Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 9 63 14.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
224 0 0 1 $ds and $e == 0
257 0 0 0 defined wantarray and &blessed($dst)
282 0 0 0 defined wantarray and &blessed($dst)
322 0 0 0 defined wantarray and &blessed($dst)
362 0 0 0 defined wantarray and &blessed($dst)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
80 0 3 $i //= 1
97 0 1 $i //= 0
106 3 0 $args //= {}
107 2 1 $args->{'Name'} // ''
112 3 0 $args->{'GeometryType'} // 'Unknown'
145 0 1 $name //= ''
153 0 0 Geo::GDAL::FFI::error_msg() // 'GDALDatasetCopyLayer failed.'
189 2 0 $options //= []
225 0 0 Geo::GDAL::FFI::error_msg() // 'Translate failed.'
244 0 0 $input //= []
274 0 0 Geo::GDAL::FFI::error_msg() // 'Warp failed.'
299 0 0 Geo::GDAL::FFI::error_msg() // 'VectorTranslate failed.'
307 0 0 $args->{'Processing'} // 'hillshade'
314 0 0 Geo::GDAL::FFI::error_msg() // 'DEMProcessing failed.'
339 0 0 Geo::GDAL::FFI::error_msg() // 'NearBlack failed.'
354 0 0 Geo::GDAL::FFI::error_msg() // 'Grid failed.'
377 0 0 Geo::GDAL::FFI::error_msg() // 'Rasterize failed.'
391 0 0 Geo::GDAL::FFI::error_msg() // 'BuildVRT failed.'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
274 0 0 0 not $result or $e != 0
314 0 0 0 not $result or $e != 0
354 0 0 0 not $result or $e != 0
391 0 0 0 not $result or $e != 0