Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 10 20 50.0

line true false branch
84 0 42 unless $self->$field eq $other->$field
94 0 28 unless (defined $self->$field && $self->$field ne '') == (defined $other->$field && $other->$field ne '')
95 0 28 if (defined $self->$field and $self->$field ne "")
96 0 0 unless $self->$field eq $other->$field
103 0 7 unless $self->$field->compare($other->$field, $deep)
106 4 3 if (defined $deep and $deep)
114 0 12 unless @{$self->$list;} == @{$other->$list;}
116 0 2 unless $self->$list->[$i]->compare($other->$list->[$i], $deep)
121 0 4 unless @{$self->pubkey_data;} == @{$other->pubkey_data;}
123 0 7 unless 0 == $self->pubkey_data->[$i]->bcmp($other->pubkey_data->[$i])