Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 48 85.4

line true false branch
132 0 25 unless $name
142 43 7 unless $words[$i] =~ / ^ \p{IsUpper} \.? $ /msx
143 2 5 if $words[$i + 1] and $words[$i + 1] =~ / (?: [\x{44b}\x{438}]\x{439} | \x{44f} ) $ /msx
144 0 5 unless $words[$i] =~ /\.$/msx
156 3 32 if (@words > 2 and $words[$i - 1] =~ / ^ \d+ (?: -? \S{1,3} )? $ /msx and $words[$i] =~ / ^ $km_re $ /msx)
160 1 41 if (my(@res) = $words[$i] =~ / ^ (\d+) ($km_re) $ /msx)
169 24 1 if (@words > 1)
172 366 12 if $i < 0
182 5 37 if @words < 2
184 6 2 unless !$status || $status =~ /[\x{430}\x{44f}\x{44c}]$/imsx and $words[$i] =~ / ^ \d{1,2} -? \x{430}?\x{44f} $ /imsx or $status and $status =~ /[\x{435}]$/imsx and $words[$i] =~ / ^ \d{1,2} -? \x{43e}?\x{435} $ /imsx or $status and $status =~ /[^\x{435}\x{430}\x{44f}\x{44c}]$/imsx and $words[$i] =~ / ^ \d{1,2} -? [\x{44b}\x{438}\x{43e}]?\x{439} $ /imsx
193 2 13 if (@words > 1 and not $number and $words[0] =~ / ^ \d{1,2} $ /msx and $words[-1] =~ / (?: [\x{430}\x{44f}]\x{44f} | [\x{44b}\x{438}]\x{439} ) $ /msx)
198 0 13 if (@words > 1 and not $number and $words[-1] =~ / ^ \d{1,2} $ /msx and $words[-2] =~ / (?: [\x{430}\x{44f}]\x{44f} | [\x{44b}\x{438}]\x{439} ) $ /msx)
207 11 33 if @words <= 1
208 27 6 unless any sub { $words[$i] =~ /$$_[1]/; } , @addition_words
214 2 23 if (@words > 1 and $i >= 0)
219 2 11 $words[-1] =~ /[\x{44b}\x{438}]\x{439} $/xi ? :
239 0 12 unless $street
249 2 10 if (my($n) = $km =~ / ^ (\d+) /msx)
253 4 8 if ($addition ||= '')
255 13 3 unless $addition =~ /$$rec[1]/
262 2 6 if $number or $km or $suburb
263 2 10 if $km or $suburb
264 0 12 if $suburb
283 0 0 if $name eq ''