Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 182 0.0

line true false branch
24 0 0 unless (defined $grid_file)
30 0 0 unless (defined $map_file)
36 0 0 unless (defined $gnuplot)
46 0 0 unless defined $grid_HR
70 0 0 if (defined $$option_HR{'x_pad'}) { }
77 0 0 if (defined $$option_HR{'y_pad'}) { }
84 0 0 if (defined $$option_HR{'x_scale'}) { }
91 0 0 if (defined $$option_HR{'y_scale'}) { }
98 0 0 if (defined $$option_HR{'title'}) { }
105 0 0 if (defined $$option_HR{'term'}) { }
113 0 0 if (defined $$option_HR{'temp_dir'}) { }
126 0 0 if (scalar @{${$track_AR;}[0];} == 2) { }
134 0 0 unless defined $xy_data_AR
139 0 0 unless $success
150 0 0 unless defined $x_range_AR and defined $y_range_AR
162 0 0 unless $success
166 0 0 unless $success
170 0 0 unless $success
187 0 0 if (defined $$option_HR{'term'}) { }
195 0 0 if (defined $$option_HR{'temp_dir'}) { }
223 0 0 unless $success
227 0 0 unless $success
236 0 0 unless $success
240 0 0 unless $success
249 0 0 unless $success
253 0 0 unless $success
259 0 0 unless $success
275 0 0 unless ($io->open(">$filename"))
293 0 0 unless ($Geo::GNUPlot::DEBUG)
295 0 0 unless (unlink $file)
312 0 0 unless $io = 'IO::File'->new
313 0 0 unless ($io->open(">$data_file"))
322 0 0 unless defined $radius
355 0 0 unless (defined $x_pad and defined $y_pad and defined $x_scale and defined $y_scale and defined $center_point)
368 0 0 unless (defined $radius)
373 0 0 if ($y_low < -90)
379 0 0 if ($y_high > 90)
384 0 0 if ($x_low < -180)
389 0 0 if ($x_high > 180)
406 0 0 unless (-e $gnuplot)
416 0 0 unless ($exit_status == 0)
432 0 0 unless ($io->open($$option_HR{'config_file'}, 'w'))
439 0 0 if (not defined $$option_HR{'key'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$option_HR{'key'}) { }
450 0 0 if (not defined $$option_HR{'border'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$option_HR{'border'}) { }
461 0 0 if (not defined $$option_HR{'yzeroaxis'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$option_HR{'yzeroaxis'}) { }
472 0 0 if (not defined $$option_HR{'xzeroaxis'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$option_HR{'xzeroaxis'}) { }
483 0 0 if (defined $$option_HR{'xrange'} and defined $$option_HR{'yrange'}) { }
492 0 0 if (not defined $$option_HR{'xtics'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$option_HR{'xtics'}) { }
503 0 0 if (not defined $$option_HR{'ytics'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$option_HR{'ytics'}) { }
513 0 0 if ($$option_HR{'title'})
517 0 0 if (not defined $$option_HR{'output'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$option_HR{'output'}) { }
527 0 0 if (defined $$option_HR{'term'}) { }
535 0 0 unless (defined $$option_HR{'data_file'} and -e $$option_HR{'data_file'})
558 0 0 unless defined $xy_AR
573 0 0 unless ($io->open(">$filename"))
598 0 0 unless ($io->open("<$config_file"))
610 0 0 if $in_line =~ /^\s*#/ or $in_line =~ /^\s*$/
612 0 0 unless ($xtics)
614 0 0 if ($matches) { }
619 0 0 if ($self->_is_assending(@xtics)) { }
634 0 0 unless ($ytics)
636 0 0 if ($matches) { }
641 0 0 if ($self->_is_descending(@ytics)) { }
656 0 0 unless ($radius_grid)
658 0 0 if $matches
663 0 0 unless (scalar @x_array == $xtics)
677 0 0 if ($y_index >= $ytics)
706 0 0 unless defined $elem
707 0 0 if (defined $last_elem) { }
708 0 0 if ($elem < $last_elem) { }
733 0 0 unless defined $elem
734 0 0 if (defined $last_elem) { }
735 0 0 if ($elem > $last_elem) { }
760 0 0 if (scalar @{$position_AR;} == 2) { }
768 0 0 unless defined $xy_AR
790 0 0 if ($xkey1 > $x) { }
801 0 0 if ($ykey1 == $ykey2) { }
827 0 0 unless ($lat =~ /^\d+(\.\d*)?$/ and $long =~ /^\d+(\.\d*)?$/ and $lat_dir =~ /^[NS]$/ and $long_dir =~ /^[WE]$/ and ($lat <= 90 and $lat >= 0) and ($long <= 180 and $long >= 0))
841 0 0 if ($lat_dir eq 'N') { }
848 0 0 if ($long_dir eq 'E') { }
880 0 0 if ($i == $ytics - 1 and $yval <= $y or $i == 0 and $yval > $y) { }
0 0 elsif ($yval <= $y) { }
906 0 0 if ($i == $xtics - 1 and $xval <= $x or $i == 0 and $xval > $x) { }
0 0 elsif ($xval <= $x) { }