Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 74 100 74.0

line true false branch
35 0 79 unless ($k =~ /^(graph|name)\z/)
57 0 13 wantarray ? :
65 0 8 wantarray ? :
74 0 5 wantarray ? :
85 5 3 if $level >= $max_level
89 2 4 if scalar keys %{$$g{'groups'};} > 0
102 2 34 if ($name eq 'nodeclass')
129 1 143 unless (ref $n and $n->isa('Graph::Easy::Node'))
131 0 1 unless (ref $self->{'graph'})
140 3 141 if exists $self->{'att'}{'nodeclass'}
156 1 142 unless $n->{'graph'} and $self->{'graph'} and $n->{'graph'} == $self->{'graph'}
166 0 128 unless (ref $n and $n->isa('Graph::Easy::Node'))
168 0 0 unless (ref $self->{'graph'})
174 3 125 if $n->isa('Graph::Easy::Edge')
175 8 117 if $n->isa('Graph::Easy::Group')
181 0 117 if $cl ne ''
197 1 115 unless $n->{'graph'} and $self->{'graph'} and $n->{'graph'} == $self->{'graph'}
209 0 2 if ($n->isa('Graph::Easy::Group'))
217 2 0 if ($n->isa('Graph::Easy::Node'))
223 0 0 if $e->{'from'} == $n or $e->{'to'} == $n
243 2 0 if $e->{'from'} == $n or $e->{'to'} == $n
257 0 2 unless (ref $n or ref $self->{'graph'})
261 0 18 if $n->isa('Graph::Easy::Group')
264 2 16 unless ref $n
286 0 15 unless $n->{'graph'} and $self->{'graph'} and $n->{'graph'} == $self->{'graph'}
312 0 66 unless (ref $e and $e->isa('Graph::Easy::Edge'))
320 0 66 if $edge_class ne ''
327 62 4 unless defined $e->{'group'} and $e->{'group'} == $self
338 0 2 unless defined $g
352 0 1 unless defined $g
357 1 0 unless defined $edge
371 1 8 unless ref $group
374 1 8 unless ref $group
448 2 40 if $loc eq 'bottom'
455 733 180 unless $c->{'cell_class'} =~ /$match/
457 143 37 if (defined $lc)
459 113 30 if ($align eq 'left') { }
18 12 elsif ($align eq 'center') { }
12 0 elsif ($align eq 'right') { }
462 102 11 if $lc->{'x'} < $c->{'x'} or $lc->{'y'} < $c->{'y'}
467 0 18 if $lc->{'y'} < $c->{'y'}
472 0 12 if $lc->{'x'} > $c->{'x'} or $lc->{'y'} < $c->{'y'}
479 7 35 if (ref $lc and $align eq 'center')
485 132 39 if $c->{'y'} != $lc->{'y'}
486 9 30 if not defined $left or $left > $c->{'x'}
487 37 2 if not defined $right or $right < $c->{'x'}
494 132 39 if $c->{'y'} != $lc->{'y'}
497 18 21 if defined $min_dist and $dist > $min_dist
503 0 42 if $self->{'debug'}
505 37 5 if ref $lc