Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 48 91.6

line true false branch
46 0 100002 if @_ != 1
63 19269 2734 if (not $rh_geo_entry->{'function'} or $rh_geo_entry->{'function'}->())
67 0 100002 if (@results > 1) { }
19269 80733 elsif (@results == 1) { }
201 273 2 unless $_ >= 9121 and $_ <= 9134 or $_ >= 9018 and $_ <= 9019 or $_ >= 9042 and $_ <= 9049 or $_ == 8030 or $_ == 8033 or $_ == 8035
209 199 1 unless $_ == 86100
228 90 10 if $_ >= 9010
325 1 199 if $_ == 34170
344 199 1 unless $_ == 86170
406 80 20 if $_ >= 9020
462 182 2 unless $_ == 8100 or $_ == 8012 or $_ >= 8014 and $_ <= 8018 or $_ >= 8021 and $_ <= 8029 or $_ >= 8031 and $_ <= 8032
470 10 90 if $_ >= 8040 and $_ <= 8049
478 266 2 unless $_ == 9170 or $_ >= 9070 and $_ <= 9099 or $_ == 8010 or $_ == 8013 or $_ == 8019
486 190 10 unless $_ >= 7020 and $_ <= 7029
529 199 1 unless $_ == 33170
602 118 79 unless $_ >= 118 and $_ <= 119 or $_ >= 121 and $_ <= 199
609 196 4 unless $_ >= 47921 and $_ <= 47924
622 10 90 if $_ >= 47890
666 189 10 unless $_ == 7100 or $_ >= 7010 and $_ <= 7019
715 169 31 unless $_ >= 34121 and $_ <= 34151
728 199 1 unless $_ == 33100
822 12 192 if (@{$lookup_table{$key};} >= 2)
823 0 12 unless (_all(sub { $_->{'function'}; } , @{$lookup_table{$key};}))
836 0 29 unless &$rc_sub()