Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 67 80 83.7

line true false branch
10 3 71 unless ref $axis_names eq "ARRAY"
11 0 11 if defined $name_shortcuts and ref $name_shortcuts ne 'ARRAY' || @$axis_names != @$name_shortcuts
13 11 60 defined $name_shortcuts ? :
14 0 71 unless @keys > 0
30 87 0 defined $_[1] ? :
31 197 0 defined $_[1] ? :
32 104 434 defined $_[1] && exists $_[0]{'key_order'}{lc $_[1]} ? :
33 225 139 defined $_[1] && exists $_[0]{'shortcut_order'}{lc $_[1]} ? :
34 191 27 unless $_[0]->is_key($_[1])
37 489 104 unless defined $string and not ref $string
40 63 41 unless index($string, $name . ":") == 0
43 41 0 $string =~ /^$name:$nrs$/u ? :
47 471 70 unless defined $string and not ref $string
50 68 2 unless index($string, $name . "(") == 0
53 2 0 $string =~ /^$name\($nrs\)$/u ? :
57 2808 227 ref $value_array eq 'ARRAY' && @$value_array == $self->{'count'} ? :
61 106 561 ref $value_array eq 'ARRAY' && @$value_array == $self->{'count'} + 1 && uc $value_array->[0] eq uc $self->name ? :
66 541 116 unless ref $value_hash eq "HASH" and CORE::keys %$value_hash == $self->{'count'}
68 78 122 unless $self->is_key_or_shortcut($_)
74 1 8 unless ref $value_hash eq "HASH"
76 1 7 unless $key_count and $key_count <= $self->{'count'}
78 1 13 unless $self->is_key_or_shortcut($_)
87 0 22 unless $self->is_key($key)
94 2 4 unless @values == $self->{'count'}
95 1 3 unless exists $self->{'key_order'}{$key}
102 0 4 unless @values == $self->{'count'}
103 1 3 unless exists $self->{'shortcut_order'}{$shortcut}
109 0 36 unless ref $value_hash eq "HASH" and CORE::keys %$value_hash == $self->{'count'}
112 15 97 if ($self->is_key($value_key)) { }
96 1 elsif ($self->is_shortcut($value_key)) { }
121 1 86 unless ref $value_hash eq "HASH"
123 10 76 unless @keys_got and @keys_got <= $self->{'count'}
126 16 72 if ($self->is_key($key)) { }
17 55 elsif ($self->is_shortcut($key)) { }
148 2 19 unless @values == $self->{'count'}
154 2 6 unless @values == $self->{'count'}
160 1 0 if @values == $self->{'count'}
165 0 42 unless @values == $self->{'count'}
171 0 4 unless @values == $self->{'count'}
175 222 0 if defined $_[0]