Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 56 87 64.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
78 2112 0 0 $root and $n == $root
83 2104 8 0 defined $rank_att and $rank_att eq 'auto'
86 2104 8 0 defined $rank_att and $rank_att eq 'same'
95 8 1191 913 not defined $n->{'rank'} and $n->predecessors == 0
214 1667 27 27 $e->{'bidirectional'} and $to == $node
236 699 154 10 defined $to->{'_chain'} and $to->{'_chain'} == $c
295 0 213 0 defined $next_chain and $self->{'debug'}
357 1024 0 151 defined $n->{'origin'} and $n->{'origin'} != $n
397 273 7 0 $done != $todo and $self->{'debug'}
398 7 273 0 $done == $todo and $self->{'debug'}
480 279 0 0 $args->{'type'} and $args->{'type'} eq 'force'
728 3057 0 0 $self->{'debug'} and $step % 1 == 0
876 4 0 897 scalar @{$e->{'cells'};} > 0 and not exists $e->{'_todo'}
923 587 515 0 $t1 == $t2 and $t1 == 1 || $t1 == 2

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
178 0 791 $node->{'_chain'}{'id'} || 0
280 0 0 $s->{'_chain'} || 'undef'
485 0 0 $args->{'timeout'} || $self->{'timeout'} || 5
939 381 134 $f->{$m} || 1
0 515 $c->{$m} || 1
955 0 127 $c->{$m} || 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
118 479 49 453 @also != 0 or $todo->elements != 0
209 0 0 1721 $e->{'to'}->isa('Graph::Easy::Group') or $e->{'from'}->isa('Graph::Easy::Group')
373 996 106 722 $aa->[2] <=> $bb->[2] or $aa->[1] <=> $bb->[1]
1102 3 719 $aa->[2] <=> $bb->[2] or $aa->[1] <=> $bb->[1] or $aa->[0] <=> $bb->[0]
636 221 74 260 ($Graph::Easy::b->{'start'} == $root) <=> ($Graph::Easy::a->{'start'} == $root) or $Graph::Easy::b->{'len'} <=> $Graph::Easy::a->{'len'}
295 39 221 ($Graph::Easy::b->{'start'} == $root) <=> ($Graph::Easy::a->{'start'} == $root) or $Graph::Easy::b->{'len'} <=> $Graph::Easy::a->{'len'} or defined $Graph::Easy::a->{'start'}{'origin'} <=> defined $Graph::Easy::b->{'start'}{'origin'}
667 0 0 66 $e->{'to'}->isa('Graph::Easy::Group') or $e->{'from'}->isa('Graph::Easy::Group')
721 9 52 219 $flow == 0 or $flow == 180
799 0 0 0 $action_type == 0 or $action_type == 2
847 0 3 277 $nodes != $e_nodes or $edges != $e_edges
923 249 266 0 $t1 == 1 || $t1 == 2