Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 58 63.7

line true false branch
213 2 8 unless length $hash{'username'}
222 3 5 if exists $hash{'ua'} and not ref $hash{'ua'} && &blessed($hash{'ua'}) && ($hash{'ua'}->isa('Mojo::UserAgent') || $hash{'ua'}->isa('LWP::UserAgent'))
225 0 5 exists $hash{'debug'} ? :
226 0 5 exists $hash{'cache'} ? :
235 8 1 if @_ == 2
243 5 0 if @_ == 2
258 8 1 if @_ == 2
273 0 1 if ($flags =~ /d/ and exists $hash->{$arg})
277 0 31 if ($flags eq 'r' and not exists $hash->{$arg})
280 0 26 if (not $flags =~ /m/ and exists $hash->{$arg} and ref $hash->{$arg})
283 3 28 if ($flags eq 'rc')
285 1 2 if (exists $hash->{$arg})
291 0 1 if ($conditional_mandatory_required == 1 and $conditional_mandatory_flag != 1)
295 0 2 unless defined $valid_parameters{$request}{$key}
296 0 2 ref $hash->{$key} ? :
312 1 2 if ($xml->{'status'})
317 1 1 if $single_result
321 2 3 if ref $xml->{$element} ne 'ARRAY'
323 1 2 if ref $list ne 'HASH'
325 48 48 unless defined $list->{$attribute}[0]
326 47 1 scalar @{$list->{$attribute};} == 1 ? :
352 1 0 $res->can('res') ? :
366 1 0 if ($response->can('body')) { }
373 1 0 if ($mime_type =~ m[\Atext/xml;?])
376 0 0 if ($mime_type =~ m[\Aapplication/json;?])
379 0 0 if ($body =~ /\A\{/) { }
380 0 0 if ($response->can('json')) { }
392 0 0 if ($mime_type eq 'text/plain') { }
412 0 1 unless (exists $self->{'_functions'}{$name})