Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 16 75.0

line true false branch
78 0 22 if (scalar @params != 3)
82 14 0 if ($etrs_x >= get_c($class, 'ETRSTM35FIN_min_x') and $etrs_x <= get_c($class, 'ETRSTM35FIN_max_x') and $etrs_y >= get_c($class, 'ETRSTM35FIN_min_y') and $etrs_y <= get_c($class, 'ETRSTM35FIN_max_y'))
95 0 22 if (scalar @params != 3)
99 14 0 if ($wgs_la >= get_c($class, 'WGS84_min_la') and $wgs_la <= get_c($class, 'WGS84_max_la') and $wgs_lo >= get_c($class, 'WGS84_min_lo') and $wgs_lo <= get_c($class, 'WGS84_max_lo'))
112 3 11 if (scalar @params != 3)
116 4 7 unless (is_defined_ETRSTM35FINxy($class, $etrs_x, $etrs_y))
151 3 11 if (scalar @params != 3)
155 4 7 unless (is_defined_WGS84lalo($class, $wgs_la, $wgs_lo))