Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 74 112 66.0

line true false branch
37 6 1 if (scalar @_ == 1) { }
39 2 4 if (ref $arg eq 'HASH') { }
1 3 elsif (&blessed($arg)) { }
1 2 elsif (not ref $arg) { }
47 0 1 if &blessed($dir)
53 2 3 unless $self->dir
62 5 39 if $meth eq 'DESTROY'
75 0 0 if @_
95 94 0 unless $cmd eq 'clone'
100 0 94 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and defined $stdin)
112 0 94 if $DEBUG
118 1 93 if defined $stdin
128 0 94 if $DEBUG
136 1 93 if ($? and not $stupid_status)
147 0 93 if ($self->{'autoprint'})
159 0 1 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
170 1 93 if defined $self->{'git_binary'}
172 0 93 defined $ENV{'GIT_WRAPPER_GIT'} ? :
183 1 11 if (grep /format=/, @_)
191 5 6 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
196 11 0 if $self->supports_log_no_abbrev_commit
198 0 11 if $self->supports_log_no_expand_tabs
207 1 13 unless $line =~ /^commit (\S+)/
218 0 13 if $line
220 13 0 if @out
234 3 10 if ($raw)
246 3 0 if @modifications
251 10 3 unless @out
252 0 3 unless $out[0] =~ /^commit/
263 0 2 unless $self->supports_status_porcelain
266 0 2 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
273 1 1 unless @out
278 0 1 if ($STATUS_CONFLICTS{"$x$y"}) { }
0 1 elsif ($x eq '?' and $y eq '?') { }
285 0 1 if $y ne ' '
287 1 0 if $x ne ' '
298 0 1 if &versioncmp(scalar $self->version, '1.6.1') == -1
306 0 12 &versioncmp(scalar $self->version, '1.7.6') == -1 ? :
313 11 0 if &versioncmp(scalar $self->version, '2.9') == -1
321 0 2 if &versioncmp(scalar $self->version, '1.6.2') == -1
329 0 4 if &versioncmp(scalar $self->version, '1.7') == -1
356 9 89 length $name == 1 ? :
362 5 30 length $name == 1 ? :
63 35 $val eq '1' ? :
369 0 107 if ref $cmd
375 46 60 if (ref $_ eq 'HASH') { }
2 58 elsif (&blessed($_)) { }
0 58 elsif (ref $_) { }
377 4 42 if exists $_->{'-STDIN'}
381 0 98 if $val eq '0'
383 10 88 if ($name =~ s/^-//) { }
387 0 88 if _win32_multiline_commit_msg($cmd, $name, $val)
410 88 0 if $^O ne 'MSWin32'
411 0 0 if $cmd ne 'commit'
412 0 0 if $name ne 'm' and $name ne 'message'
413 0 0 unless $val =~ /\n/