Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 50 92.0

line true false branch
34 0 17 unless defined $vertex
36 16 1 if defined $opts
40 16 1 $return_hash ? :
48 16 1 defined $opts ? :
49 16 1 if defined $opts
50 16 1 if defined $opts
51 16 1 defined $opts ? :
55 16 1 defined $opts ? :
58 14 3 ref $vertex ? :
71 0 174 unless $self->has_vertex($s)
73 174 0 if (defined $attr) { }
74 20 154 if ($add_vertex) { }
88 64 110 if (defined $cb_check)
89 6 58 if ($terminal{$s} = &$cb_check($self, $s, $newvalue, $opts))
94 3 171 if defined $max_weight and $newvalue > $max_weight
98 168 3 if (defined $save_paths)
102 64 104 if exists $terminal{$s}
103 110 58 if $save_all or $terminal{$s}
106 153 18 if (not defined $path{$s} or $newvalue < $weight{$s})
110 18 135 if defined $weight{$s} and $newvalue < $weight{$s}
120 6 165 if $terminal{$s}
121 156 9 unless exists $seen{$s}
130 16 1 if ($return_hash)
136 97 13 if not defined $$ret{$v->{'vertex'}} or $$ret{$v->{'vertex'}}{'weight'} > $v->{'weight'}
140 0 1 $return_weights ? :