Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 92 158 58.2

line true false branch
229 2 58 if $tf != 0
253 131 8526 unless $k =~ /^(graph|edge|x|y|type)\z/
257 0 2135 unless defined $$self{'edge'}
259 0 2135 unless defined $$self{'type'}
282 0 0 if $$self{'edge'}{'undirected'}
286 0 0 if ($type & 32) != 0
287 0 0 if ($type & 128) != 0
288 0 0 if ($type & 16) != 0
289 0 0 if ($type & 64) != 0
290 0 0 if ($$self{'edge'}{'bidirectional'})
292 0 0 if ($type & 2048) != 0
293 0 0 if ($type & 512) != 0
294 0 0 if ($type & 1024) != 0
295 0 0 if ($type & 256) != 0
307 0 20 if $type != 1 and $type != 2
315 10 10 if ($type == 2)
333 0 31 if $type >= 7
341 2 29 if ($type == 2)
347 0 31 if $$self{'graph'}{'debug'}
841 0 24 if $as eq 'none'
856 24 0 if ($s_flags & 1024)
861 0 24 if ($s_flags & 256)
866 0 24 if ($e_flags & 16)
872 24 0 if ($e_flags & 64)
900 0 0 if $as eq 'none'
914 0 0 if ($s_flags & 2048) { }
0 0 elsif ($e_flags & 32) { }
928 0 0 if ($s_flags & 512)
934 0 0 if ($e_flags & 128)
980 0 25 if $$self{'edge'}{'undirected'}
981 25 0 unless $as
984 0 25 if $$self{'edge'}{'undirected'}
985 25 0 unless $ashape
989 25 0 unless (defined $code)
993 24 1 if ($style ne 'invisible') { }
995 24 0 if $t == 1
996 0 24 if $t == 2
997 0 24 if $t == 0
1004 0 25 unless (defined $code)
1019 24 1 if ($style ne 'invisible' and $$self{'type'} & 4096)
1028 16 8 if $label_color eq '#000000'
1029 8 16 if $label_color
1032 24 0 if $font eq ($self->default_attribute('font') || '')
1033 0 24 if $font
1035 9 15 unless $label eq ''
1040 1 23 if ($link ne '')
1047 1 0 if $label_style
1054 16 9 unless $label ne ''
1064 0 25 if (($$self{'type'} & 15) == 0)
1070 25 0 if $color
1079 25 0 if $bg eq 'inherit'
1080 0 25 if $$group{'att'}{'fill'} and $bg eq ''
1081 0 25 if $bg eq 'inherit'
1082 0 25 if $bg
1086 11 14 if $title ne ''
1091 25 0 if $as ne 'none'
1101 0 97 if (ref $a) { }
1139 0 97 if $as eq 'none'
1147 0 97 if $label eq ''
1149 49 48 unless $c =~ /\n\z/
1159 0 25 if ref $$self{'edge'}{'group'}
1181 0 1 if (defined $type)
1183 0 0 if (defined $type and $type < 0 or $type > 15)
1204 30 1557 if defined $$self{'w'}
1209 26 1531 if (($$self{'type'} & 8192) != 0)
1218 40 1491 if ($$self{'edge'}{'bidirectional'} and $arrows != 0)
1220 11 29 if $type == 1
1221 10 30 if $type == 2
1227 5 465 if $ah and $type == 7 || $type == 8
1228 1 370 if $av and $type == 9 || $type == 10
1233 1 1530 if $style eq 'dot-dot-dash'
1235 31 1500 if ($type >= 12)
1246 15 16 if $type == 12 or $type == 13
1248 16 15 if $type != 12 and $type != 13
1251 146 1385 if ($$self{'type'} == 1) { }
58 1327 elsif ($$self{'type'} == 2) { }
814 513 elsif ($$self{'type'} & 4096) { }
1262 71 743 unless $h == 0
1284 337 5623 if defined $$edge{'att'}{$name} and $$edge{'att'}{$name} ne 'inherit'