Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 39 87 44.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
227 10 0 0 defined $ir and ref $ir ne 'ARRAY'
237 10 0 0 defined $er and ref $er ne 'ARRAY'
262 15 0 0 -d "$dir/branches" and -f "$dir/HEAD"
288 12 12 12 $skip_non_repo and not $is_repo
293 3 3 0 -f $dir and $args->{'exclude_files'}
3 3 0 -d $dir and $args->{'exclude_non_git_dirs'}
295 18 0 0 $ir and not $e->{'name'} ~~ \@$ir
300 18 0 0 defined $irp and not $e->{'name'} =~ qr/$irp/
305 18 0 0 $er and $e->{'name'} ~~ \@$er
310 18 0 0 defined $erp and $e->{'name'} =~ qr/$erp/
315 18 0 0 $min_rat and &max(grep({defined $_;} $e->{'mtime'}, $e->{'commit_time'}, $e->{'status_time'}, $e->{'pull_time'})) < $min_rat
474 0 2 10 $exit == 0 and $output =~ /nothing to commit/
481 0 2 0 $exit == 0 and $output =~ /^\s*Unmerged paths:/m
0 1 1 $exit == 0 and $output =~ /( Untracked \s files )/x
0 0 1 $exit == 0 and $output =~ /( Changes \s to \s be \s committed | Changes \s not \s staged \s for \s commit | Changed \s but )/mx
0 0 0 $exit == 128 and $output =~ /Not a git repository/
652 0 1 4 $src_heads{$branch} and $dest_heads{$branch}
1 2 2 $src_heads{$branch} and $dest_heads{$branch} and $src_heads{$branch} eq $dest_heads{$branch}
681 0 3 0 $exit == 0 and $output =~ /Already up-to-date/
0 0 3 $exit == 0 and $output =~ /^Updating \s| ^Merge \s made \s by \s recursive| ^Merge \s made \s by \s the \s 'recursive'| /mx
1048 4 0 0 $backup and not $created

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
336 18 0 $title //= 'Directory'
338 4 14 $must_exist // 1
545 0 0 $args{'sort'} // ''
879 0 3 $args{'delete_branch'} // 0
884 0 3 $args{'action'} // 'sync'
887 0 0 $create_bare //= 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
891 2 0 1 -d $target or $args{'-dry_run'}
0 0 1 -d $target or $args{'-dry_run'} or $action eq 'list-source-repos'
901 0 0 3 $args{'-dry_run'} or $action eq 'list-source-repos'
941 0 0 6 $args{'skip_mtime_check'} or $args{'-dry_run'}