Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 66 103 64.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
129 0 0 0 ref $loop and $loop->isa('HTML::Macro::Loop')
475 56 223 0 not $slash and $tag eq 'elsif'
481 94 18 167 $true && !$looping
482 102 18 159 $true && !$quoting && !$looping
502 0 0 5 $emitting and not $attr
576 0 1 14 $true and not $looping
1 0 14 $true and not $looping and not $quoting
659 25 64 1 $tag eq '/if' and $start_tag eq 'elsif'
694 0 5 8 not $looping and $$top[1]
5 5 3 not $looping and $$top[1] and $$top[2]
0 5 5 not $looping and $$top[1]
5 0 5 not $looping and $$top[1] and not $$top[2]
721 0 0 37 not $looping and $$top[1]
798 32 0 0 $$self{'@attr'}{'cache_files'} and exists $HTML::Macro::file_cache{$key}
32 0 0 $$self{'@attr'}{'cache_files'} and exists $HTML::Macro::file_cache{$key} and $HTML::Macro::file_cache{$key . '@mtime'} >= $mtime
908 0 1 2 $body =~ /\n/gs and pos $body <= $pos
929 0 0 0 $body =~ /\n/gs and pos $body <= $pos

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
184 3 3 $result || ''
417 49 8 $1 || ''
428 8 0 $2 || ''
605 1 1 $1 || ''
618 1 0 $1 || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
77 0 0 4 $protect_whitespace || $tag =~ m[^/]
134 0 0 0 $element =~ /\bseparator="([^\"]*)"/ or $element =~ /\bseparator=(\S+)/
140 0 0 0 $element =~ /\bseparator_final="([^\"]*)"/ or $element =~ /\bseparator_final=(\S+)/
536 0 5 266 $tag eq 'loop' or $tag eq 'eval'
5 5 261 $tag eq 'loop' or $tag eq 'eval' or $tag eq 'include'
10 5 256 $tag eq 'loop' or $tag eq 'eval' or $tag eq 'include' or $tag eq 'define'
544 0 0 0 $match =~ /id="([^\"]*)"/ or $match =~ /id=(\S+)/
565 0 5 251 $tag eq '/loop' or $tag eq '/eval'
5 5 246 $tag eq '/loop' or $tag eq '/eval' or $tag eq '/include'
10 5 241 $tag eq '/loop' or $tag eq '/eval' or $tag eq '/include' or $tag eq '/define'
652 20 25 20 $tag eq 'else/' or $tag eq 'else'
690 1 1 2 $$top[2] ||= $true
715 2 1 5 $$top[2] || $true
719 0 3 1 $looping || $if_elsif_any_true