Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 44 77.2

line true false branch
14 30 13 unless $point->isa('Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Point::ISO6709')
15 0 13 unless $point->iso6709 =~ m[\A[+-][0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?[+-][0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[+-][0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)?(?:CRS[_A-Z0-9]+)?/\z]i
22 4 9 if (my($lat_prefix, $lat, $lng_prefix, $lng, $height, $crs) = $point->iso6709 =~ m[\A([+-])([0-9]{6}(?:\.[0-9]+)?)([+-])([0-9]{7}(?:\.[0-9]+)?)([+-][0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)?(?:CRS([_A-Z0-9]+))?/\z]i)
28 4 0 unless $lat_prefix eq '-'
29 4 0 unless $lng_prefix eq '-'
32 1 3 if $height and $height != 0
36 3 6 if (my($lat_prefix, $lat, $lng_prefix, $lng, $height, $crs) = $point->iso6709 =~ m[\A([+-])([0-9]{4}(?:\.[0-9]+)?)([+-])([0-9]{5}(?:\.[0-9]+)?)([+-][0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)?(?:CRS([_A-Z0-9]+))?/\z]i)
42 0 3 unless $lat_prefix eq '-'
43 0 3 unless $lng_prefix eq '-'
50 2 1 if $height and $height != 0
54 6 0 if (my($lat_prefix, $lat, $lng_prefix, $lng, $height, $crs) = $point->iso6709 =~ m[\A([+-])([0-9]{2}(?:\.[0-9]+)?)([+-])([0-9]{3}(?:\.[0-9]+)?)([+-][0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)?(?:CRS([_A-Z0-9]+))?/\z]i)
58 5 1 unless $lat_prefix eq '-'
59 6 0 unless $lng_prefix eq '-'
62 3 3 if $height and $height != 0
75 7 0 unless $point->isa('Geo::Coordinates::Converter::Format::ISO6709')
80 4 3 if ($point->format eq 'dms')
90 7 0 if @list == $parts
91 5 2 $list[0] >= 0 ? :
97 7 0 if @list == $parts
98 4 3 $list[0] >= 0 ? :
105 1 6 if ($point->height > 0) { }
2 4 elsif ($point->height < 0) { }