Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 40 42 95.2

line true false branch
146 6 3 if (defined $country and not $country =~ /^[A-Z]{2}$/msx)
167 2 4 if (defined $google and not $google =~ /^(?: true|false )$/msx)
187 4 3 if (defined $port and not $port =~ /^(?: (?!0)[0-9]++ )$/msx)
205 2 7 if (defined $protocol_list and ref $protocol_list eq '') { }
1 7 elsif (defined $protocol_list and ref $protocol_list ne 'ARRAY') { }
212 1 7 unless (defined $protocol_list)
219 1 15 unless ($option =~ / ^(?:https?|socks[45])$ /msx)
226 1 5 if (defined $protocol_list and @list == 0)
244 2 7 if (defined $anonymity_list and ref $anonymity_list eq '') { }
1 7 elsif (defined $anonymity_list and ref $anonymity_list ne 'ARRAY') { }
251 1 7 unless (defined $anonymity_list)
258 1 13 unless ($option =~ / ^(?:elite|anonymous|transparent)$ /msx)
265 1 5 if (defined $anonymity_list and @list == 0)
283 1 5 if (defined $speed and not $speed =~ /^(?: fast|medium|slow )$/msx)
303 1 2 if (defined $org and $org eq "")
321 94 12 if (defined $uptime and not $uptime =~ /^(?: 0 | [1-9]0 | 100 )$/msx)
341 59 16 if (defined $last_checked and not $last_checked =~ /^(?:[1-9]|[1-6]0)$/msx)
361 4 2 if (defined $limit and not $limit =~ /^ (?!0)[0-9]++ $/msx)
443 0 0 unless ($response->is_success)
489 8 22 ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ? :
532 1 9 if ($self->{'index'} > @{$self->{'proxy_list'};} - 1)