Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 28 47 59.5

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
350 0 0 print STDERR "#$indent is empty\n" and return

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
142 81 20 103 $edge and $edge->{'to'} == $pre
101 103 0 $edge and $edge->{'to'} == $pre and $edge->attribute('flow') || $edge->has_ports
243 15 57 185 defined $curr and $curr != $e->{'to'}
254 0 15 32 defined $curr and $curr != $e->{'from'}
317 0 6 1935 exists $to->{'_chain'} and ref($to->{'_chain'}) =~ /Chain/
377 214 0 0 $g->{'debug'} and ref $where
383 1 213 0 ref $where and exists $where->{'_chain'}
0 0 213 ref $where and exists $where->{'_chain'} and $where->{'_chain'} == $other
412 214 0 282 ref $n and defined $n->{'_chain'}
214 282 0 ref $n and defined $n->{'_chain'} and $n->{'_chain'} == $self
432 0 49 165 defined $other->{'start'} and $where == $other->{'start'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
142 103 0 0 $edge->attribute('flow') || $edge->has_ports
190 0 0 582 $e->{'to'}->isa('Graph::Easy::Group') or $e->{'from'}->isa('Graph::Easy::Group')
230 0 0 815 $e->{'to'}->isa('Graph::Easy::Group') or $e->{'from'}->isa('Graph::Easy::Group')
289 271 213 31 $e->{'from'} != $n or $e->{'to'} != $n