Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 36 72.2

line true false branch
100 19 2 exists $per_country_data{$code} ? :
103 1 20 unless (defined code2country($code, 'alpha-2'))
105 0 20 if (exists $Geo::PostalAddress::{"${code}::"}) { }
106 0 0 if (($country_new = $country_class->can('new')) != \&new) { }
166 19 103 if ($$segment{'StoredRownum'} < $limit)
174 54 68 $$segment{'StoredRownum'} >= $limit ? :
179 8 114 if (exists $$segment{'StoredColnum'})
180 2 6 exists $$segment{'StoredCollen'} ? :
185 17 105 if (exists $$segment{'StoredRegexnum'})
188 8 9 if ($renum > $#regex_results or not defined $regex_results[$renum])
226 0 122 if (ref $field and @$field >= 3 and not $$display{$$field[0]} =~ /$$field[2]/)
232 0 20 if (my $errmsg = $self->normalize($display))
240 29 82 if ($rownum < 0) { }
247 82 0 if defined $_
248 29 38 if defined $_
271 0 20 if (ref $recipient) { }
273 20 0 if ($origin_country ne $$self{'_country_code'})
293 0 0 if (defined $value)