Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 84 100 84.0

line true false branch
26 0 1 unless open my $SCRIPT, "<", $script
28 1 1 if ($line =~ /^\s*package\s+\S+\s*;/u) { }
1 0 elsif ($. == 1) { }
33 1 0 $line =~ /^#!/u ? :
37 0 0 if $line =~ /^[^#]+;/u
42 0 1 unless open my $SELF, "<", "/root/.cpan/build/Getopt-App-0.11-0/blib/lib/Getopt/"
44 47 220 if $line =~ /(?:\bVERSION\s|^\s*$)/u
45 43 177 if $line =~ /^sub bundle\s\{/u .. $line =~ /^}$/u
46 1 176 if $line =~ /^1;\s*$/u
49 15 161 if ($line =~ /^sub\s/u) { }
13 148 elsif ($line =~ /^}$/u) { }
50 1 14 if $out_line
51 2 13 $line =~ /\}$/u ? :
82 3 19 unless (eval { do { $exit_value = &$app($argv || [@ARGV]); 1 } })
94 1 3 if $pod2usage{'-sections'}
102 1 3 if $pod2usage{'-sections'}
119 6 4 if ($flag eq '-capture') { }
2 2 elsif ($flag eq '-complete') { }
0 2 elsif ($flag eq '-signatures') { }
2 0 elsif (not $flag =~ /^-/u) { }
132 1 1 if $caller eq "main"
133 0 1 unless eval "require $flag;1"
138 13 6 unless ($skip_default)
139 13 0 unless $caller->can("extract_usage")
140 13 0 unless $caller->can("new")
147 1 1 @_ > 1 ? :
2 47 @_ ? :
154 12 45 if not $Getopt::App::APP_CLASS and defined wantarray
157 45 0 ref $rules[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? :
162 10 35 if defined $ENV{'COMP_POINT'} and defined $ENV{'COMP_LINE'}
167 15 20 $SUBCOMMANDS ? :
168 7 24 if defined $exit_value
172 23 1 &Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray($argv, $app, @rules) ? :
176 21 1 $valid ? :
185 0 6 if ref $subcommand->[1] eq "CODE"
188 1 5 unless my $code = do $subcommand->[1]
194 0 21 unless $state->{'valid'}
195 20 1 unless $argv->[0] and $argv->[0] =~ /^-/u
209 8 21 unless $exit_value and $exit_value =~ /^\d{1,3}$/u
210 2 27 unless $exit_value < 255
211 0 29 unless $Getopt::App::APP_CLASS
218 6 5 unless ($APPS{$subcommand->[1]})
220 0 5 unless ref $APPS{$subcommand->[1]} eq "CODE"
228 3 12 unless $argv->[0] and $argv->[0] =~ /^\w/u
230 4 8 unless my $subcommand = &first(sub { $_->[0] eq $argv->[0]; } , @$subcommands)
236 1 3 unless @$rules
242 7 3 length $_ == 1 ? :
246 4 4 if $l > $len
255 3 1 unless @$subcommands
260 3 2 if $l > $len