Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 76 92 82.6

line true false branch
124 0 83 unless defined $source
133 0 38 unless defined $name
140 113 741 unless $modifier
141 63 408 if $modifier eq 'non_null' and ref $typespec eq 'ARRAY' and $typespec->[0] eq 'non_null'
149 18 50 if ref $typespec eq 'HASH'
150 32 18 if ref $typespec ne 'ARRAY'
208 15 2 unless ($TYPE2SCALAR{_remove_modifiers($field_type)})
224 3 61 if ($parent_name eq 'Mutation') { }
8 53 elsif ($parent_name eq 'Query') { }
230 45 8 ref $root_value eq 'HASH' ? :
232 0 53 if ref $property eq 'CODE'
233 45 8 if ref $root_value eq 'HASH' or not $root_value->can($field_name)
235 0 8 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($root_value, 'DBIx::Class::Core')
239 0 8 if $info->{'return_type'}->isa('GraphQL::Type::List')
245 0 13 if $field_node->{'kind'} ne 'field'
246 0 13 unless $field_node->{'selections'}
0 13 unless my(@sels) = @{[] unless $field_node->{'selections'};}
247 22 5 unless $_->{'selections'}
9 4 unless my(@withsels) = grep(@{[] unless $_->{'selections'};}, @sels)
254 7 1 $info->{'return_type'}->isa('GraphQL::Type::List') ? :
257 1 7 if ref $args->{'input'} eq 'HASH'
268 7 1 if $method eq 'search'
275 26 26 if $is_list
281 27 27 if $is_list
292 114 0 if $list_out
295 84 30 if $list_in
313 0 2 ref $_[0] eq 'GraphQL::Error' ? :
314 0 1 ref $_[0] eq 'GraphQL::Error' ? :
319 0 3 unless $name =~ s/^(create|update|delete)//
325 3 0 if $args->{'input'}
327 0 3 unless $is_list
333 4 1 if $find_first
334 3 1 $args_process ? :
4 1 $operand ? :
337 3 2 if $result_process and ref $result ne 'GraphQL::Error'
342 0 3 unless $is_list
348 0 6 if (ref $dbic_schema || '') eq 'CODE'
357 2 28 if $source->can('view_definition')
368 13 203 if ('CODE' eq ref $rawtype)
370 10 3 unless $seentype{$col_spec->{'name'}}
381 17 199 if $info->{'is_foreign_key'}
393 9 31 if $non_null
394 19 21 if $info->{'attrs'}{'accessor'} eq 'multi'
395 9 31 if $non_null
435 26 26 $_ ? :
26 4 if keys %{$name2pk21{$name};}