Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 137 216 63.4

and 2 conditions

\n" and next \n" and next \n" and next
line l !l condition
1625 0 0 $html .= " $c
1627 0 0 $html .= " $c
1631 0 0 $html .= " $c

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
173 283 0 266 $dx == 1 and $dy == 0
174 332 41 176 $dx == 0 and $dy == 1
175 483 0 66 $dx == -1 and $dy == 0
176 332 176 41 $dx == 0 and $dy == -1
215 119 51 11 $x == $x1 and $y == $y1
247 0 0 63 ref $edge and ($edge->label || '') eq ''
531 0 0 0 $e->[1] == $x and $e->[2] == $y
569 5319 946 299 ref $cells->{$xy} and $cells->{$xy}->isa('Graph::Easy::Edge')
595 2037 2158 16665 $dx != 0 and $dy != 0
636 633 579 7 $dx2 == 0 and $dy2 == 0
638 637 582 0 $dx1 == 0 and $dy1 == 0
696 5249 0 1708 exists $cells->{$p} and ref $cells->{$p}
5249 752 956 exists $cells->{$p} and ref $cells->{$p} and $cells->{$p}->isa('Graph::Easy::Edge')
799 23 38 33 $type == 1 || $type == 2 and $c->{'type'} & $mask
942 214 6 28 defined $e_p and @ee_p == 1
985 193 29 20 defined $s_p and @ss_p == 1
1053 2 227 13 @$path > 0 and keys %$start_cells > 0
1064 2 228 12 @$path > 0 and keys %$end_cells > 0
1120 863 298 11 $rcell and not $rcell =~ /::Edge/
1123 863 16 282 $t != 0 and $t != 1
879 16 266 $t != 0 and $t != 1 and $t != 2
1188 12436 1154 240 $x == $stop[$i] and $y == $stop[$i + 1]
1205 0 0 3202 defined $x and defined $y
1216 0 5666 0 defined $nx and defined $ny
1222 0 0 5666 defined $px and defined $py
1352 764 391 0 $px == $lx and $py == $ly
1155 0 0 $px == $lx and $py == $ly and $cx != $lx || $cy != $ly
1367 799 0 356 $label_cell == 0 and not exists $$cells{"$cx,$cy"}
799 356 0 $label_cell == 0 and not exists $$cells{"$cx,$cy"} and $t == 1 || $t == 2
1386 232 8 0 @bends >= 3 and $self->{'debug'}
1501 0 0 0 $x == $cx and $y == $cy
1527 0 0 0 $x == $cx and $y == $cy
1625 0 0 0 exists $cells->{$xy} and ref($cells->{$xy}) =~ /Node/
1627 0 0 0 exists $cells->{$xy} and not exists $path->{$xy}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
180 567 0 $edge->{'to'}->attribute('shape') || ''
192 567 0 $edge->{'from'}->attribute('shape') || ''
247 0 63 $edge->label || ''
1153 895 0 $self->{'_astar_bias'} || 0
1180 3442 0 $open_by_pos->{$key} || 0
1291 400 755 $type || 0
1294 400 755 $type || 0
1564 0 0 $w ||= 20
1565 0 0 $h ||= 20
1636 0 0 $closed->{$xy}[3] || '0'
0 0 $closed->{$xy}[2] || '0'
1637 0 0 $closed->{$xy}[2] || 0
1638 0 0 $closed->{$xy}[3] || 0
1643 0 0 ' ' . $open->{$xy} || '0'
1644 0 0 $open->{$xy} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
99 2 2 2 $start_to_end->{$t} || $t
126 55 23 796 $src->is_multicelled or $dst->is_multicelled
78 54 742 $src->is_multicelled or $dst->is_multicelled or $edge->has_ports
143 275 404 63 $dx == 0 or $dy == 0
154 353 226 100 abs $dx1 == 2 or abs $dy1 == 2
581 2900 416 3247 $dx1 == $dx2 or $dy1 == $dy2
689 311 255 11584 $x < $min_x or $x > $max_x
566 386 11198 $x < $min_x or $x > $max_x or $y < $min_y
641 359 10839 $x < $min_x or $x > $max_x or $y < $min_y or $y > $max_y
702 342 75 539 $type == 1 or $type == 2
799 48 23 23 $type == 1 || $type == 2
854 13 0 18 $end or $edge->{'bidirectional'}
872 7 1 0 $cell_type == 1 or $cell_type == 2
1033 230 372 510 $sy < $src->{'y'} or $sy >= $src->{'y'} + $src->{'cy'}
1352 0 0 0 $cx != $lx || $cy != $ly
1367 136 103 117 $t == 1 || $t == 2
1373 19 83 1053 $type == 5 or $t == 6
102 80 973 $type == 5 or $t == 6 or $t == 3
163 75 898 $type == 5 or $t == 6 or $t == 3 or $t == 4
1475 72 4 4 $a->[0] != $pattern->[0] or $b->[0] != $pattern->[1]
76 4 0 $a->[0] != $pattern->[0] or $b->[0] != $pattern->[1] or $c->[0] != $pattern->[2]
8 0 0 $a->[0] != $pattern->[0] or $b->[0] != $pattern->[1] or $c->[0] != $pattern->[2] or $dx != $pattern->[3]
4 0 0 $a->[0] != $pattern->[0] or $b->[0] != $pattern->[1] or $c->[0] != $pattern->[2] or $dx != $pattern->[3] or $dy != $pattern->[4]
1506 0 0 0 $x != $cx or $y != $cy
1520 0 0 0 $x != $c->[1] or $y != $c->[2]
1631 0 0 0 exists $closed->{$xy} or exists $open->{$xy}