Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 36 77.7

line true false branch
40 0 48 if $base_class =~ /group/
41 20 28 unless ref $ids->{$base_class}
49 8 12 unless defined $entry->[2]
52 2 18 if exists $ids->{$base_class}{$name}
62 12 6 if ($t =~ /##default##/)
66 0 12 if ref $def
97 0 18 if ref $args ne 'HASH' and @_ == 1
98 2 16 if ref $args ne 'HASH' and @_ > 1
100 10 8 unless defined $args->{'format'}
102 0 18 unless ($args->{'format'} =~ /^(graph-easy|Graph::Easy|yED)\z/i)
111 8 10 if $format eq 'yED'
113 8 10 if $format eq 'yED'
179 8 10 unless $id eq 'd0'
197 0 22 if $n->{'group'}
205 0 22 if $n->{'group'}
249 1776 26 unless exists $ids->{$n}
251 6 20 if defined $def and $def eq $att->{$n}
291 0 0 if @edges > 0