Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 36 52.7

line true false branch
17 4 2 if ($class->isa('Gloom') and defined $flag and $flag eq '-base') { }
41 1 3 if defined $INC{$inc_module}
48 20 0 /::/ ? :
67 0 3 unless ($self->can($property))
134 0 2 if defined $$args{-'package'}
135 0 2 if defined &{"${package}::$has";}
136 0 2 ref $default eq 'HASH' && !keys(%$default) ? :
0 2 ref $default eq 'ARRAY' && !@$default ? :
145 0 2 if ($$args{-'class'})
146 0 0 if ($$args{-'class'} eq '-init')
156 0 2 if ($$args{-'init'})
164 0 2 if defined $default
168 0 2 if defined $$args{-'onset'}
170 0 2 if (defined $$args{-'chain'}) { }
177 0 1 unless $#_ > 0
0 2 unless $#_ > 0
178 0 2 if $@
181 0 2 if defined wantarray