Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 76 73.6

line true false branch
176 27 0 unless exists $args{'mobile'} and $args{'mobile'} eq 'true'
177 27 0 unless exists $args{'sensor'} and $args{'sensor'} eq 'true'
178 12 15 if (exists $args{'markers'})
179 0 12 unless ref $args{'markers'} eq 'ARRAY'
181 0 27 unless exists $args{'key'}
182 7 20 if (exists $args{'markers'} and exists $args{'autozoom'})
188 27 0 if (exists $args{'zoom'})
189 0 27 unless $args{'zoom'} =~ /^\d{1,2}$/ and $args{'zoom'} < 22
191 0 27 if (exists $args{'maptype'})
192 0 0 unless exists $MAPTYPE{$args{'maptype'}}
194 26 1 if (exists $args{'size'})
204 7 19 if (ref $size eq 'HASH') { }
16 3 elsif ($size =~ /^(\d{1,3})x(\d{1,3})$/) { }
215 2 19 unless $width > 0 and $width <= 640
216 2 17 unless $height > 0 and $height <= 640
225 7 0 if (looks_like_number $autozoom and $autozoom >= 0 and $autozoom <= 21) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $autozoom eq 'CODE') { }
0 0 elsif (blessed $autozoom and $autozoom->can('calculate_zoom_and_center')) { }
299 0 18 unless exists $$l{'location'}
300 18 0 if ($$l{'location'} =~ /^(\-?\d+\.?\d*),(\-?\d+\.?\d*)$/)
304 7 11 if ($firstpoint) { }
311 8 3 if ($new_distance > $distance)
314 8 0 if (defined $mtheta and defined $mphi) { }
326 6 1 if $distance > 0
327 0 7 if $zoom < 0
328 1 6 if $zoom > $maxautozoom
347 90 18 if exists $$self{$i}
349 17 1 if exists $$self{'size'}
351 12 6 if (exists $$self{'markers'})
356 10 24 if exists $$m{'color'} and $$m{'color'} =~ /^0x[A-F0-9]{6}|black|brown|green|purple|yellow|blue|gray|orange|red|white$/
358 4 30 if exists $$m{'size'} and $$m{'size'} =~ /^tiny|mid|small$/
359 3 31 if exists $$m{'label'} and $$m{'label'} =~ /^[A-Z0-9]$/
365 11 8 if $m
384 1 17 if exists $$self{'hl'}
414 0 17 if exists $args{'maptype'}
416 0 34 if exists $args{'markers'}[$i]{'title'}
429 1 17 unless exists $$self{'size'}
441 1 17 unless exists $$self{'size'}