Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 74 75.6

line true false branch
26 7 42 if @args == 3 or Graphics::Toolkit::Color::Space::Hub::is_space($args[0])
27 4 45 if @args == 6 or @args == 8
28 5 44 unless @args == 1
35 15 141 if (not ref $color_def and substr($color_def, 0, 1) =~ /\w/u and not $color_def =~ /,/u) { }
33 108 elsif (ref $color_def eq 'Graphics::Toolkit::Color') { }
39 1 14 if ($i > -1) { }
44 1 0 if $@
47 0 0 if $@
51 0 0 unless @rgb == 3
54 1 13 unless @rgb == 3
62 10 98 unless ref $value_obj
69 3 118 unless ref $value_obj eq "Graphics::Toolkit::Color::Values"
77 2 1 unless $_[0]{'name'}
92 10 0 @_ == 1 ? :
171 10 !(@_ % 2) ? :
103 1 0 @_ == 1 ? :
65 1 !(@_ % 2) ? :
107 0 66 unless defined $c2
109 0 66 unless ref $c2 eq "Graphics::Toolkit::Color"
116 29 1 !(@_ % 2) ? :
2 30 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
119 29 3 keys %$arg ? :
125 2 6 unless ref $arg
132 1 5 unless ref $arg
140 0 12 unless ref $arg
142 0 12 unless ref $c2
145 0 12 unless Graphics::Toolkit::Color::Space::Hub::is_space($space_name)
159 0 6 unless ref $arg eq "HASH"
161 0 6 unless ref $c2
165 5 1 $power >= 0 ? :
166 1 5 if $steps == 1
168 0 5 unless ref $space
194 4 5 if $count < 2
201 1 5 if $hsl_l[0] < 0
202 0 6 if $hsl_l[0] >= 360
206 2 3 unless $count % 2
213 0 0 unless ref $arg eq "HASH"