Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 66 85 77.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
230 275 16 0 exists $$self{'target'} and !exists($$self{'current_form'}) || $$self{'current_form'} ne $$self{'target'}
244 118 159 2 exists $$attr{'name'} and exists $$self{'disable_fields'}{$$attr{'name'}}
277 0 2 exists $$attr{'name'} and exists $$self{'disable_fields'}{$$attr{'name'}} and $$self{'disable_fields'}{$$attr{'name'}}
2 0 0 exists $$attr{'disabled'} && $$attr{'disabled'}
159 0 2 exists $$attr{'name'} and exists $$self{'disable_fields'}{$$attr{'name'}} and $$self{'disable_fields'}{$$attr{'name'}} and not exists $$attr{'disabled'} && $$attr{'disabled'}
252 118 153 8 exists $$attr{'name'} and exists $$self{'invalid_fields'}{$$attr{'name'}}
271 0 8 exists $$attr{'name'} and exists $$self{'invalid_fields'}{$$attr{'name'}} and $$self{'invalid_fields'}{$$attr{'name'}}
256 5 0 3 exists $$attr{'class'} and length $$attr{'class'}
269 1 112 10 exists $$attr{'type'} and $$attr{'type'} eq 'hidden'
113 4 6 exists $$attr{'type'} and $$attr{'type'} eq 'hidden' and not exists $$attr{'value'}
116 5 1 exists $$attr{'type'} and $$attr{'type'} eq 'hidden' and not exists $$attr{'value'} and not defined $value
272 101 17 5 $$self{'clear_absent_checkboxes'} and not defined $value
118 0 5 $$self{'clear_absent_checkboxes'} and not defined $value and exists $$attr{'type'}
17 5 0 $$self{'clear_absent_checkboxes'} and not defined $value and exists $$attr{'type'} and $$attr{'type'} eq 'checkbox' || $$attr{'type'} eq 'radio'
275 51 1 3 lc $$attr{'type'} eq 'password' and $$self{'fill_password'}
328 50 20 8 $$self{'clear_absent_checkboxes'} and not defined $value
382 1 4 6 $$attr{'name'} and defined(my $value = $self->_get_param($$attr{'name'}))
441 348 0 2 exists $$self{'outputText'} and $$self{'outputText'} eq 'no'
497 4 0 0 index($text, '[if ') == 0 and not $text =~ /

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
23 0 57 $arg{'parser_class'} || 'HTML::Parser'
383 1 1 shift @$value || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
22 0 4 53 @_ || ()
194 42 16 0 exists $$self{'fdat'} or $$self{'objects'}
221 4 2 18 exists $$attr{'name'} or exists $$attr{'id'}
222 4 2 0 $$attr{'name'} || $$attr{'id'}
230 4 8 4 !exists($$self{'current_form'}) || $$self{'current_form'} ne $$self{'target'}
272 3 2 0 $$attr{'type'} eq 'checkbox' || $$attr{'type'} eq 'radio'
275 1 42 55 not exists $$attr{'type'} or $$attr{'type'} =~ /^(text|textfield|hidden|tel|search|url|email|datetime|date|month|week|time|datetime\-local|number|range|color|)$/i
497 0 0 4 index($text, '[if ') == 0 and not $text =~ /