Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 206 256 80.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
172 788 0 106 ref $class and $class->isa("Graph")
198 881 9 1 $vflags & 1 and $vflags & 2
201 871 18 1 $eflags & 1 and $eflags & 2
340 37793 60 55 &is_hyperedged && &is_directed
344 65 36210 1289 not $ensure and @non_exist
353 31 19810 4 $Ea and @_ != $Ea + 1
355 19810 14 17 &is_hyperedged && $directed
374 1231 14 5 &is_hyperedged && &is_directed
508 465 6 2 &is_hyperedged && &is_directed
516 324 0 2 &is_hyperedged && &is_directed
522 4 6 1 &is_hyperedged && &is_directed
527 283 0 1 &is_hyperedged && &is_directed
533 215 0 1 &is_hyperedged && &is_directed
630 1 8 440 @i and $g->[3]->del_path(\@i)
687 0 0 232 @_ > 1 and &has_vertex
690 202 25 5 &is_undirected and &is_self_loop_vertex
696 0 0 208 @_ > 1 and &has_vertex
699 202 5 1 &is_undirected and &is_self_loop_vertex
704 0 0 42 @_ > 1 and &has_vertex
1040 17651 20 14 &is_hyperedged && &is_directed
1220 0 17 3 ref $src eq "ARRAY" and !defined($dst) || ref $dst eq 'ARRAY'
1513 2 1 1095 @_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq "ARRAY"
1548 0 80 0 $^P && $] < 5.009003
1571 10 2 0 exists $opt{'edges'} and exists $opt{'edges_fill'}
1584 12 0 0 $p > 1 and not $g->countedged || $g->multiedged
1597 280 6606 6194 $q and $q == 1 || rand() <= $q
6606 127 6067 $q and $q == 1 || rand() <= $q and not exists $v1_v2{$v1}{$v2}
6733 40 6027 $q and $q == 1 || rand() <= $q and not exists $v1_v2{$v1}{$v2} and $is_directed ? 1 : !exists $v1_v2{$v2}{$v1}
1772 2 1 2 &is_directed && &is_acyclic
1847 377 1870 0 defined $a and ref $a ne "ARRAY"
1849 377 46 1824 defined $a and $a->[0] == $g->[1]
1952 10 8 2 $g->has_union_find and $g->vertices == 1
2102 1924 0 14895 $e->[0] eq $u and $e->[1] eq $v
2111 1621 15912 1803 defined $state->{'pred'}{$u} and $state->{'pred'}{$u} ne $v
17533 896 907 defined $state->{'pred'}{$u} and $state->{'pred'}{$u} ne $v and $state->{'num'}{$v} < $state->{'num'}{$u}
2345 13 0 148 defined $d{$u} and defined $d{$v}
2348 99 48 1 defined $d and $d{$v} > $d{$u} + $d
2468 100 488 40 $u ne $v and !defined($max) || $l > $max
2472 100 510 18 $u ne $v and !defined($min) || $l < $min
2498 0 7 2 defined $l and !defined($max) || $l > $max
2509 0 7 2 defined $l and !defined($max) || $l > $max
2526 0 806 289 defined $l and !defined($max) || $l > $max
2543 0 9 0 defined $l and !defined($min) || $l < $min
2555 0 7 2 defined $l and !defined($min) || $l < $min
2573 0 69 20 defined $x and $x < $radius
2586 0 3 7 defined $r and $r != $Inf
2589 0 0 53 defined $e and $e != $Inf
2606 270 38 418 defined $A[0] and $u ne $A[0]
2607 126 19 163 defined $A[1] and $v ne $A[1]
2643 6 4 2 $m and $g->get_edge_count($u, @v) > 1
2682 0 0 31 exists $d1{$da} and keys %{$d0{$da};} == keys %{$d1{$da};}
2685 4 0 39 exists $d1{$da}{$_} && $d0{$da}{$_} == $d1{$da}{$_}
2719 6 58 15 !$c->contains("$u-$_") && $g->has_edge($u, $_)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1069 5 0 $g->get_vertex_attributes_by_id($v, $_) || {}
1075 1 49 $g->get_vertex_attributes($_) || {}
1083 12 1 $g->get_edge_attributes_by_id(@$e, $_) || {}
1956 0 18 $opt{'super_component'} || \&Graph::_super_component
2221 0 1 $opt{'super_component'} || \&Graph::_super_component
2247 1010 63 $etc->{$r} || 0
2254 8 1010 $etc->{$s} || 0
2474 15 3 $p || [$t->path_vertices($u, $v)]

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
57 0 0 0 eval { do { $Inf = "Inf" } } or eval { do { $Inf = "Inf" } }
0 0 0 eval { do { $Inf = "Inf" } } or eval { do { $Inf = "Inf" } } or eval { do { $Inf = "Inf" } }
204 106 783 0 ref $class || $class
230 12 46 831 $is_hyper || $eflags & 18446744073709551611
292 5 9 1391 &is_multivertexed or &is_countvertexed
341 289 55 37564 $V->[1] & 8 or $deep
382 18 10 339 &is_multiedged or &is_countedged
562 264 71 42 not defined $radius or $radius-- > 0
912 1546 14155 2215 $is_vertex or $is_undirected
14155 116 2099 $is_vertex or $is_undirected or $is_multi
913 1546 129 14142 $is_vertex or $is_multi
1220 18 2 0 !defined($dst) || ref $dst eq 'ARRAY'
1584 0 0 0 $g->countedged || $g->multiedged
1597 0 6194 6606 $q == 1 || rand() <= $q
2253 1010 8 4234 not defined $etc->{$s} or $etc_r + $t < $etc->{$s}
2294 0 24 58 $seen->size == $V or $u eq $v
2296 0 41 27 not @path or $path[-1] ne $u
2468 15 35 478 !defined($max) || $l > $max
2472 15 3 510 !defined($min) || $l < $min
2498 1 2 6 !defined($max) || $l > $max
2509 1 1 7 !defined($max) || $l > $max
2526 155 211 729 !defined($max) || $l > $max
2543 1 0 8 !defined($min) || $l < $min
2555 1 2 6 !defined($min) || $l < $min
2619 8 8 16 &is_multiedged or &is_countedged
2631 8 8 16 &is_multiedged or &is_countedged
2638 8 8 16 &is_countedged || &is_multiedged