Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 46 78.2

line true false branch
36 30 1 if (@_ or not defined $$self{'max_bounding_zoom'})
38 6 24 if (@_)
48 3 84 unless defined $$self{$_}
52 1 26 unless @{$$self{'points'};} > 0
53 1 25 unless $$self{'width'} > 0
54 1 24 unless $$self{'height'} > 0
55 1 23 unless $$self{'zoom_limit'} >= 0
62 0 20 unless defined $$self{'max_bounding_zoom'}
72 2 3 unless $$self{'points'} and $$self{'bounds'}
75 3 0 unless ($$self{'map_center'})
97 0 30 unless my $points = $$self{'points'}
110 1 29 unless -90 <= $$blp{'lat'} and $$blp{'lat'} <= 90
111 1 28 unless -90 <= $$trp{'lat'} and $$trp{'lat'} <= 90
112 1 27 unless -180 <= $$blp{'long'} and $$blp{'long'} <= 180
113 1 26 unless -180 <= $$trp{'long'} and $$trp{'long'} <= 180
122 0 19 unless $bounds
126 0 19 unless defined $width
127 0 19 unless defined $height
137 0 188 if $$blpxl{'x'} > $$trpxl{'x'}
139 18 170 if $$delta{'x'} <= $width and $$delta{'y'} <= $height
149 0 376 unless defined $lat
150 0 376 unless defined $lng
151 0 376 unless defined $zoom