Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 34 48 70.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
167 7 4 6 exists $options{$query} && !_is_restricted($query)
270 7 0 0 exists $options{$name} and exists $options{$name}{'code'}
290 85 19 6 $arg_type == $BARE and defined $config{'nobare'}
74 27 3 $arg_type == $SHORT and defined $config{'noshort'}
46 53 2 $arg_type == $LONG and defined $config{'nolong'}
542 7 0 0 exists $options{$arg} and exists $options{$arg}{'registered'}
563 46 0 72 exists $options{$arg} && exists $options{$arg}{'registered'}
625 96 0 63 defined $perfs[$i] and $perfs[$i] > $max_p
741 16 3 8 $op_type == $SHORT and length $argv > 2
801 0 0 5 defined $their_version and length $their_version
833 0 1 7 defined $options{$_}{'shorthelp'} and $options{$_}{'shorthelp'} =~ /\S/msx
838 6 0 2 defined $options{$_}{'longhelp'} and $options{$_}{'longhelp'} =~ /\S/msx

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
108 0 1 0 defined $config{'okerror'} || defined $config{'test'}
290 6 0 104 $arg_type == $BARE and defined $config{'nobare'} or $arg_type == $SHORT and defined $config{'noshort'}
3 0 101 $arg_type == $BARE and defined $config{'nobare'} or $arg_type == $SHORT and defined $config{'noshort'} or $arg_type == $LONG and defined $config{'nolong'}
882 20 63 34 $command eq 'item' or $command =~ /^head(?:2|3|4)/msx