Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 170 226 75.2

line true false branch
29 1 3673 unless defined $dir
31 2071 1603 if $dir == 90
34 955 648 if $dir == 180
35 324 1279 if $dir == 270
36 324 1279 if $dir == 0
54 17 212 if $dir < 0
55 0 229 if $dir > 360
77 1 3668 unless defined $d
81 3148 521 if (ref $flags ne 'ARRAY')
90 2807 862 unless defined $dir
97 3490 179 if ($cx + $cy == 2)
115 502 13458 if not $loose and exists $$cells{"$x,$y"}
117 1682 11776 if defined $type
143 21 356 if exists $$cells{"$px,$py"} and not $loose
145 192 164 if defined $type
154 34 522 if exists $$cells{"$px,$py"} and not $loose
156 279 243 if defined $type
165 15 362 if exists $$cells{"$px,$py"} and not $loose
167 191 171 if defined $type
176 1 555 if exists $$cells{"$px,$py"} and not $loose
178 278 277 if defined $type
197 0 56 if $$self{'graph'}{'debug'}
214 183 4077 if $m == $x and $n == $y
216 297 183 unless $allow
220 0 56 if $$self{'graph'}{'debug'}
237 0 72 if ($dir =~ /^(front|forward|back|left|right)\z/)
256 0 72 unless defined $p
263 35 37 if @pos == 0
266 39 33 if (@pos == 1 and $pos[0] eq '') { }
281 6 27 if $ps < 0
282 1 32 if $ps < 0
283 2 31 if $ps >= $$self{$c}
311 0 790 if $$self{'debug'}
347 19236 136 unless ref $cell and $cell->isa('Graph::Easy::Node')
354 0 136 if $grandpa == $node or $cell == $node_grandpa or $grandpa == $node_grandpa
360 2360 136 if ($g == 0)
387 20 56 if defined $$n{'x'}
401 0 982 if $$self{'debug'}
402 0 982 if $$self{'debug'} and ref $parent
404 0 982 if $$self{'debug'}
408 3 979 if ($$node{'rank'} >= 0)
414 2 1 if (exists $$self{'_rank_pos'}{$r})
421 2 3 if $node->_do_place($$co{'x'}, $$co{'y'}, $self)
435 633 347 if ref $edge
438 347 633 unless (ref $edge)
440 306 41 if keys %{$$node{'edges'};} > 0
443 939 41 if ref $edge
447 939 41 if (keys %{$$node{'edges'};} > 0)
449 328 611 if ref $edge and not ref $parent
450 0 939 if $$self{'debug'}
456 939 0 if ref $edge
459 939 0 if (ref $edge)
465 15 924 if defined $s_p and @ss_p > 0
467 0 939 if $$self{'debug'}
470 15 924 if (@shared_nodes > 1)
472 15 0 if $min_dist < 3
473 0 15 if $edge->label ne ''
478 9 6 if (defined $placed)
486 0 9 if $$self{'debug'}
490 0 9 unless $$flow_shift{$flow}
496 0 16 if $$self{'debug'}
499 7 9 if $self->_clear_tries($node, $cells, [$x, $y]) == 0
500 9 0 if $node->_do_place($x, $y, $self)
510 930 0 if ref $edge
512 18 912 if defined $s_p and @ss_p > 0
514 0 930 if $$self{'debug'}
517 24 906 if (@shared_nodes > 1)
519 18 6 if $min_dist < 3
520 5 19 if $edge->label ne ''
529 7 17 if (grep(($_ == $node), @shared_nodes) and defined $placed)
537 0 7 if $$self{'debug'}
541 0 7 unless $$flow_shift{$flow}
547 0 13 if $$self{'debug'}
550 6 7 if $self->_clear_tries($node, $cells, [$x, $y]) == 0
551 7 0 if $node->_do_place($x, $y, $self)
561 602 362 if (ref $parent and defined $$parent{'x'})
565 0 602 if $$self{'debug'}
572 0 602 if $try > 0
573 0 602 if $$self{'debug'}
580 0 603 if $$self{'debug'}
581 601 2 if $node->_do_place($x, $y, $self)
585 0 363 if $try == 0 and $$self{'debug'}
588 274 89 if $try == 0 and $node->_do_place(0, 0, $self)
593 0 89 if $$self{'debug'}
599 5 0 if defined $$p{'x'}
600 0 5 if $$self{'debug'} and defined $$p{'x'}
606 0 89 if $$self{'debug'}
608 5 84 if (@pre <= 2 and @pre > 0)
611 5 0 if (@pre == 1) { }
614 0 5 if $$self{'debug'}
626 0 0 if ($dx != 0 and $dy != 0) { }
637 0 0 if ($dx == 0) { }
664 18 83 if defined $$s{'x'}
666 0 89 if $$self{'debug'}
677 0 89 if $$self{'debug'}
679 0 89 if $try > 0
686 0 21 if $$self{'debug'}
687 21 0 if $node->_do_place($x, $y, $self)
694 0 68 if $$self{'debug'}
703 0 68 if @pre > 0
705 0 68 if @pre > 0
710 5 63 if exists $$cells{"$col," . ($y - 1)}
715 2 68 if $self->_clear_tries($node, $cells, [$col, $y]) == 0
716 68 0 if $node->_do_place($col, $y, $self)
732 0 899 if $$self{'debug'}
733 0 899 if $$self{'debug'}
738 0 899 unless (defined $coords)
740 0 0 if $$self{'debug'}
745 8 891 if scalar @$coords == 0
757 393 1647 if $type != 1 and $type != 2
758 0 2040 if $type == 0
771 19 2021 if (ref $$cells{$xy} and $$cells{$xy}->isa('Graph::Easy::Edge'))
799 1 42 if exists $$cells{"$x,$y"}