Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 55 64 85.9

line true false branch
69 0 24 if $border eq 'none'
74 4 20 if ($type == 0) { }
4 16 elsif ($type == 5) { }
86 16 48 if $$b[$i]
115 944 0 if (defined $$self{'group'})
121 0 944 unless defined $$self{'class'}
157 2868 900 if UNIVERSAL::can($cell, 'group')
159 945 2823 unless defined $go and $gr == $go
162 1 941 if $class eq ' gt gr gb gl'
192 343 3190 if exists $$group{'att'}{$name}
194 0 3190 unless exists $$group{'cache'}
195 34 3156 unless exists $$group{'cache'}{'att'}
198 3014 176 if exists $$cache{$name}
220 0 833 if $border_width > 2
221 0 833 if $border_width > $EM * 0.2 and $border_width < $EM * 0.75
222 0 833 if $border_width >= $EM * 0.75
224 769 64 if ($border_style ne 'none')
236 769 0 unless ($c =~ /ga/)
238 561 208 unless $c =~ /gt/
239 585 184 unless $c =~ /gl/
240 585 184 unless $c =~ /gr/
241 561 208 unless $c =~ /gb/
247 33 800 if ($$self{'has_label'})
254 3 30 if $border_style eq 'none'
255 3 30 if $border_style eq 'none'
281 833 0 unless (defined $$self{'w'})
287 33 800 if $$self{'has_label'}
288 769 64 if ($border ne 'none')
292 170 599 if ($$self{'has_label'} or $$self{'cell_class'} =~ /g[rltb] /) { }
228 371 elsif ($$self{'cell_class'} =~ /^ g[rl]\z/) { }
246 125 elsif ($$self{'cell_class'} =~ /^ g[bt]\z/) { }
307 33 800 if ($$self{'has_label'})