Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 28 0.0

line true false branch
60 0 0 unless $title
73 0 0 if ($thing_location eq 'database') { }
112 0 0 unless Goo::Prompter::confirm('Make another type of Thing?', 'N')
139 0 0 unless (-e $location)
141 0 0 if (Goo::Prompter::confirm("Create a new location $location?"))
170 0 0 unless ($config_file =~ /goo$/)
196 0 0 unless ($new_command =~ /\[[A-Z]\]/)
260 0 0 if ($column_display_order)
321 0 0 if (Goo::Database::get_primary_key($thing))
324 0 0 if (Goo::Prompter::confirm("Table $thing already exists. Delete $thing table?", 'N')) { }
342 0 0 if (Goo::Prompter::confirm("Add a title column to $table?", 'Y'))
347 0 0 if (Goo::Prompter::confirm("Add a description column to $table?", 'Y'))
358 0 0 if ($type eq 'varchar')
381 0 0 if (Goo::Prompter::confirm('Execute SQL?', 'Y')) { }