Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 120 204 58.8

line true false branch
151 0 51609 if ($col)
159 51609 0 if (scalar(@opts) % 2 == 0)
352 0 1085 if ($opts{'clip'})
369 0 45122 if ($opts{'clip'})
450 0 1080 if ($opts{'clip'})
461 0 1080 if ($opts{'clip'})
472 0 1080 if ($opts{'clip'})
494 0 1080 if ($opts{'clip'})
505 0 1080 if ($opts{'clip'})
578 0 0 if (&_check_white_point($$this{'white_point'}) ne $white_point)
606 0 0 if ($this->get_white_point ne $$s{'white_point'})
642 0 0 if (&_delta_v3($$this{'xyz'}, $$other{'xyz'}) < $accuracy) { }
690 0 0 $L1 < 16 ? :
701 0 0 deg2rad(164) <= $H1 && $H1 <= deg2rad(345) ? :
750 0 1 if ($r < 0) { }
0 1 elsif ($r > 1) { }
751 0 1 if ($g < 0) { }
0 1 elsif ($g > 1) { }
752 0 1 if ($b < 0) { }
0 1 elsif ($b > 1) { }
768 3 0 if ($rgbhex =~ /^\#([0-9a-fA-F]{6})/)
769 3 0 if ($rgbhex =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/)
819 1982 180 if ($xr > $epsilon) { }
820 1982 180 if ($yr > $epsilon) { }
821 1802 360 if ($zr > $epsilon) { }
843 1981 180 if ($L > $kappa * $epsilon) { }
844 1981 180 if ($yr > $epsilon) { }
849 1981 180 if (pow($fx, 3) > $epsilon) { }
850 1801 360 if (pow($fz, 3) > $epsilon) { }
851 1981 180 if ($L > $kappa * $epsilon) { }
891 1980 180 if ($yr > $epsilon) { }
900 1980 180 if (not $X == 0 && $Y == 0 && $Z == 0) { }
926 1980 180 if ($L > $kappa * $epsilon) { }
931 1980 180 if (not $L == 0 && $u == 0 && $v == 0) { }
974 405 675 if ($H < 0)
975 585 495 if ($H > 1.5707963267948966 and $H < 4.71238898038469)
976 405 675 if ($H > 3.1415926535897931)
988 990 90 if (not $X == 0 && $Y == 0 && $Z == 0) { }
1008 10803 0 if (not $y == 0) { }
1048 405 675 if ($H < 0)
1049 585 495 if ($H > 1.5707963267948966 and $H < 4.71238898038469)
1050 405 675 if ($H > 3.1415926535897931)
1061 3600 41525 if ($$s{'gamma'} eq 'sRGB') { }
1063 840 2760 if (abs $R <= 0.04045) { }
1066 915 2685 if (abs $G <= 0.04045) { }
1069 885 2715 if (abs $B <= 0.04045) { }
1088 3600 41522 if ($$s{'gamma'} eq 'sRGB') { }
1090 840 2760 if (abs $R <= 0.0031308) { }
1093 915 2685 if (abs $G <= 0.0031308) { }
1096 885 2715 if (abs $B <= 0.0031308) { }
1240 1922 238 if ($delta != 0) { }
1251 1010 912 if ($r == $max) { }
500 412 elsif ($g == $max) { }
1265 484 1438 if ($h < 0)
1287 346 734 if ($i == 0) { }
174 560 elsif ($i == 1) { }
42 518 elsif ($i == 2) { }
178 340 elsif ($i == 3) { }
90 250 elsif ($i == 4) { }
1340 119 961 if ($delta == 0) { }
1346 692 269 if ($l <= 0.5) { }
1365 811 269 if ($l <= 0.5) { }
1391 501 2739 if ($h < 60) { }
1044 1695 elsif ($h < 180) { }
638 1057 elsif ($h < 240) { }
1469 0 0 if ($temp < 4000 or $temp > 25000)
1474 0 0 if ($temp <= 7000) { }
1502 0 190214 if (not defined $space) { }
0 190214 elsif (not $Graphics::ColorObject::RGB_SPACES{$space}) { }
1514 43200 147014 if ($s and not ref $s)
1526 0 9723 if (not defined $white_point) { }
0 9723 elsif ($white_point =~ /^(\d+)K$/) { }
0 9723 elsif (not $Graphics::ColorObject::WHITE_POINTS{$white_point}) { }
1613 0 0 if ($$v3[0] < $$c32[0][0])
1614 0 0 if ($$v3[0] > $$c32[0][1])
1615 0 0 if ($$v3[1] < $$c32[1][0])
1616 0 0 if ($$v3[1] > $$c32[1][1])
1617 0 0 if ($$v3[2] < $$c32[2][0])
1618 0 0 if ($$v3[2] > $$c32[2][1])
1625 239742 25719 $v >= 0 ? :
1642 4707 3933 if ($v <= $min)
1644 2899 3581 if ($v >= $max)
1909 0 51609 if ($name =~ /^#/) { }
0 51609 elsif ($name =~ /^%/) { }
0 51609 elsif ($name =~ /^!/) { }
0 51609 elsif ($name =~ /^&/) { }
1911 0 0 if (length $name < 5) { }
0 0 elsif (length $name < 8) { }
0 0 elsif (length $name < 11) { }
1931 0 0 if (length $name < 6) { }
0 0 elsif (length $name < 10) { }
0 0 elsif (length $name < 14) { }
1952 0 0 if ($opt) { }
1965 0 0 if (length $name < 5) { }
0 0 elsif (length $name < 8) { }
0 0 elsif (length $name < 11) { }
1982 0 0 if ($opt) { }
1991 0 0 if (length $name < 5) { }
0 0 elsif (length $name < 8) { }
0 0 elsif (length $name < 11) { }
2008 0 0 if ($opt) { }
2016 0 51609 if ($COLORNAMES{$name}) { }