Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 82 138 59.4

line true false branch
58 0 21 unless $$event{'type'} eq 'patchset-created'
60 21 0 if (my $wanted = $$self{'args'}{'wanted'})
61 3 18 unless (&$wanted($$event{'change'}, $$event{'patchSet'}))
117 0 0 unless -d $gitdir
147 0 0 if ($status != 0) { }
160 6 12 if $self->_is_commit_reviewed($event)
189 33 41 if ($$self{'git_cloning'}{$gitdir} and not $$event{'_git_cloning'})
190 33 0 if ($$self{'git_cloned'}{$gitdir})
208 6 35 unless $cloned
210 6 29 unless ($$self{'git_cloned'}{$gitdir})
217 0 35 unless (-d $gitdir)
233 0 68 if ($$event{'_have_ref'} or _have_ref($gitdir, $ref))
240 0 18 $self->_giturl($_) eq $giturl ? :
266 0 56 if (not $workdir and ($WORKER_COUNTER || 0) >= $Gerrit::Client::MAX_FORKS)
284 0 12 $bare ? :
285 0 56 $bare ? :
12 44 unless $self->_ensure_cmd('event', $event, 'queue', $out, 'name', 'git clone for workdir', 'cmd', [$bare ? $self->_git_bare_clone_cmd($gitdir, $workdir) : $self->_git_clone_cmd($gitdir, $workdir)], 'onlyif', sub { not -d ($bare ? "$workdir/objects" : "$workdir/.git"); } , 'counter', [\$WORKER_COUNTER, $Gerrit::Client::MAX_FORKS])
289 0 44 $bare ? :
12 32 unless $self->_ensure_cmd('event', $event, 'queue', $out, 'name', 'git fetch for workdir', 'cmd', [$self->_git_fetch_cmd('origin', $bare ? $workdir : "$workdir/.git", $ref)], 'wd', $workdir, 'counter', [\$WORKER_COUNTER, $Gerrit::Client::MAX_FORKS])
298 0 32 $bare ? :
315 241 9 unless (exists $args{'saveoutput'})
324 190 60 if $$event{$donekey}
340 58 2 unless ($cmdcv)
343 0 58 unless (&$onlyif())
350 0 58 unless $args{'counter'}
352 58 0 if ($counter)
353 0 58 if (($$counter || 0) >= $count_max)
365 12 46 if ($lock)
366 0 12 if ($$lock)
379 54 4 if ($args{'saveoutput'})
382 18 108 if $_[0]
391 28 30 if ($args{'wd'})
393 0 0 unless chdir $args{'wd'}
403 0 58 unless $weakself
406 0 58 if ($status and not $args{'allownonzero'}) { }
407 0 0 $$event{$outputkey} ? :
421 2 0 unless ($cmdcv->ready)
440 0 4 if ($$self{'args'}{'review'}) { }
458 3 4 if ($$event{'_forksub_result'})
462 0 4 if ($$event{'_forked'})
474 1 3 unless $weakself
477 0 3 unless ($result)
478 0 0 if ($@) { }
495 0 9 if $$event{'_done'}
500 4 5 unless ($$event{'_cmd'})
501 0 4 if ($cmd and ref $cmd eq 'CODE')
509 6 3 unless $self->_ensure_cmd('event', $event, 'queue', $out, 'name', 'on_patchset_cmd', 'cmd', $$event{'_cmd'}, 'wd', $$event{'_workdir'}, 'saveoutput', $$self{'args'}{'review'}, 'allownonzero', 1, 'counter', [\$WORKER_COUNTER, $Gerrit::Client::MAX_FORKS])
524 0 3 if ($status == -1) { }
0 3 elsif ($status & 127) { }
534 0 3 if ($score > 127)
551 4 16 if ($ref = $$self{'args'}{'on_patchset'}) { }
7 9 elsif ($ref = $$self{'args'}{'on_patchset_fork'}) { }
9 0 elsif ($ref = $$self{'args'}{'on_patchset_cmd'}) { }
561 10 10 unless $result
563 0 10 if ($Gerrit::Client::DEBUG)
571 10 0 unless $review
573 0 0 if ($review =~ /\A\d+\z/)
577 0 0 if (my $cb = $$self{'args'}{'on_review'})
579 0 0 unless &$cb($$event{'change'}, $$event{'patchSet'}, $$result{'output'}, $$result{'score'}, $$result{'returned'})
586 0 0 unless ($$result{'output'} or $$result{'score'} or $$result{'returned'})
602 0 0 if ($$result{'returned'})
603 0 0 if (ref $$result{'returned'} eq 'HASH') { }
622 0 57 unless $weakself
632 0 57 if ($Gerrit::Client::DEBUG)
639 0 57 unless $$self{'queue'}
642 6 68 unless $self->_ensure_git_cloned($event, \@newqueue)
643 12 56 unless $self->_ensure_git_fetched($event, \@newqueue, \@queue)
644 36 20 unless $self->_ensure_git_workdir_uptodate($event, \@newqueue)
650 0 57 if ($Gerrit::Client::DEBUG)