Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 28 85.7

line true false branch
16 16 238 lc $_[0] eq 'australia' ? :
21 131 123 if (&_c_length($country) >= length $str) { }
26 1 122 if $country eq 'usa'
27 0 123 if $country eq 'brazil'
51 0 7 unless @_ > 1
59 0 7 unless $states{$country}
66 193 195 unless $cs eq $info->[0]
67 11 63 if $strict and $info->[2]
73 1 55 if $country eq 'canada' and $inf->[0] eq 'PQ' and $i == 1
77 367 0 unless exists $self->{'cs'}{$info->[$i]}
88 2 12 unless (@_)
93 2 10 unless my $answer = $self->{'cs'}{$query}
94 1 9 if wantarray
95 7 2 $answer->[0] eq $query ? :