Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 20 95.0

line true false branch
42 33 83 if ($token->is_start_tag) { }
28 55 elsif ($token->is_end_tag) { }
55 0 elsif ($token->is_text) { }
45 7 26 if (&any(sub { $tag eq $_; } , @preserve_tags))
52 28 5 if (not defined $token->get_attrseq->[-1] or $token->get_attrseq->[-1] ne '/')
63 15 13 if ($output =~ / > \s* \z /x and not $in_pre)
67 7 21 if (&any(sub { $tag eq $_; } , @preserve_tags))
76 49 6 if (length $parser->peek and not $in_pre)
81 43 12 if ($text eq $HTML::FormFu::OutputProcessor::Indent::SPACE and $parser->peek =~ / < /x)
91 28 88 if ($parser->peek =~ m[ < (?!/) ]x and not $in_pre)