0 if (ref $arg1 eq 'ARRAY')
650 0 0 if (ref $fmt eq 'ARRAY') { }
664 0 0 if (ref $arg2 eq 'ARRAY')
668 0 0 if (ref $fmt eq 'ARRAY') { }
683 0 0 if (ref $arg3 eq 'ARRAY')
688 0 0 if (ref $fmt eq 'ARRAY') { }
704 0 0 if ($#_ <= 1) { }
707 0 0 if ($txt eq "\n")
712 0 0 if ($$O{'cur_row'} == $$O{'row_number'}) { }
722 0 0 if ($row < 0 or $col < 0)
729 0 0 if ($$O{'row_number'} < $row)
732 0 0 if ($$O{'column_number'} < $col)
736 0 0 if ($$O{'alter_row_formats'})
740 0 0 if ($count < 0)
743 0 0 if ($$O{'chessboard'})
754 0 0 if ($fmt ne '')
774 0 0 if (ref $arg2 eq 'ARRAY') { }
804 0 0 if (ref $ar) { }
840 0 0 if ($col_num <= $$O{'column_number'})
842 0 0 if ($#{$$O{'print_columns'};} < 0) { }
849 0 0 if ($$O{'title'})
852 0 0 if ($$O{'date'} eq 'yes') { }
857 0 0 if ($$O{'sub_title'})
861 0 0 if ($row_num < 0)
862 0 0 if (ref $$O{'empty_msg'} eq 'HTML::STable') { }
873 0 0 if ($$O{'column_formats'}[$k] eq '') { }
881 0 0 if ($$O{'no_table'} != 1)
885 0 0 unless ($fmt =~ /align/)
892 0 0 if ($$O{'headers'})
913 0 0 if ($$O{'flag'}[$i][$k] == 100 or $$O{'flag'}[$i][$k] == 200) { }
914 0 0 if ($$O{'flag'}[$i][$k] == 200)
921 0 0 if ($col_span != 0)
928 0 0 if ($row_span != 0)
934 0 0 if ($row_span != 0 and $col_span != 0)
943 0 0 if (ref $tobj) { }
946 0 0 if ($tobj =~ /
/) { }
951 0 0 if ($tobj eq '' and $$O{'empty_cell_text'}) { }
961 0 0 if ($$O{'flag'}[$i][$k] != 400)
962 0 0 if ($$O{'null_cell_text'}) { }
975 0 0 if ($$O{'no_table'} != 1)
981 0 0 if ($str)
1026 0 0 if (/d/)
1034 0 0 if (/i/)
1041 0 0 if (/A/)
1049 0 0 if ($d_indx{$j + 1}) { }
0 0 elsif ($a_indx{$j + 1}) { }
1055 0 0 if (ref $O->node($i, $j)) { }
1094 0 0 if (@_)
1095 0 0 if ($_[0]{'comma'})
1099 0 0 if ($_[0]{'dolar'})
1141 0 0 if (ref $$O{$txt}) { }
1143 0 0 if (ref $$O{$fmt}) { }
1148 0 0 if ($$O{$fmt}) { }
1156 0 0 if ($$O{$fmt}) { }
1157 0 0 if (ref $$O{$fmt}) { }
1207 0 0 if (not $col =~ /\D/) { }
1216 0 0 if ($val) { }
1219 0 0 if (not $col =~ /\D/) { }
1229 0 0 if (ref $$O{'arr'}[$row] eq 'ARRAY') { }
1244 0 0 if ($O->node($rn, $col) ne '')
1259 0 0 if ($O->node($rn, $col2) ne '')
1271 0 0 unless open FILER, "$file"
1279 0 0 if ($len > $$O{'column_number'})
1297 0 0 @_ ? :
1303 0 0 if (ref $title) { }
1309 0 0 if ($title)
1321 0 0 if (ref $$O{'sub_title_format'}) { }
1341 0 0 if (/(\w*)\s*(\w*)\s*(\d*)\s*(..:..:..)\s*(....)/)
1346 0 0 if ($flag == 1) { }
1371 0 0 if ($arg2 =~ /[a-zA-Z]/) { }
1384 0 0 if ($$O{'form'} ne '')
1386 0 0 if ($#$cols > 0)
1395 0 0 if (/^[-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?$/) { }
1398 0 0 if (/this\./) { }
1404 0 0 if ($j < $#$cols)
1421 0 0 if (/[a-zA-Z_]/)
1422 0 0 if (/this\./) { }
1431 0 0 if ($$O{'arr'}[$row][$col] =~ m[]) { }
1444 0 0 if (@_) { }
1458 0 0 if (@_) { }
1485 0 0 if ($col_num <= $$O{'column_number'})
1487 0 0 if ($#{$$O{'print_columns'};} < 0) { }
1500 0 0 if (ref $$O{'title'}) { }
1520 0 0 if ($rn >= 0) { }
1535 0 0 if ($$O{'sort_flag'}) { }
1548 0 0 if (ref $tO eq 'HTML::STable') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $tO) { }
1556 0 0 if ($_) { }
1571 0 0 if (ref $tO eq 'HTML::STable') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $tO) { }
1578 0 0 if ($_) { }
1598 0 0 if ($str)