Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 40 42.5

line true false branch
42 0 5 if @_
55 0 5 if &blessed(scalar $self->style) and $self->style->can("url")
57 0 5 if @_
69 0 0 if @_
83 0 5 if @_
94 0 5 if ref $self->lookat and $self->lookat->can("node")
96 5 0 if defined $self->name
99 0 5 if defined $self->description
101 0 5 if defined $self->visibility
103 0 5 if defined $self->styleUrl
132 0 0 if @_
142 4 0 @_ ? :
144 4 0 if (ref $data eq 'ARRAY') { }
176 0 24 if (ref $point eq 'Geo::Point') { }
0 24 elsif (ref $point eq 'GPS::Point') { }
0 24 elsif (ref $point eq 'Net::GPSD::Point') { }
0 24 elsif (&reftype($point) eq 'HASH') { }
24 0 elsif (&reftype($point) eq 'ARRAY') { }
177 0 0 unless $point->proj eq "wgs84"
202 24 0 wantarray ? :