Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 24 87.5

line true false branch
14 1 14 unless @_ % 2 == 0
17 0 14 if ($args{'verbose'})
36 0 14 unless GetOptions 'dir=s', \$opts{'dir'}, 'branch=s', \$opts{'branch'}, 'prefix=s', \$opts{'prefix'} || '', 'suffix=s', \$opts{'suffix'} || '', 'remote=s', \$opts{'remote'}, 'no-delete', \$opts{'no_delete'}, 'no_delete', \$opts{'no_delete'}, 'include=s', \$opts{'include'}, 'exclude=s', \$opts{'exclude'}, 'verbose', \$opts{'verbose'}, 'no-push', \$opts{'no_push'}, 'no_push', \$opts{'no_push'}, 'test-extension=s', \$opts{'test_extension'}, 'test_extension=s', \$opts{'test_extension'}
52 0 14 if ($opts{'verbose'})
56 1 13 if length $opts{'prefix'} and length $opts{'suffix'}
66 17 126 if (defined $opts{$o})
67 1 16 if ($o eq 'suffix')
77 1 12 if length $args{'prefix'} and length $args{'suffix'}
80 1 12 if ($o eq 'suffix')
86 2 10 unless -d $params{'dir'}
88 1 9 if ($params{'include'} and $params{'exclude'})
91 1 8 unless ($params{'include'} or $params{'exclude'})