Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 54 68 79.4

line true false branch
52 7 14 if (exists $p{$_})
59 2 1 unless ($p{'source'})
79 2 5 if (defined $lat)
80 2 0 if ($lat =~ /^-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ and $lat > -180 and $lat < 180) { }
81 1 1 $lat ne '-0' ? :
88 2 5 unless defined $$self{'_dlat'} and defined $$self{'_dlon'}
90 1 4 $$self{'_lat'} eq '-0' || $$self{'_lat'} < 0 ? :
105 3 42 if (defined $lon)
106 3 0 if ($lon =~ /^-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ and $lon > -180 and $lon < 180) { }
107 2 1 $lon ne '-0' ? :
114 4 41 unless defined $$self{'_dlat'} and defined $$self{'_dlon'}
116 21 20 $$self{'_lon'} eq '-0' || $$self{'_lon'} < 0 ? :
131 5 87 if (defined $date)
132 5 0 if ($date =~ /^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/) { }
155 0 21 if ($djia) { }
17 4 elsif ($self->source) { }
156 0 0 if ($djia =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/) { }
163 10 7 if ($self->use_30w_rule)
191 3 77 if (defined $source)
195 0 3 if ($@)
203 76 4 if ($$self{'_source'}) { }
220 0 20 if (defined $w30) { }
18 2 elsif (defined $self->lon) { }
221 0 0 $w30 ? :
224 15 3 if ($self->lon > -30) { }
225 0 15 if (not $self->date) { }
229 6 9 if ($y > 2008) { }
0 9 elsif ($y == 2008 and $m > 5) { }
4 5 elsif ($y == 2008 and $m == 5 and $d >= 27) { }
256 3 103 if (defined $debug)
257 3 0 $debug ? :
258 3 0 $$self{'_debug'} ? :
271 4 9 unless (defined $djia)
301 3 100 unless $self->debug