Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 62 82 75.6

line true false branch
264 2 29 @_ ? :
320 94 7 @$opt > 1 ? :
97 4 @$opt ? :
343 78 86 if (wantarray)
366 0 29 ref $_[-1] && ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH' ? :
375 84 7 unless $opt->{'desc'} eq 'spacer'
377 5 86 if (ref $opt->{'desc'} eq 'ARRAY')
382 6 85 if ($HIDDEN{$opt->{'desc'}})
386 6 85 if ($opt->{'constraint'}{'one_of'})
394 0 20 if ($one_opt->{'constraint'}{$wipe})
404 10 0 unless $one_opt->{'desc'} eq 'spacer'
408 1 4 if ($opt->{'constraint'}{'shortcircuit'} and exists $opt->{'constraint'}{'default'})
417 29 0 unless $arg->{'getopt_conf'} or $arg->{'getopt'}
418 0 29 if ($arg->{'getopt'})
422 29 0 unless grep {/bundling/i;} @go_conf
423 29 0 unless grep {/no_auto_help/i;} @go_conf
425 29 0 unless grep {/no_ignore_case/i;} @go_conf
450 1 28 if @redundant
454 0 20 unless lc $a cmp lc $b
460 4 25 $short ? :
27 2 $long ? :
485 0 29 unless &GetOptions(\%return, grep({length $_;} @getopt_specs))
490 27 1 if $newopt eq $opt
512 45 0 unless defined $new or exists $return{$name}
515 3 25 if ($is_shortcircuit)
532 0 125 unless $MungeOptions
552 11 27 if ($CONSTRAINT{$ct} and ref $CONSTRAINT{$ct} eq 'CODE') { }
566 8 19 $CONSTRAINT{$ct} ? :
571 68 8 unless exists $pvspec{'optional'}
577 0 4 if (not defined $arg{'params'}{$arg{'name'}} and $pvspec{'default'} and $spec->{'implies'})
602 3 73 unless ($ok)
604 3 0 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($error) and $error->isa('Getopt::Long::Descriptive::_PV_Error'))
623 2 9 unless my $ref = ref $what
625 9 0 if $ref eq 'HASH'
626 0 0 if $ref eq 'ARRAY'
639 0 11 unless &first(sub { $_->{'name'} eq $implied; } , @$opts)
648 0 6 unless defined $pv_val
656 5 1 if defined $rest->{'-parent_of'}{$_}
657 4 2 $parent ? :
660 1 5 if (@siblings > 1)
664 0 1 if (exists $param->{$key} and $param->{$key} ne $val and grep {$_ eq $key;} @{$$rest{'-given_keys'};})