Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 9 56 16.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
556 0 0 $git->fault("I cannot opendir '${dir}'", {"details", $!}) and next

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
136 0 0 0 $user and $user =~ /([^\(]+)\s+\(([^\)]+)\)/u
344 0 0 0 exists $args->[0]{'--is-draft'} and $args->[0]{'--is-draft'} eq "true"
390 0 0 0 exists $ENV{$basename} and not $ENV{$basename}
509 0 0 0 @args and ref $args[0]
858 0 0 0 $git->{'_plugin_githooks'}{'hookname'} =~ /^commit-msg|pre-commit$/u and not $git->get_config_boolean("githooks", "abort-commit")
877 0 0 0 $limit > 0 and $limit < length $faults
919 11 0 0 $commit =~ /^[0-9A-F]{40}$/u and exists $cache->{$commit}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
72 0 0 $git->{'_plugin_githooks'}{'input_data'} || []
129 0 0 $opt{'--uploader'} || $opt{'--author'} || $opt{'--submitter'} || $opt{'--abandoner'} || $opt{'--restorer'} || $opt{'--reviewer'} || undef
273 0 0 $cfg{'votes-to-reject'} || 'Code-Review-1'
283 0 0 $cfg{'votes-to-approve'} || 'Code-Review+1'
648 0 3 $config{'githooks'}{'externals'} //= ["true"]
649 0 3 $config{'githooks'}{'gerrit'}{'enabled'} //= ["true"]
650 0 3 $config{'githooks'}{'abort-commit'} //= ["true"]
801 1 0 $info //= {}
1035 0 17 $git->get_config('i18n', 'commitEncoding') || 'utf-8'
1076 0 2 $git->get_config('i18n', 'commitEncoding') || 'utf-8'
1096 0 0 $git->{'_plugin_githooks'}{'affected_refs'} || {}
1296 0 1 $ENV{'GERRIT_USER_EMAIL'} || $ENV{'BB_USER_NAME'} || $ENV{'GL_USERNAME'} || $ENV{'USER'} || undef

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
547 0 0 0 $^O eq "MSWin32" or not $git->get_config_boolean("githooks", "externals")
808 0 1 0 $info->{'prefix'} || caller
1363 0 0 0 $cache->{'tmpdir'} //= "Path::Tiny"->tempdir(@args)