Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 57 68 83.8

line true false branch
69 2 20 if ($$for_committer{'proper-email'} eq $params{'email'}) { }
82 5 22 if ($$for_alias{'commit-email'} eq ($params{'email'} // ''))
83 3 2 if (not defined $params{'name'}) { }
1 1 elsif (defined $params{'name'} and $params{'name'} eq $$for_alias{'commit-name'}) { }
98 4 16 if ($committer)
103 6 2 if (defined $committer)
124 11 76 if ($$for_committer{'proper-email'} eq $params{'proper-email'})
125 9 2 if ($params{'proper-name'})
132 0 14 if ($$for_alias{'commit-email'} eq ($params{'commit-email'} // '') and defined $$for_alias{'commit-name'} and defined $params{'commit-name'} and $$for_alias{'commit-name'} eq $params{'commit-name'}) { }
2 24 elsif ($$for_alias{'commit-email'} eq ($params{'commit-email'} // '') and $$for_alias{'commit-name'} ne $params{'commit-name'}) { }
149 9 2 if (not defined $alias and defined $params{'commit-email'})
151 5 4 if ($params{'commit-name'})
160 20 11 unless (defined $committer)
163 16 4 if ($params{'proper-name'})
168 17 3 if ($params{'commit-email'})
170 9 8 if ($params{'commit-name'})
206 35 37 if defined $params{$_}
210 15 147 if defined $$committer{$_} and defined $params{$_} and $$committer{$_} eq $params{$_}
217 21 213 if defined $$alias{$_} and defined $params{$_} and $$alias{$_} eq $params{$_}
223 11 7 $found{$PROPER_EMAIL} != 0 && $found{$PROPER_NAME} != 0 && $found{$COMMIT_EMAIL} != 0 && $found{$COMMIT_NAME} != 0 ? :
261 0 0 if (defined $params{'all'} and $params{'all'} eq '1') { }
268 0 0 if ($$for_committer{'proper-email'} eq $params{'proper-email'} or not defined $params{'commit-email'}) { }
271 0 0 if (not defined $params{'commit-email'}) { }
282 0 0 if ($$for_alias{'commit-email'} eq $params{'commit-email'}) { }
305 1 2 unless (blessed $self)
324 22 2 unless ($row =~ /^[[:space:]]*\#/msx)
330 4 18 if ($row =~ /^([^<>]*)($EMAIL_ADDRESS_REGEXP)[[:space:]]*$/msx) { }
18 0 elsif ($row =~ /^(.*)($EMAIL_ADDRESS_REGEXP)(.+)($EMAIL_ADDRESS_REGEXP)[[:space:]]*$/msx) { }
349 19 3 if (length $proper_name > 0)
352 18 4 if (length $commit_email > 0)
355 9 13 if (length $commit_name > 0)
380 4 1 if (defined $$committer{'proper-name'})
386 5 0 if (scalar @{$aliases;} > 0) { }
390 5 3 if (defined $$alias{'commit-name'})