Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 219 328 66.7

line true false branch
45 1 5 unless defined $evap_DOS
66 1 5 unless defined $evap_embed
67 5 1 if ($evap_embed)
68 0 5 if (defined $lref_Opt) { }
107 6 66 if $option =~ /^#.*|PDT\s+|pdt\s+|PDT$|pdt$/
109 0 66 if $option =~ /^ ?$/
111 6 60 if ($option =~ /$pdt_reg_exp4|$pdt_reg_exp5|$pdt_reg_exp6/)
118 0 60 unless defined $parameter and defined $alias and defined $_
121 0 60 if defined $P_INFO{$parameter}
125 60 0 if (/(\bswitch\b|\binteger\b|\bstring\b|\breal\b|\bfile\b|\bboolean\b|\bkey\b|\bname\b|\bapplication\b|\bintegers\b|\bstrings\b|\breals\b|\bfiles\b|\bbooleans\b|\bkeys\b|\bnames\b|\bapplications\b)/) { }
131 0 6 if $list ne '' and not $list =~ /\s*list\s+of\s+/ and not $list =~ /\d+\s+/
137 6 54 if $list
138 12 48 if $type =~ /^switch$/
141 48 12 /\s*=\s*/ ? :
143 6 54 if ($default_value =~ /^([^\(]{1})(\w*)\s*,\s*(.*)/)
148 6 54 $default_value eq '$required' ? :
149 60 0 defined $type ? :
150 6 54 if $required =~ /^R$/
152 6 54 if ($type =~ /^k$/)
160 0 270 if $alias eq $P_ALIAS{$value}
165 0 60 if $P_INFO{$parameter} =~ /^.w1$/
168 42 18 if ($default_value ne '' and $default_value ne '$required') { }
15 3 elsif ($evap_embed) { }
169 0 42 if $P_ENV{$parameter} and $ENV{$P_ENV{$parameter}}
175 15 0 unless defined $lref_Opt
180 0 6 if ($error)
201 1 24 if $option =~ /^-(full-help|\?\?\?)$/
202 1 24 if $option =~ /^-(usage-help|\?\?)$/
203 1 23 if $full_help or $usage_help or $option =~ /^-(\?)$/
206 24 1 if ($option =~ /^(--|-)/) { }
207 0 24 if ($option eq '--')
217 15 225 if $option eq $P_ALIAS{$alias}
220 2 22 unless (defined($rt = $P_INFO{$option}))
224 1 19 if ($option eq substr($key, 0, $length))
225 0 1 if ($found)
233 1 1 $found ? :
234 1 1 unless (defined($rt = $P_INFO{$option}))
243 19 4 unless ($type =~ /^w$/)
244 1 18 if ($#ARGV < 0) { }
253 4 18 if ($type =~ /^w$/) { }
3 15 elsif ($type =~ /^i$/) { }
5 10 elsif ($type =~ /^r$/) { }
5 5 elsif ($type =~ /^s$|^n$|^a$/) { }
1 4 elsif ($type =~ /^f$/) { }
2 2 elsif ($type =~ /^b$/) { }
2 0 elsif ($type =~ /^k$/) { }
256 1 2 unless ($value =~ /^[+-]?[0-9]+$/)
262 1 4 unless ($value =~ /^\s*[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?\s*$/)
269 0 1 if (length $value > 255)
276 1 1 unless ($value =~ /$pdt_reg_exp2|$pdt_reg_exp3/i)
288 1 4 if $value eq $keys[$i]
290 1 1 unless (defined $found)
293 0 4 if ($value eq substr($keys[$i], 0, $length))
294 0 0 if (defined $found)
302 0 1 defined $found ? :
304 1 1 unless (defined $found)
311 4 18 unless defined $value
313 1 17 if $list =~ /^1$/
314 18 0 if defined $value
317 3 15 if $list
347 1 5 unless defined $evap_Help_Hooks{'P_HHURFL'}
349 1 5 unless defined $evap_Help_Hooks{'P_HHUOFL'}
351 1 5 unless defined $evap_Help_Hooks{'P_HHUNFL'}
353 1 5 unless defined $evap_Help_Hooks{'P_HHBRFL'}
355 1 5 unless defined $evap_Help_Hooks{'P_HHBOFL'}
357 1 5 unless defined $evap_Help_Hooks{'P_HHBNFL'}
359 1 5 unless defined $evap_Help_Hooks{'P_HHERFL'}
361 1 5 unless defined $evap_Help_Hooks{'P_HHENFL'}
365 1 5 if (defined $lref_Opt) { }
373 3 3 if ($want_help)
394 0 3 if defined $ENV{'PAGER'} and $ENV{'PAGER'}
395 0 3 if defined $ENV{'MANPAGER'} and $ENV{'MANPAGER'}
398 0 3 if (defined $ENV{'D_EVAP_DO_PAGE'} and ($do_page = $ENV{'D_EVAP_DO_PAGE'}) ne '')
401 0 0 if $do_page =~ /$pdt_reg_exp3/
403 0 3 if $^O eq 'MacOS'
404 0 3 unless open PAGER, "$pager"
406 1 2 if $full_help
413 1 2 if ($usage_help or not @{$lref_MM;} or $#{$lref_MM;} < 0) { }
419 1 9 if ($P_INFO{$p} =~ /^R..?$/) { }
425 1 0 if $optional
426 1 0 if ($file_list =~ /$pdt_reg_exp5/) { }
0 0 elsif ($file_list =~ /$pdt_reg_exp6/) { }
439 18 104 if ($m =~ /^\.(.*)$/)
445 80 24 if ($parameter_help_in_progress) { }
458 2 1 unless ($full_help)
464 10 20 if ($full_help)
466 3 27 if ($p =~ /^help$/)
468 1 2 if ($full_help)
482 0 27 $P_SET{$p} ? :
483 3 24 $list ? :
484 0 27 if (defined $P_SET{$p} and $P_SET{$p} > 1)
486 3 24 if $type =~ /^key$/
489 0 27 if (defined $lref_Opt) { }
491 0 0 if $list
495 3 24 if ($list) { }
496 3 0 @{$ref;} ? :
498 18 6 defined ${$ref;} ? :
501 24 3 if ($required =~ /^O$/ or $def == 1) { }
3 0 elsif ($required =~ /R/) { }
503 3 21 if ($def == 0) { }
506 3 18 if ($list) { }
507 0 3 $P_ENV{$p} ? :
508 0 3 $is_string ? :
0 3 $is_string ? :
0 3 $is_string ? :
510 3 15 $P_ENV{$p} ? :
511 3 15 $is_string ? :
3 15 $is_string ? :
516 0 3 $P_ENV{$p} ? :
522 9 18 if ($full_help)
523 9 0 if (defined $parameter_help{$p}) { }
532 3 0 if ($file_list =~ /$pdt_reg_exp5/) { }
0 0 elsif ($file_list =~ /$pdt_reg_exp6/) { }
541 3 0 if ($evap_embed) { }
554 14 16 if (not $P_EVALUATE{$parameter} and $P_DEFAULT_VALUE{$parameter})
556 14 0 if ($type ne 'w')
557 2 12 if $list
576 0 3 if ($file_list =~ /$pdt_reg_exp4/ and $#ARGV > -1) { }
0 6 elsif ($file_list =~ /$pdt_reg_exp6/ and $#ARGV == -1) { }
584 1 2 if $error
586 0 3 if $error and not $evap_embed
587 2 1 if (not $error) { }
634 3 74 if ($list =~ /^2$/)
635 1 2 if (defined $lref_Opt) { }
645 8 69 if ($list and $v =~ /^\(+.*\)+$/) { }
700 36 57 if ($evaluate)
703 2 34 if $1 eq '`' and $3 eq '`'
704 3 33 if (not $evap_DOS and $type =~ /^f$/)
706 0 3 if ($value =~ /^stdin$/) { }
2 1 elsif ($value =~ /^stdout$/) { }
0 1 elsif ($path[0] =~ /(^~$|^\$HOME$)/) { }
716 3 33 if ($type =~ /^b$/)
717 2 1 if $value =~ /$pdt_reg_exp2/i
718 1 2 if $value =~ /$pdt_reg_exp3/i
722 27 66 if ($list) { }
723 6 21 if (defined $lref_Opt) { }
732 14 52 if (defined $lref_Opt) { }
766 0 0 unless evap_isatty($I)
770 0 0 ref $I ? :
773 0 0 defined $ENV{'SHELL'} && $ENV{'SHELL'} ne '' ? :
784 0 0 if ($name =~ /\|/) { }
794 0 0 if ($noReadLine) { }
801 0 0 unless defined $eofCount
806 0 0 if ($noReadLine) { }
811 0 0 unless (defined $_)
813 0 0 if $eofCount < 0
817 0 0 if /^\s*$/
819 0 0 if (/^\s*!(.+)/)
824 0 0 if ($0 =~ /^help$|^h$/i)
828 0 0 if (defined $long{$0}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $alias{$0}) { }
839 0 0 if ($0 eq '!') { }
845 0 0 if ($proc =~ /^evap_(.*)_proc/ or exists &$proc) { }
847 0 0 if $EVAL_ERROR
856 0 0 if $noReadLine
858 0 0 unless $prompt eq ''
869 0 0 if ($cmd ne '') { }
888 0 0 if (EvaP(\@bang_proc_PDT, \@bang_proc_MM) != 1)
925 0 0 if (EvaP(\@disac_proc_PDT, \@disac_proc_MM) != 1)
929 0 0 if ($name =~ /\|/) { }
936 0 0 if $l > $len
939 0 0 if ($name =~ /\|/) { }
946 0 0 $alias ne '' ? :
950 0 0 if ($Options{'display_option'} eq 'full') { }