Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 56 30.3

line true false branch
63 2 4 unless ($self->token)
64 0 2 if $ENV{'GITHUB_TOKEN'}
68 4 9 unless ($self->{$key})
75 1 1 if ($self->proxy)
92 2 0 unless defined $self->user
94 0 2 if (-d $self->stg)
95 0 0 unless rmtree($self->stg)
98 0 2 unless mkdir $self->stg
104 0 0 unless ($self->{'repo_list'})
122 0 0 if ($self->limit)
123 0 0 if $repo_count >= $self->limit
132 0 0 if (not $self->forks) { }
133 0 0 unless (exists $repo->{'parent'})
152 0 0 unless mkdir $self->stg . "/issues"
161 0 0 if ($self->limit)
162 0 0 if $repo_count >= $self->limit
175 0 0 unless ($dir_created)
176 0 0 unless mkdir $issue_dir
179 0 0 unless open my $fh, ">", "$issue_dir/$issue->{'id'}"
190 0 0 if ($self->stg and -d $self->stg)
191 0 0 unless move($self->stg, $self->dir)
197 0 0 unless ($self->{'trap'})
206 0 6 if ($self->dir and -d $self->dir)
207 0 0 unless rmtree($self->dir)
210 2 4 if ($self->stg and -d $self->stg)
211 0 2 unless move($self->stg, $self->dir)
215 1 3 if ($self->dir and -d $self->dir and $self->_clean)
217 0 1 unless rmtree($self->dir)